
Destiny 2 Player Claims To Have Received A Ban For Using A Mod In Another Game

A Destiny 2 player has claimed that they were issued a ban for using a mod in another game that was running in the background.

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infinite-loop108d ago (Edited 108d ago )

if player is willing to cheat in another game, whats to say they wont cheat in their game... theyre just getting rid of them before they potentially start...

Sephiroushin107d ago

modding and cheating are different things, you could get banned by just using a skin or assets to make a different game looks better and Destiny is plagued by actual cheaters which are not banned yet someone using a mod to increase visuals on a different game get banned because the anti cheat doesnt know what application was open in the background ...

GamerRN108d ago

I'm ok with him getting banned for that.... Maybe don't run cheats?!

mastershredder107d ago

Mmmmm News. This made News. THIS ABSOLUTE Cringe BS actially made an article. WTF.

Angyobangyo107d ago

It made the gaming news because it's not some random player. Maybe read the article and not just the headline, but we all know that isn't going to happen.

gigoran8107d ago

Are we meant to know who thetvCruz is? That's an honest question. I have never heard of that player.

Inverno107d ago

For those that don't wanna read, it's a mod for a single player gane that doesn't work for Destiny.


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