
NieR: Automata Sequel Has Been Teased By Series Creator

A sequel to Square Enix and Platinum Games' action role-playing game, NieR: Automata, has been teased by series creator Yoko Taro.

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CrimsonWing69104d ago

Is Square’s ethics department gonna insert themselves into this one?

CrimsonWing69104d ago

They weren’t around “last time.”

isarai104d ago

Yoko Taro doesn't play that sh!t

104d ago
Dirty_Lemons104d ago

If it can be done right then amazing, yes please. Yoko Taro seems to change it up each time so I'm curious what a 'sequel' really means.

blackblades104d ago

Either way hope he learns and give her more outfits like Stella got.

vTuro24104d ago

On a sidenote assuming this is indeed Nier 3 then I kinda wonder if Yoko Taro will stick to his guns of creating new characters and stories each time, or if he'll continue with 2B & co due to their skyrocketing in popularity. I guess he'll probably do whatever Squeenix pays him to do lol, but I'm hoping for the former. 2B and her gang got a decent enough conclusion (especially for a Yoko game) and I feel like continuing their story would ruin it.

vTuro24104d ago

Actually, now that I think about it, a new Nier game would technically be Nier 4 since the gacha Reincarnation was declared as the sequel to Automata and is therefore Nier 3.

Dirty_Lemons104d ago

Oh man, that game was a slog. Graphics and music were excellent though, and it's nice directly strongly to Automata.

Red3f1ned103d ago (Edited 103d ago )

Tifa is a good sign. There's at least some hope, lads.
Just maybe they'll leave things alone.

Plus, like people are saying - Taro don't play that sh*t.


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