
Five Big Games Still Lingering Somewhere in Development Hell

This year promises to be a big year for gaming, and it will definitely be one of the greatest if any of these big MIA projects finally made it into gamers' hands.

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Inverno150d ago

Pretty sure Silk Song and Dragon Age are going smoothly. The other 2 can be assumed to be quietly cancelled knowing their publishers and Metroid will most likely be shown off this year.

Michiel1989149d ago

Dragon Age going smoothly??? Directors leaving, people leaving in general, terrible working conditions....not sure how you define smoothly.

VincentVanBro51d ago

lol Dragon Age development has been anything but smooth

Chocoburger150d ago

I remember in 2017 when Nintendo showed off the Metroid Prime 4 logo, and some Nintendo defenders claimed "Just because they only showed a logo, doesn't mean that's all they've worked on for the game."

As history has proven, they were wrong. Nintendo showed off a logo back in 2017 because that's literally all they had.

-Foxtrot149d ago

I think Beyond Good and Evil 2 can stay there unless they are going to just rename it to a new IP

DOMination-149d ago

Pretty sure BG&E2 is dead at this point - along with the other game Ancel was working on before he left - I think it was called WILD. Anyone remember that from a PS conference years ago?

Dreadwolf isn't in development hell anymore and is finally getting its reveal in the summer - since 2016 the game has been scrapped and restarted three times but its been going pretty well since the last reboot when EA finally allowed BioWare to just get on with making a single player game.

I'm not sure Perfect Dark is in development hell either - like it could be but we haven't really heard much to suggest either way - imo they just showed the trailer off when the game was still in pre-production. Xbox were desperate for anything and this is all they had at the time. And the reason we haven't heard anything since is just because it's in normal development and games take 5 years to make. The help from a support studio was typically overblown on N4G because nearly every game has this.

ModsDoBetter149d ago

I just need...Deep Down.
Please, it's been years!

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Hollow Knight: Silksong Has a Perfect Opportunity to Include Its Own Soulslike NPC Summons

While helpers were a relatively small part of the original Hollow Knight, Silksong could elevate them into one of its defining features.

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Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Is Officially Being Renamed, With Gameplay Reveal Set for June 11

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is officially being renamed to Dragon Age: The Veilguard ahead of its big gameplay reveal on June 11. In an exclusive interview with IGN, BioWare GM Gary McKay explained the decision while teasing new info on the story, combat, and more.


The Next Dragon Age Has a New Title

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf has been renamed to Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

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savedsynner5d ago

Honestly, it could be called unicorns and faeries for all i care, as long as it's a great game, whatever.

just_looken4d ago

Ha but i wonder if that anime they did on netflix that was suppose to tie DA3 to DA$ is still a thing with the new title and the main bad guy taking a back seat.

We will soon see what 11? years of dev time with all the members leaving some in a ambulance have come up with.

Will this me mass effect 4 all over again or anthem 2.0 hmmm

just_looken4d ago

I just remembered there was that anthem 2.0 update

I mentioned those 2 games because everyone has seem to forgotten ea gave bioware as a whole lots of time and money to make anthem but all that was exposed showing how bad leadership was and they actually did nothing for the majority of there time.

This dragon age already has a name change we know its been in dev hell and we know ea has been giving them lots of cash so lets hope its not like anthem or mass effect rushed out trash. Well me 4 was "decent" atleast

sagapo4d ago

Agreed, it’s the only one I really enjoyed.

just_looken4d ago

You do realize almost everyone involved with me1 da1 is gone right?

Just put your gingers crossed it will not have live service garbage and or mt's

Heck so for 0 news of dragon age keep support

Michiel19895d ago

Dreadwolf sounds way better, also if you wanna go with this title remove "the"

Skuletor5d ago

Yeah, Dreadwolf definitely sounds better and removing "the" would be an improvement on this downgrade, lol.

Michiel19895d ago

titles aside, I just hope it's gonna be good. Don't have much faith though
If this flops I'm afraid for the future of bioware.

just_looken4d ago

Lets hope it was not changed because of a commite because Dreadwolf was too scary

Also why pink? oh boy

robtion4d ago

Dreadwolf sounds cool but it sounds like Warhammer 40K Sci-fi. Veilguard sounds more fantasy. I think it's better. Maybe it will grow on you.

victorMaje5d ago

It’s been too long. Need a release date.

Sgt_Slaughter5d ago

15 minute gameplay trailer on June 11th, so a release date can't be far behind or it'll be at the end. Probably going with a 2025 Q1 or Q2 release.

robtion4d ago

Definitely. Inquisition came out around the same time as The Witcher 3 from memory. Very excited for the new game. Just hoping it's not infected with the modern gaming issues (GaaS, SJW, etc).

Sgt_Slaughter5d ago

This game has been in development for six years dating back to 2018, and already got cancelled once before that. The budget on this thing must be huge to have been going on that long. There's no way this lives up to any expectations given the timeframe and how far BioWare fell off after Mass Effect 3.

just_looken4d ago

You and everyone has seem to forgot the anthem debacle that also included this studio also its way more than 6 years because they were making dlc for da3 that tied into this game but then that got tied into a anime.

Just remember they had a huge budget ea gave them alot of time for anthem they did nothing for years then at that e3 reveal trailer the team was like what is that game? then oh ours??? followed by 1-2 year's of rushed dev work.

They changed anthems name so soon they had those old tshirts this game already did that step lets hope its not we worked on this version for 2 year here is your anthem 2.0 as in all the issues that game had.

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