
PlayStation Portal solves a problem that doesn't exist

GF365: "Instead of being a portable PlayStation, Portal is a Remote Play device. In short, PlayStation Portal solves a problem that doesn't exist."

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philm87292d ago

Doesn't really explain what this problem that doesn't exist is. Does it mean that there are already plenty of options for remote play? I get a pretty much flawless performance using my phone and Razer Kishi. It would be nice having a separate device for it with a bigger screen, but not £200 nice without Bluetooth.

DogJosha292d ago

So is it just the PC version that doesn't work well? It can lag like crazy while being 2 feet away because it forces it to go through the internet rather than a local connection.

philm87292d ago

Never used the PC version. I use an unofficial app on my phone because the official one doesn't work with a Razer Kishi. Took a bit of messing around with settings to get it working properly over WiFi, but lovely now it does. Main thing for me was making sure my phone was connecting to the 5ghz WiFi signal, and all the other devices connect to the 2.4ghz signal.

CrimsonWing69292d ago

I will say this. I’ve done Remote Play for the jump rope script for FF9 and if your console isn’t hard wired via Ethernet the service drops almost immediately for me. And this is in the same room the router is in…

Wired I have no issues. There is a slight lag and I know this because I see actions on the TV and display at the same time, but it’s only jarring if you look at 2 screens… you get sort of used to it just playing on the PC. I also have my controller connected via USB, so there might be a difference if wireless.

I mean, hey, it works decent for what it is, but in no way is it a way I’d want to play if I have the option to just play on console. Like I said, I only did this for a damn trophy and once I got it, I jumped off immediately.

DogJosha291d ago

I actually tried it wired in on a network that was high speed/ low latency and it still worked like crap and I wasn't able to get the trophy for jump rope. Gotta be near a Sony server I guess.

philm87291d ago

@DogJosha Sony server location won't make a difference for remote play. There's so many different issues going on with different connections, how well the router handles traffic etc. Unless you know what the issue is it's a case of trying loads of things to get it to work right.
I'm sure I'll get a few more downvotes for saying this, but it is possible to get a great experience with very low latency. Standard router tech will improve down the line and handle all this stuff automatically hopefully. I know people who use a backbone and have had a great experience without having to mess around with any settings.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 291d ago
jznrpg292d ago (Edited 292d ago )

For the price it’s just an inexpensive option for handheld play. I’m getting it for sure as my wife makes me come to bed with her when she goes to sleep but I can play in bed. Also when my wife and kids are using my TVs I can still play if I want. It’s not going to take over TV play but it will be nice to have. I don’t want to use my phone or any other device.

I’d prefer it to be a dedicated device with remote play option like the Vita but that would add 200$ to it at least.

victorMaje292d ago

Agreed, I think that’s exactly the market for it.
In any home where the TV is already being used by someone, you’ll now have the option to still play your PS5 games.

Only concern will be the battery & strength of the wifi, & I’m not really fond of not being able to connect your own bluetooth devices (i.e. wireless earphones).

All in all I think it’s smart, catering to growing gaming households.

philm87292d ago

I can't see the battery being too much of a problem because the power consumption shouldn't be too high as it's just streaming rather than processing (plus haptics).

Nurket292d ago

4 kids/no lifers/butthurt ppl dont understand what you are saying, hence the dislikes. But yeah, this is gonna sell alot, alot more than VR. Its us, the grown ups, that got the money for it. Makes no sense that Sony would try to sell a 4-600 dollar handheld with all the options people cry after…So many no factors.. it would damage their ps5 sales fx.

Grilla291d ago

Another psp is never going to happen. It’s the same reason why Nintendo went to one platform. Splitting game development to two platforms isn’t feasible anymore.

Angyobangyo291d ago

You sure sound like an adult by the way you write. You're kidding yourself if you think this thing is going to sell a lot. It is a half baked device. Sony couldn't even bother to add Bluetooth connectivity to the device because they want to sell you their proprietary earphones/headphones. I don't blame them, ponies are suckers. The fact that it has to stream from a ps5 and not include cloud streaming is a laughable.

BlackOni291d ago

Can't you just remote play to your phone and use a controller with it?

NotoriousWhiz291d ago

Good luck reading anything on a tiny phone screen if you're playing a game with text.

Guitardr85291d ago


My Fold 4 and attached GameSir controller say hi lol.

291d ago
Outside_ofthe_Box291d ago

I like how you two above mentioned $2000 phones lol

At that price it better be able to say hi 😂

Guitardr85290d ago (Edited 290d ago )


...ORRRRRRR you could be a savy consumer and take my phone's MSRP of $1900...subtract the $1000 trade in I received because I paid attention to the deals...subtract another $400 because of customer loyalty perks...and then subtract another $200 from accumated cellar provider credits.

