
MW3 actor blasts this certified PS5 legend amid The Game Awards jab

Captain Price hears the Call of Duty, as a comical jab about MW3 at The Game Awards prompts actor Barry Sloane responds to the comments.

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InUrFoxHole184d ago

I didn't have an issue with the campaigns length. I like searching for weapons crates.

183d ago Replies(4)
Jin_Sakai183d ago (Edited 183d ago )

Funny seeing these guys have a meltdown over Chris Judge comment. Props to him for telling it how it is!

Deeeeznuuuts183d ago

I hate that people still don't understand sarcasm 😂

Battlestar23184d ago

Hope Christopher Judge gets blacklisted from future Game Awards and is forced to apology on a live video with the MW3 devs for is unwarranted attack on them who are also the most professional and talented dev team in gaming.

Snookies12183d ago

"who are also the most professional and talented dev team in gaming."

This is... This is sarcasm, right?

SavageFlamingo183d ago (Edited 183d ago )

Has to be satire. No way he was serious..

Edit: Nope

Plague-Doctor27183d ago

You should go outside. If its been awhile do it in babysteps. Maybe start off with a time slightly longer than the MW3 campaign

Hofstaderman183d ago

He sould play the MW3 campaign first to destress for a bit. It should take him 15 minutes to complete it in any case...

Shane Kim183d ago

I hope so too. In fact I hope captain Price holds him at gunpoint and force him to apologize.

BehindTheRows182d ago

With all these disagrees, clearly N4G users can't take/don't get jokes either!

Well played, Shane!

tay8701183d ago

Lmao cry some more. It was a joke, kind of like MW3 campaign mode.

InUrFoxHole182d ago

The campaign was good imo, so was the jk. Thought it was funny not an insult

Rainbowcookie183d ago

For giving his opinion? If this is not satire ?...your subtle troll way short...almost like the New COD campaign. Devs need to own upto fan opinion..you know the guys who buy their games.

shinoff2183183d ago

Yea ok. So professional they responded back right. That's a joke lol

Elda182d ago

April Fools is not until April.

dumahim182d ago

"I'm sorry COD fans are so thin skinned and easily offended."

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 182d ago
Iceball2000183d ago

Man, people are to soft nowadays… they make a war game with death, guns and bombs, but they can’t take a simple joke.

Rainbowcookie183d ago

They do have short tempers...😅

Umb183d ago

I wonder if they also have vitamin deficiency hair colour???

Azfargh182d ago

Ironically, their tempers are short as their MW3 campaign.

Einhander1972183d ago

These CoD people are so petty, they're going to fit right in at Microsoft.

Rocketisleague183d ago

Activision where always worse than Microsoft, if fact there wasn't much in the industry worse than them. EA never even fell that far despite turning every studio and franchise they aquired into shit

ocelot07183d ago

I I'm someone who have enjoyed the last few cod campaigns. Expecsially cold war. Mw3 campaign is very short. I wish I had waited paying £58 for the game tbh.

It was just a harmless joke that got the room laughing. Instead of getting so defensive about it. Maybe take a look at reviews and player feedback and see a lot of people think this? Instead of releasing a £70 dlc next year. How about cracking on and making a decent campaign like use have been in the last 4-5 years.

Or better yet. Maybe take next year off? Take a extra year to work on what ever you are working in for 2024 and make it even better.

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