
Xbox Fans Petitioning for Helldivers 2 to Launch on Xbox

Push Square: "Following comments from Xbox boss Phil Spencer over how he's unsure who's helped by Helldivers 2 not launching on Microsoft consoles, Xbox fans have set up a petition directed at PlayStation to try and convince them to bring the co-op shooter to Xbox Series X|S. Close to 23,000 signatures have been garnered so far, with the petition saying it "heralds the arrival of a beloved franchise on new platforms" and 'signifies a potential turning point in the ongoing console wars'."

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solideagle102d ago

I find the news to be funny, so thought to get your reactions on it :p

DrDoomer101d ago

They should petition their parents to get them a Playstation.

Bathyj101d ago

There's your answer.

Futureshark101d ago

You sir, have just won the internet!!

DeeJayQc101d ago

A playstation..? Better get a PC.

Lightning77101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

Where do I start. Xbox fanboys had this comin.

I thought they played a variety of games yet here they are wanting another LS game. So much for variety...

On that. I thought they had such great games releasing this year what happened? They were beating their chest now they want HD2? They weren't bothered by the game now they want it bad lmao. No stick to your own games that y'all super hyped about.

Ive said it with PS and I'll say it with Xbox. Get a PS5. That's right you want this game spend money on a console to play it.

Speaking of, I thought they said they all had PC's to play everything? Did their PC just disappear and can't play the game now? Pure BS and complete liars.

Omg they already have 51k Sig lol. It won't happen, again take your own advice, advice I've said also. Buy a PS5 and stop crying.

Gotta call it like I see it. Truth hurts I know.

InUrFoxHole101d ago

Why? The hell divers community is 75% PC.

GamerRN101d ago

I have a PlayStation, still not interested in this game...

Hypertension140101d ago (Edited 101d ago )


So you don't like RPGs and Shooters?
What you're into visual novels, rhythm games? or just refuse to like anything with a Playstation brand on it?

Stop letting your console loyalty keep you from playing one of the best co op shooters in recent memory.

DigitallyAfflicted101d ago

Sony needs to put this game on the Xbox storefront as a bundle with ps5 console :D

Sonic1881101d ago

Don't they have Halo infinite 🤔

Notellin100d ago

Everyone on this website is just a Sony fanboy and you can see it all the way down this thread.

You guys talk about this boogeyman Xbox community like it's coming for you and your PlayStation.

Then we go to the comments and there are none of the people you're even talking about. Just PlayStation fans talking about console war. Nothing more nothing less.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 89d ago
Eonjay101d ago

And this is after they were ready to burn Xbox down for launching games on. PlayStation... of course I realize the internet is big enough for two sets of Xbox fans.

itsmebryan101d ago

Is this worst than the petition to bring Starfield to PS5?

They are both on PC so, there are more ways to play these games. I'm curious since all the games will be on PC, how it effect console sells next generation. None of them will have " Exclusives ".

kayoss101d ago

I dont know any pS5 owner wanting Starfield. Can you link a petition that does exist?

raWfodog101d ago

Don’t think all PS releases will be on PC on day 1 of release. Best to get a PS if you don’t want to wait.

itsmebryan101d ago (Edited 101d ago )


Now Sony is going to release games day and date on PC. So, can we say "PS5 has no games!" Because they are on PC like they have been saying for years when Xbox did it. It just show Microsoft was playing the long game and leapforded Sony like they said. Now Sony is going to have to play catch up.

Kiryu1992101d ago

Why not more gamers will get to play the game. Not saying Sony should do it right away but do it after 6-9 months with cross play

Will grow the community and the value of the IP(and generate a lot of revenue)

Keep a game exclusive only benefits the feelings of few who want to feel good about a product but gaming should be reaching out to as many as possible

-Foxtrot101d ago

This is exactly what Phil Spencer wants...for Xbox fans to look at Sony for "selfishly" keeping their games as exclusives while they open their doors.

It only took a week...

Notellin100d ago

Yeah most immature adolescents would find this funny.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 89d ago
gold_drake102d ago

quite ridiculous isnt it

what happened to "its exclusive, get over it or by the console for it".

LordoftheCritics101d ago

I don't blame them.

The game is super fun.

Won't happen but no harm asking.

darksky101d ago

There's no reason why Sony shouldn't release it on Xbox. Destiny is available on the platform and makes good money. Helldivers can be another franchise that is cash cow.

kayoss101d ago

Destiny2 was different. When Sony bought bungie, Destiny 2 was already multiplatforms. In addition, the contract stated that bungie keep destiny 2 multiplatform.

Eonjay101d ago

Just checked, the petition is now at 50k.

The thirst is so real I need to go grab something to drink hold on...

They said they will pay full price lol.

In a totally unrelated turn of events Microsoft found a publisher who can sell games that people will actually buy on Xbox.

Aloymetal101d ago

''They said they will pay full price lol.''
That's how you know they're desperate for great games and not the typical rinse and repeat crappy games from MS.

Rynxie101d ago

No, that's a lie. It's called deceivement. They want it on gamepass, for sure.

neomahi101d ago

Wouldn't that go against their Game Pass model? Start paying for games on Xbox, they'll quit using Game Pass and start charging you for games you actually want to play

-Foxtrot101d ago

Or you know


This...this is port begging

gold_drake101d ago

yeh the desperation, i can smell it ha

Profchaos101d ago

Simple Xbox is losing cause their big shiny games weren't not popular so they want PlayStation to throw them a bone

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 101d ago
italiangamer102d ago (Edited 102d ago )

Emoji time: 🤡🤡🤡

wesnytsfs101d ago

Waste of money get a PC and enjoy all the games.

FinalFantasyFanatic101d ago

That would get you almost all the games from Xbox/Playstation, Playstation does have a few exclusives left though.

lucian229101d ago

Nah i rather play ff7 rebirth day one and not wait a year or two.

Battlestar23102d ago ShowReplies(13)
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Helldivers 2 devs are aware of the issues with the current MO; fix being worked on

The latest Helldivers 2 MO is full of bugs that aren't Terminids. The devs are aware of these issues and a fix is currently being worked on.

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SeraphTeran1d ago

A fix is now being worked on as stated by Baskinator a few moments ago.


New Helldivers 2 Major Order is set to bring The Illuminate to the game

The latest Major Order has been released in Helldivers 2 and it is set to see The Illuminate finally arrive in the game.

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Magatsuhi20h ago

The illuminates have been coming since the game released and I'm already bored with the faction.


If people keep giving up on the Dark Fluid missions, then we’ll never even manage to blow up Meridia…

No irreversible destruction = No alien attention

jznrpg18h ago

It’s doable just need to use stuff we normally don’t use as much. Spawn points could be better but not impossible


The arc thrower is my go-to to keep them off the drill.

StormSnooper10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

I hope they make the illuminate a little less apple iPod and a little more Protos-like .

In the OG Helldivers, I sometimes felt like I’m shooting at Apple products.


Helldivers 2 Players Worship a Monstrous Automaton

Players are singing praises to a certain Automaton from Helldivers 2. Fans are excited over a possible return of an old enemy.