Suddenly that $1900 phone isn't so much different from the Playststion portal AND it has a much.l bigger screen AND its Android so I can also (allegedly!!!!) use it as.a portable SNES, Genesis, PSX, PS2, N64, 3DS, Wii, GameCube, etc)...

Now I wait for the down votes because what I did makes sense and had some forethought to it haha....

Still haven't figured out how to get my phone to say hi... 😞

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 290d ago
darthv72291d ago (Edited 291d ago )

I'll pick one up too. Im finding it harder and harder to get up the enthusiasm to go into my game room and sit and play. Im more used to kicking back on the couch with my steam deck or switch. Having this to play some PS games seems right up my alley. I still like to pick up the PSP and PS Vita and DS/3DS as well so this will make enjoying more modern games in a casual manner that much better.

Plus i have my game room on its own private network so I wont have to use my main wifi. I wish it supported wifi direct like psp and vita did for PS3/4. Maybe it does... just have to wait and see.

neutralgamer1992291d ago

There is a market for it. May not be for everyone but there will be a good size market for it

BlackOni290d ago

Sure there's a market for it, there's a market for nearly anything. My point is mostly, that we all have a phone and/or computer (hopefully a computer as well) and I've run remote play on a laptop and it's worked surprisingly well. I've even live streamed to platforms while remote playing, which was bandwidth intensive, but manageable.

We have ways of doing this now. There will still be things that are hard to read even on a screen as comfy as this one, unless you're specifically on a LARGE screen (switch for example has the problem of small text, but that's unavoidable unless you're dealing with a huge screen.)

I'm happy that people are excited about gaming in general, I just dunno if this is the product to be hype for. If this could output to another screen, or stream steam games or run xcloud as well, it would make for a much more compelling product, even if it couldn't run games natively from it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 290d ago
randomvoice292d ago (Edited 292d ago )

Written by someone who doesn't have kids or a big family. I'm gonna get this just because wife likes to watch TV but have me sit around. I can play this on the side. I know I can do it on a phone or a tablet but there are so many things to setup, connect a controller, ensure your phone battery doesn't drain out etc. which makes me want a dedicated device.

200$ isn't that big a deal in my opinion

Stanjara292d ago

Is that called quality time with your family?

anast291d ago

We got ourselves the next Dr. Phil. Nice job...

DivineHand125292d ago

I fear if I get something like this it will just sit and gather dust. On paper it might sound like it is good for niche scenarios like if the tv is occupied I can still game but in reality, would I want to game on an inferior screen. I am also concerned about the distance I would be able to go from the console because the wifi in the house sucks.

talocaca292d ago

Such a lame article.
I live in Tokyo. The weather is disgustingly hot lately. I've mostly been playing Switch because I can play it in bed (where the Air-conditioner is stronger).
This would make it much easier to play games like FF16 🤷‍♂️

Lionsguard292d ago

And you think there are millions of people out there with this problem and think it's worth spending money to fix?

Old McGroin291d ago


And you think his specific problem is the only reason people might be interested in this? You actually think there needs to be a problem to begin with for somebody to be interested in this?

raWfodog291d ago

Why are you thinking that Sony is marketing this product as something that every PS5 owner will buy? They simply see a need that SOME gamers will want it for. Just like with the DualSense Edge which also costs $200. Do you think millions of people out there with the problem of not having a customizable, specialized DS controller? These products cost Sony very little to manufacture and they make profit off of every one sold.

Angyobangyo291d ago

If you live in Tokyo, your aircon is hitting all four corners of your 1LDK.

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PlayStation Portal Selling “Better Than Expected,” Says Industry Advisor Who “Underestimated Demand”

The PlayStation Portal has been "exceeding supply for several months" in the US and doing better than it ever was expected to.

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Hugodastrevas26d ago

Damn scalpers, stopping me from playing Stellar Blade in the shitter!

DivineHand12526d ago

There is no way you will be in there long enough to complete a game session.

Zeke6826d ago

@DivineHand Dont underestimate the power of the shitter! ;)

26d ago
ravens5226d ago

I'm laying on my bed with Eve on my Portal and my skama in tha air. 😶‍🌫️ Chilln. I have been playing it on my big tv though just cause I like to play the main story on there. I do side quests and collecting on my Portal.

ravens5226d ago

Seems like industry advisors and analyst constantly underestimate or straight up talk from their back side

TiredGamer26d ago

Not just analysts. These very message boards were full of people throwing as much shade on the idea as they possibly could. I saw it for what it was, a great authentic and plug-and-play way to access your system from another room (or house). Glad it’s finding success.

