
The Finals players need to stop treating matches like Call of Duty

Call of Duty is the bread and butter FPS series for many on PS5 and Xbox, but The Finals is a different beast. Stop playing it like MW3.

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ModsDoBetter159d ago

Imagine trying to dictate to people how they should play games. Let people do their thing and stop your yapping.

recoctimocassirnff158d ago

He's recommending to players to stop being idiot casual cod players. Nothing wrong with that.

The Finals is a team oriented game, so if you can't play as a team player, go play something else.

ModsDoBetter158d ago (Edited 158d ago )

"go play something else"

My point stands & thanks for proving it further with your braindead comment.

It's a game & if people don't like playing with randoms then I recommend they stop being dicks and they might just make some friends to play with.

Rocketisleague157d ago

Most people on this site don't like multi players or shooters. Likely they just suck at them. I don't really have time to organise gaming sessions with friends anymore as I have a kid. I play a few shooters solo, cod, hell let loose, finals, fortnite at the moment. The finals and he'll let loose enjoyment is entirely based on squad play so its a shame.

In hell let loose you'll be a squad leader and no one will pick anti tank class when you need them too. They just want kills which means nothing in hell let loose. Finals is nearly as bad, you don't need to be a dog and run at the objective the entire game, plan out the attack!

No Brian no game. Most games are like this these days. Rocket league is another I go to frequently and entirely depends on ream play. You can tell who is below champ and who isn't based on their plsystyle alone. Although rocket league is a learning process so it's more forgivable

gerbintosh153d ago

Based on his tone the author is not recommending but directing or demanding. A recommendation word is like "should" not "need" or " stop"

recoctimocassirnff158d ago

The only one making braindead comments is you. I didn't prove your point, but you did prove mine.

I'll say it again. No one is going to physically stop you from playing certain games, but if you're going to continue to be a dick, if you're going to continue to be immature and selfish in your playstyle, if you're going to continue to be an idiot casual that doesn't cooperate with your team in a TEAM ORIENTED GAME, then I, and a lot of other people, are going to continue to call you out on your bs.

If you don't like that, play better or play a single player game. Simple.

ModsDoBetter158d ago (Edited 158d ago )

Quit yappin'

"Waaahhhh they aren't playing the game the way I want them to play, wahhhh" is all I'm seeing.

Point stands, don't be a dick, make friends and then you can have a premade. It's literally teams of 3, if you don't have 2 people to run it with, maybe you're the problem?

il-JumperMT158d ago

the finals is an objective based team oriented game. its irrelevant if you have 80+ kills in a match if you dont cash out!

recoctimocassirnff157d ago

"Quit yappin'"

If you can't handle differing opinions, maybe the internet isn't for you.

""Waaahhhh they aren't playing the game the way..."

All I'm hearing from you is "waaaAAaaaaahhhhh someone's telling me something I disagree with waaaahhhh!" It's a very stupid, circular argument and I'm just going to use it back on if you do it again. So save us both some time and focus on my actual arguments instead of using ad homs.

I'm going to try to say this really really slowly so you might comprehend it.
If you're going to play a team oriented game..... cooperate...with...your...team .

You know what you call not cooperating with your team in a game designed around team objectives? It's called being a dick. So take your own advice and stop being one.

recoctimocassirnff156d ago

"Pot meet kettle, kid."

You actually have to form a coherent argument, countering my points that I can't immediately and easily debunk, for that to carry any weight, kid.

The irony of you calling me a kid...

ModsDoBetter156d ago (Edited 156d ago )

I don't have to do anything.

I made points such as:

It's teams of 3 so you don't need many people.
Stop being a dick and make friends.
Use pre made teams.

But you just kept repeating yourself and tried to use deflection with some beautifully dumb assumptions, that I dont play as a team, in order to fuel your entitlement that people should only play games the way YOU want.

If you weren't such an insufferable cunt, you'd find people to play with. Like I said, it's two people, truly telling that you can't find two people to play a game with. I'm going to say this really slowly so your little brain can comprehend it, take...a...long...hard...look. ..in...the...mirror.

Pointless trying to get through that thick skull of yours, kid. You're the problem. Have a great day. Xoxo

recoctimocassirnff155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

"I don't have to do anything."

True. You could just keep sitting in the corner and crying like you are.

"It's teams of 3 so you don't need many people.
Stop being a dick and make friends.
Use pre made teams."

