
PC Games That Are Better With A Controller

Here are some great PC games that are even better with a controller. In fact, one can say that they're meant to be played with a controller.

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shinoff2183276d ago

That's why I don't mess with PC gaming for the most part. When I game I'm relaxing. Hard to do that with a keyboard and mouse. That's just my thought on it.

I'm still hoping bethesada adds real controller support to the og fallout or re release them on xbox like what was done with wasteland 1

276d ago Replies(1)
Shiore2u274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

What exactly is so hard about using a keyboard and mouse compared to a controller when subjectively relaxing? Do you game upside down on a crossbar?

Daeloki274d ago

At least in my opinion, with a controller I can lay back comfortably in my couch however I want. Keyboard + mouse would require a table and chair, and requires investing in ergonomics not to completely mess up my back (not saying the couch is good for my back either but achieving comfortability is easier). Again, emphasizing that I'm speaking out of opinion, and I agree with you that concepts of relaxing and which is better are both very subjective matters. All in all I don't think it's a particularly good article since it really boils down to personal preference.

ApocalypseShadow275d ago

Next up:

Article on "Controllers that are best played with a game."/S

HellspawnPR1981275d ago

Anything that is not a shooter or doesn't have a crosshair.

Minute Man 721268d ago (Edited 268d ago )

My old ass Xbox 360 Rock Candy controller still works fine today "For the Players"


God of War Needs to Redefine Kratos' Purpose Clearly and Quickly

Whatever form the next God of War game takes, it needs to be clear about what role Kratos is playing, lest the franchise lose direction.

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Nacho_Z3d ago

I'm pretty sure it'd be a major mistake having Atreus as the main character in the next GoW. Seems to me like at best people tolerate him and his gameplay sections.

Ideally the story for the next game would be that Atreus has gone missing in Egypt, Kratos gets mad about it, picks up Mimir and goes on a god killing rampage.

Mad_Matt3d ago

If that is an option for the dev team then they need to make it a clean slate. No Atreus, No Mimir. That's what happened when he changed pantheons before. Lets Kratos be in that world. But it will be a difficult task to complete. Kratos and his past demons are getting a bit redundant as far as story telling goes.

Nacho_Z3d ago

Yeah there's not a lot of meat left on the bone story wise. Personally I'd happily accept any goofy reason they could come up with for why Kratos is in Egypt chopping off heads. I'm personally not that bothered about the finer points of the storytelling, although they do it well.

The_Hooligan2d ago

I would still like to have Mimir in the next game. They (devs) can justify it by saying that Mimir wants to gain knowledge about other realms/pantheons. Also, personally I think Alastair Duncan did a great job as Mimir and would love to see the continuation of the small banters Kratos and Mimir had in the past games.

goldwyncq2d ago

The point of Ragnarok's ending is to show that Atreus is his own man now. Having Daddy Kratos save him in Egypt after getting himself into trouble would just undo his entire character development.

Nacho_Z2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

The point was more to do with getting Atreus out of the way rather than him being saved. Let's say he's off on his own adventures then and invent another reason for Kratos to be in Egypt.

Could be that Kratos thinks he's been captured or killed as motivation but at the close of the game it turns out Atreus has been up to his own shady shenanigans.

Lionsguard3d ago

They need to bring back the "God of War" in God of War. I was expecting to unleash hell and fury in Asgard against Thor that they really talked up in the first game but all we got was brooding middle aged dad drunk in a beer hall. Ragnarok was still "good" but I left that game expecting a lot more.

InUrFoxHole3d ago

Tried Rag... just couldn't get into it. Felt like more of the same. I would welcome a Kratos only game again.


Kai Cenat Is Taking on the Entire Souls Franchise

ESTNN writes: "His past game marathons came with redesigned streaming rooms, costumes, cameos and other hyped additions. But the longest one of them all proved to be with FROMSOFTWARE's magnum opus: Elden Ring."

Inverno7d ago

I hate to be that guy but, who cares?


Elden Ring Killed Gaming For Me & It's About To Do It Again

Saad from eXputer: "Utilizing its myriad strengths and masterful design, Elden Ring ruined gaming for me in a way I'll always be thankful for."

GhostScholar25d ago

It sounds like you’re just an eldenring fan and not so much a fan of games by and large. Which theres nothing wrong with.

RoadRacer24d ago

The author's profile appears to state otherwise. I believe they just got a massive shock with Elden Ring, something that stuck around. To each their own I guess

Crows9024d ago

Elden ring ruined from software for me....maybe.

I hope their next game isn't open world too...

ravens5224d ago

I have yet to beat Elden Ring. Not cause it's too hard , I've beaten Sekiro, Bloodborne, Demon Souls etc. Also I could just make my character op but I prefer to play under leveled. It's too big. I beat Radaghan or the moon lady last then got lost, lost for years lol. I'm going to beat it tho. Haven't played it in a while

Crows9024d ago

I platinumed the game but hated the open world aspect...started great but then after a bit you notice all the repeated dungeons and bosses...it got massively tedious and much preferred late game areas in a typical souls game than the open world repetition.

GhostScholar24d ago

The ole “I’m so good at hard games I had to play under leveled to get challenged and if I worked that hard in real life I wouldn’t be working at Walmart”

ravens5223d ago

? Don't work at Walmart or any type of retail...lol. But w.e. Makes you feel better about ya sad life 🤷🏽 lol. You probably just suck at games lmao.

24d ago
Aussiesummer24d ago

I loved it but yeah it is just overwhelmingly massive and confusing, I don’t think I’ll ever finish it.