DarXyde26d ago

As someone who does a lot of data analysis for a living, I can tell you that these econometric analysts have a tendency to look exclusively at numbers without any attachment to the human element. Anything that is not explained in their numbers doesn't make sense to them, when in reality, any analysis that involves people will always be subject to error (that they never seem to account for).

In this case, the demand was underestimated likely because they built their calculations on declining Switch sales to indicate there was low demand for a dedicated portable gaming device and price sensitivity. I didn't expect it to sell this well either to be honest, but I don't have access to their data either.

In truth, there is so much noise around the data here: we don't know how informed people were about it needing a PS5, how many are scalping it, how many typically purchase the latest tech, etc. All of that does factor in. Even the interpretation of demand is flawed. I have no doubt there is strong demand for it at this time, but I do suspect the numbers are inflated a bit by scalpers, where people become curious and purchase one because they keep selling out.

crazyCoconuts26d ago

Between the Portal, PSVR2, Edge controller, Pulse headsets, and potentially PS5 Pro Sony customers are going to have a lot of hardware purchase choices this holiday

Abear2126d ago

All will likely be sold out this holiday and you’ll pay up to double if you want it. Typical Sony never enough hardware or purposely shorting the market, whichever it is causing shortages I see no end especially around the holidays.

crazyCoconuts26d ago

They don't make more money when others scalp for double. They're not purposely shorting the market

TheColbertinator26d ago

Sony is shorting the market purposely to avoid calling it a flop

DivineHand12526d ago

I don't know about the other devices but PSVR2 is not doing some well. I read a report a while back that sales were so bad they had to stop production.


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The PlayStation Portal Remote Player is back in stock at most retailers now

Want to snag the PlayStation Portal Remote Player? It's finally available at multiple retailers right now.

Neonridr28d ago

we don't know how many they made to be honest. It continued to sell out, but if stock was limited to begin with, then that doesn't paint the entire picture.

That being said, good for those who use and enjoy it.

Abnor_Mal28d ago

Interesting that we don’t have any sales numbers, when Sony said that they will be counting the peripheral as a console.

Neonridr28d ago

@Abnor_Mal - yeah, personally I consider it a peripheral like a controller.

anast28d ago

It means after they sold out of the limited stock there is still demand. Most people weren't expecting the Portal to run through the limited stock. In other words , it sold like crazy.


The PlayStation Portal is finally winning me over

After a few months with the PlayStation Portal, Digital Trends Giovanni Colantonio is starting to see how the streaming handheld fits into our gaming lives.

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jznrpg58d ago

I love it for single player games

blackblades58d ago

It'll probably help me get through some games. Listen to the tv and play at same time. Also people need to stop hating

DogJosha58d ago

I'll stop hating when they go back to being able to connect locally instead of through the internet. Some of us are adults with jobs that take us away from top tier internet service.

MaximusPrime_58d ago

I'm still playing it. Playing GT7 on it has been awesome

MaximusPrime_58d ago

Thanks for disagreeing. I doubt you never seen or afford a PS Portal?

I bought it at launch and it's the best decision I ever made. Well done Sony!

monkey60258d ago

I slipped a disc in my back a short while ago and I could barely move for 2 weeks. A spent a near fortnite on my back and the Portal was a god send

VenomUK58d ago

You spent a fortnight playing Fortnite?

monkey60258d ago

I must type fortnite out more often than I actually use the word fortnight because my phone auto corrects to it. Haha
Nah I've been playing Cyberpunk and HellDivers though

jwillj2k458d ago

You spend a Fortnite on your back? ….

DarXyde58d ago

You back spending on Fortnite?

monkey60258d ago

Cheers JZNRPG!
I'm back walking again. And was out for the first time two days ago. Going to attempt driving today.

jznrpg58d ago

Great to hear ! Back injuries are one of the worst. Good luck with your driving

mudakoshaka58d ago

You spent two weeks in a fort at night?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 58d ago
58d ago
hiawa2358d ago

I was thinking about getting the Portal but my Logitech G-Cloud remote plays my PS5 games, Series X, retro games fine so will stick with that for now. Good to see the Portal doing well.

Tapani58d ago

I wonder which one has better controls or screen. Genuine question.

raWfodog58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

IIRC both have 1080p resolution and 60Hz/fps. The Portal has a 1” bigger screen though (8” vs 7”) and is about $100 cheaper if you can find one without having to seek out a reseller.

Sgt_Slaughter58d ago

The Portal is strictly a PlayStation device and has on-par if not worse connectivity than most phones, so a G-Cloud or even a Steam Deck for a bit more money is a better deal for more options.

mudakoshaka58d ago

Completely agree! Playing PS5 remotely, Game Pass, GeForce Now, some emulators as well for older games. The G Cloud is an amazing device for that price!

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