
XDefiant Ranked Mode Starts in Season 1 Confirmed, More Playtests Planned

The XDefiant Ranked mode will be available in Season 1 confirms the game' Executive Producer, as well as more playtests are on the way.

Plague-Doctor27205d ago

Feels like this game missed its window with the delay. All the hype from the Summer is gone and it'll be drowned out by CoD and probably The Finals

SlothLordPootus205d ago

I think they still have a shot, they just need to nail the launch at the right time. Although I'm hyped for the finals, i have a feeling it'll be a bit lacking content wise early on. Theyre also very different games. COD is usually winding down my spring, so that'd be a good time to launch. I do agree a bit of the fire and excitement is gone.

BillyCrystals205d ago

"Missed it's window". Look at this marketing genius...

Better to delay and polish the game then release a dud to take advantage of some made up "window". A good game will generate it's own hype. There are many out there thirsting for a CoD clone that does away with SBMM, including myself. I think even if the game is a solid 7/10, as long as there's no SBMM, many people will happily abandon CoD for it.

ModsDoBetter205d ago

Don't think this will have the staying power initially thought.

Announced way too early, too many platests and not enough communication. Hype had died down significantly and we have other competitors showing promise such as The Finals.

MP focused shooters are such an oversaturdated genre that really need you to hit the ground running to capture an audience and be successful.


XDefiant players say the devs mindset will kill the game

XDefiant doesn't utilize SBMM and it has divided the community since launch, and some players think the devs reasoning could ruin the game.

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BlackDoomAx10h ago

Bad netcode/desync/hitreg will.


XDefiant Search and Destroy mode could be an Intel Suit and Spider Bot-infested nightmare

An initial ability cooldown period could be the solution for XDefiant's upcoming Search and Destroy mode.

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