I literally agree with everything you just said. I wonder how long that will last?

"But you just kept repeating yourself and tried to use deflection with some beautifully dumb assumptions, that I dont play as a team, in order to fuel your entitlement that people should only play games the way YOU want."

...Aaaaand we're back to you being an immature kid. That didn't last long, did it? I keep repeating myself because you can't comprehend the simple points I'm making. I don't believe people should only play the way I want. Read back up to find out why.

"If you weren't such an insufferable cunt, you'd find people to play with."

Bravo for making a beautiful dumb assumption in the same paragraph you claim I made an assumption. Truly spectacular *slow golf clap*... and you say I have a thick skull... Here's the thing, kid, this might be hard for you to understand because you reading comprehension so far has been zero, but the universe DOES NOT revolve around me. My friends aren't always available when I want to play and because I'm not a dick I don't demand they be available when I want.

And you know what else? Almost all pick up groups I play with cooperate as a team. They have their own load outs, their own techniques, their own play styles, their own strategies, but they all still manage to cooperate as a team and have fun. And not once did I tell anyone they're using their poison mine wrong, or tell them they're a noob for not spotting that guy in the corner... Funny that, huh?

The only person I have a problem with right now is you, so I suggest taking your own advice and giving yourself a long hard look in the mirror. Good day, sir.

ModsDoBetter155d ago

I read thr first part and that was enough braindead chat for me today. I believe you have some major memory and comprehension issues that you might want to get checked out because the only person crying here is, in fact, you. Dictating how people play.

You're just a bit of a cunt mate, top and bottom line. 🤷‍♂️

recoctimocassirnff154d ago

"yOuR sTuPiD, yOUr sO stUPiD"

No argument, just more ad homs. And more irony calling me stupid when your stupidity is on full display.

I literally said people can play how they want in my previous reply... but try calling me stupid again, and I'm sure this time you won't look like a complete idiot with your fingers in your ears.

I may be a c***, but at least I'm not a complete moron.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 153d ago
monkey602159d ago

To be honest I mostly play solo queue and for the vest majority of the time my 2 random team mates are good team players. I've not had much issue with lone wolves in The Finals at all


Me too I usually just run with my team that way at least two of us are together since I know it's team based. It's a free game I just play if I win great if I lose oh well.

X-23158d ago

This just sounds like someone has had one too many bad games that didn't go their way. Outside from newer players trying to figure out what to do and how to move in the game I haven't really run into this problem.
And even if I had, who cares? It's a F2P game with fun destructive environments like a lot of people wished Battlefield had, trying to control what someone else does to minimize their fun so that you can have more is a lame, so long as they're not cheating or disrupting the flow of the game then whatever.

Rynxie158d ago (Edited 158d ago )

Cod players have always played fps games stupidly. That's why they always get their butts kick in other fps games. It's the main reason many cod players cheat in cod, they simply don't know how to play an fps game. Hell, they don't even know how to play an fps game that literally, makes it very easy to get kills. Revenge spawns, a huge catalog of weapons that do 1 hint kills. It's funny how many times, I have to shoot someone in the head to get a head shot, but someone can shoot me in the butt and get a 1 hit kill. Cod players also love running straight towards you to try and get a melee kill. It games like socom and mag I would go 50 Melee kills to like 6 deaths, but I would have to sneak up on players. In cod (mainly due to cheating) players just run towards you in a straight line and somehow, survive getting shot and melee kill you.

The cheating in cod is so out of hand, but if you pay attention to how cod players play, it's understandable why so many need to cheat. They simply suck at playing fps games.

Want to spot a cod player? They jump around like morons. In other fps games, jumping doesn't really do anything for you (maybe to get away from an explosion). I loved killing cod players who would jump around "thinking they can dodge bullets" and I would just gun them down. In cod (again mostly do to cheating) cod players love jumping around and being able to jump and turn midair and gun multiple people down in less than a second. They also shoot rpgs like if it was a pistal. They don't bother aiming and most of the time in other fps games, they end up blowing themselves up. It was funny seeing cod players kill themselves in socom, MAG and killzone with their own rpg.

It's the reason why cod players hated other fps games, and would always try and turn them into cod. I remember reading forum posts for resistance, socom, killzone, MAG for example and cod players demanding the gameplay be changed to cod.

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Do you guys post about anything else?


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