
Super Mario Wonder continues its No.1 reign | UK Boxed Charts

Super Mario Wonder remained at the top of the UK boxed charts for a third week, keeping EA Sports FC 24 at No.2.

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Obscure_Observer207d ago

"The football title rose one spot as Spider-Man 2 fell to No.3 after a 40% decline in sales week-on-week, according to GfK data."

Looks like Spider-Man 2 isn´t doing so great in sales as some people were expecting.

Eonjay207d ago

As ever, these charts only cover physical sales, so the true UK sales figures for each game – with digital sales taken into account – aren’t known. Spiderman is selling just fine.

Obscure_Observer207d ago

"As ever, these charts only cover physical sales"

Well that´s the case for all games in that list. Spider-Man 2 is not an exception.

andy85207d ago

It isn't though. Switch games generally do much better physically.

207d ago Replies(2)
JEECE207d ago

Better start preparing whatever trench you are going to fall back to when we get sales numbers announced. "It isn't selling as fast as Elden Ring" sounds like a good spot for you, why don't you think about using that?

CombatEmu207d ago

I find Spider-Man 2 a step down from the first game, but even then, it's not doing badly. It dropped by 69% last week followed by a 40% drop this week. Those are actually good numbers. Usually we see around a 80% drop after the first week.

Neonridr206d ago

what's Mario's drop off week on week just out of curiosity?

Snookies12207d ago

Pretty sure Spider-Man 2 is doing just fine, my guy lol.

Einhander1972207d ago

Are you seriously saying that Spider-Man which is still in the top three almost a month later going against one of the longest running most popular video game franchises on a console that has sold nearly 3x as many units is doing bad...

So you wanna talk about Forza? A game that didn't even make the top 20 in a slow launch week, then by it's second week had dropped to 83'rd place?

Obscure_Observer207d ago

Two weeks now equals to "almost a month later". Gtfo with your fabricated bs and damage control!

No one said the game is doing *bad*. Just not amazing like the original Spider-Man which remained in the top for 3 weeks in comparison Spider-Man 2 which got outsold by Mario Wonder in the first week and now in its second week been outsold by EA´s soccer game.


Fortune tellers on N4G were predicting Spider-Man 2 to destroy everything during the whole holiday season, but actual data shows a whole different picture, so based on UK charts alone, Spider-Man 2 wouldn´t be able to replicate the success of the original Spider-Man by Insomniac and there´s nothing you can do about it.

It is what it is.

Einhander1972207d ago

So you wanna talk about how hard Forza flopped?

Or how BG 3 is still in the top 5 on Steam while Starfield was in the 70's last I checked?

Hofstaderman207d ago

Where is Starfield? Maybe you should reflect on what you going to post.

ocelot07207d ago

Don't worry he will go and spend the next 7 hours looking for a link confirming starfield sold 6 copies somewhere in the world and remained in the top 20 best sellers.

Ra3030207d ago

What's hilarious is that Microsoft execs along with Phil and the Chomo Aaron refused BG3 a Xbox release date as they wanted Starfield and Forza Motorsport Remastered to have no competition for sales. They still won't allow BG3 to release......pathetic!

outsider1624207d ago

Lol...Spiderman will do just fine..stop worrying.
Speaking of which...you got Starfield's sales yet?

shinoff2183207d ago

Dude your tripping. Obscure coming through with the craziness on queue

Unknown_Gamer5794207d ago

Being in the top three week-after-week is poor sales? By that logic the vast majority of devs should quit while they’re ahead.

Rimeskeem207d ago

It sold 2.5 million copies in 24 hours.

Barlos207d ago

Bet it would be doing just fine if it were on Xbox though eh? You'd be all over it then.

Ah I forgot, we don't talk about sales on Xbox do we? We only discuss number of players and hours played.

Neonridr206d ago

we were told this is normal, yet here's Mario proving that the drop off isn't necessarily automatic.

ChiefofLoliPolice206d ago

Sometime you really just need to be quiet. No one can be this clueless.

Obscure_Observer204d ago


Great numbers! Still, not really impressive when compared to the original Spider-Man. Which sold 3.3 Million copies in the first week.

That said, it´s gonna be interesting to see if SM2 will beat that 33 Million record from the first game.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 204d ago
gold_drake207d ago

not to undermine the success Mario, but switch games tend to do better with their physical copies.

Vits207d ago

We don't have any data for Nintendo Digital games and keep in mind that this info is focused on the UK, where the latest ERA report hints at a pretty hefty digital game preference – six times more digital sales compared to physical ones (excluding mobile games).

MrNinosan207d ago

Six times more digital sales compared to physical ones, doesn't apply for Nintnedo games however, which still sell way more physical than digital, even in UK.

Vits207d ago (Edited 207d ago )


Alright and can you provide a source for that statement? Cause the ERA report does not discriminate against Nintendo games. So if you have something that goes contrary to it, sharing would be the way to go.

MrNinosan207d ago

It's common sense, but the latest info, from last year, is that Nintendo only once have sold more Digitally than Physical, and that was first quarter of Covid.
After that it went back to around 40% digital, then including Fortnite V-Bux etc

The bigger games, like Mario and Zelda is even more on the physical side than digital.

However, there is no data for 2023 (yet).

The ERA report also includes seasonpass, mmorpg monthly cost, digital packs in FIFA etc, which all is WAY bigger on Playstation and Xbox.

Here's a link for ya.

Vits206d ago


Common sense works for a lot of things in life, it does not however apply to sales data. For example, if we take the idea that Nintendo games sell more physical copies and apply it to certain regional markets, like most of South America. We would hit a wall, as Nintendo only officially sells digital versions in that region. So that idea of common sense sort of lacks the common sense that it cannot be universally applied.

Now going over the data you provided. It's not an apples-to-apples comparison to the ERA report in the sense that it's global sales instead of regional and as shown before, that can make a huge difference. But if we assume that the UK operates on the same spread as the "global market" then what we are seeing in the last quarter is indeed an inversion of the tendency, showing that 1 every 5 Nintendo games sold are in the digital format.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 206d ago
Games1st207d ago

Good to see it beat ea rehash.

207d ago
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Boycott EA trends on X as community savages FC 24

EA has come under fire for making unexpected changes to its FC 24 Team of the Season unlocks.

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anast18d ago

It's like boycotting 'your' local crack dealer. I'm sure it will change everything...

JackBNimble17d ago

Well if people don't buy their shit then they ain't gonna be a crack dealer for long aren't they.

anast17d ago

This is like telling a junkie to stop being a junkie.

Xzila1118d ago

they manipulated the pack weight and admitting it on twitter

Kaozz197918d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Stop buying the fucking game! It is no secret that the game is based around opening packs that need to be bought with real money if you want to be competitive. Yes I know, you have the chance to get the cards without investing real money, but that is a real grind and you still may never get the cards you want. This is not new and it will not change if people keep buying the game/packs.

TheColbertinator18d ago

Stop buying the game. EA won't make any more improvements and will charge full price again for new roster updates and UT.

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PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for May: EA Sports FC 24, Ghostrunner 2, Tunic, Destiny 2: Lightfall

All playable May 7.

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i surprised to see Fifa 24 here for free for PlayStation plus am sure people are still buying the game with how big the Fifa games are.

VersusDMC30d ago

Especially with the Euro cup coming up in june and it still selling as it was the 2nd best selling game for March in the UK. Big soccer competitions usually get me to play some FIFA(or FC now).

30d ago
outsider162430d ago

God damnit! I had just bought eafc24 on sale last month..

Cacabunga30d ago

they already gave FIFA23 last year, no surprise.
i do not have 24, I am still playing 23 I like the World Cup mode.
Ghostrunner 2 looks good, reminds me somehow of Mirror Edge.

CantThinkOfAUsername30d ago

It works for EA since it drives more people to try the game and get trapped in the casin... Ultimate Team cards.

Christopher30d ago

It came out over 6 months ago and most of its income now is MTX. Not surprising IMHO.

Abear2129d ago

Exactly! Nobody is buying it so they give it away and get a little boost of mtx, this is what these glorified rental services gets you

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 29d ago
Crows9030d ago

Tunic and ghost runner are damn good. Solid month.

monkey60230d ago

Yeah I'm happy with those 2. I didnt play Tunic when I had gamepass so ill be glad to finally give it a go.
I'm also amazed they still find ways to give Destiny 2 away. But at least its an added game and not one of the main titles

Tacoboto30d ago

Tunic was such an incredible experience, I'd instantly recommend it to anyone wanting a more old-school figure-it-out type of game.

The music alone is very peaceful and calming and balances well against the more strict combat

monkey60230d ago

I remember loving the demo for it but just hadn't got around to getting the full game yet.

shinoff218330d ago

I thought tunic was pretty cool. Didn't care much for Ghostrunner

Einhander197230d ago

Four games including one of the best selling and most popular sports games and you get to keep them as long as you have a subscription to the basic tier. This is an extremely high value month

What does games with gold give this month? I'm sure if anything at all, it's just a bunch of stuff that has already been on game pass for years.

Tacoboto30d ago

Your troll attempt is six months late to the party.

Einhander197230d ago

Oh pardon me, they changed the name to game pass core so Phil could talk up some inflated numbers even after they said they weren't going to share numbers anymore.

Tacoboto30d ago

Why is this relevant in an article about PS Plus anyway?

You're spamming for the sake of spamming with a troll post over something Microsoft did away with half a year ago.

30d ago
northpaws30d ago

This line up and I still see people complain about it at the blog.playstation.com... gamers these days...

I don't play all of them, but an amazing month!!

MWeaver58930d ago

I have everything I want, but I am still overjoyed to see Tunic make the list. It's such a charming love letter to games of the past, and something anyone who enjoyed gaming in the '90s should absolutely check out. I mean, it even allows you to create an in-game manual that is reminiscent of those you'd read on the ride home.

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Square Enix Switch sale: lowest prices ever for Dragon Quest Monsters, Star Ocean, more

A new Square Enix March 2024 Switch eShop sale is up and running with the lowest prices ever for Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince, Paranormasight, Star Ocean: The Second Story R, and more.

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