
Is Armored Core 6 a Soulslike? We Explain in Great Detail

Timo Writes: "Armored Core 6 will most likely turn out to be a massive hit, even in a year that seems to have a Game of the Year contender releasing at least once a month.

But Armored Core is a series that has been hibernating for the better part of 10 years. Most gamers familiar with FromSoftware's output don't know much about the series that put them on the map in the first place."

Flakegriffin287d ago

I’m so excited for this game 🙌🏼

DarthZoolu287d ago

It is absolutely nothing like souls, there is no point in all of these silly articles, because there are literally like 7 armored core games before this one. Plenty of gameplay on the Internet.

Rocketisleague287d ago

Is souls armored core like then? Just curious as I haven't played armored core before. Are they somewhat similar or completely different?

FinalFantasyFanatic287d ago (Edited 287d ago )

Both are quite difficult games where you need certain strategies or a lot of preperation to win, otherwise they don't have anything in common (just two very different games). If anything, I'd say they loosely based Souls games on Armored Core, both games can have a lot of preparation leading up to a fight, and both can take a lot of skill to beat certain enemies or missions (although you have some freedom on how you choose to do it).

jznrpg287d ago (Edited 287d ago )

@FinalFantasyFanatic Souls games are based off of Shadow Tower and Kings Field having played those many years ago.

FinalFantasyFanatic286d ago

I've never played those, I've never heard of them either, so this is news to me.

MrBaskerville286d ago

Souls games are more an evolution of FromSoftwares Kingsfield and Shadow Tower series. AC is something entirely different. It's more of an action game with a huge focus on mech customization. You read a mission briefing and create a suitable mech for the job.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 286d ago
BrainSyphoned287d ago (Edited 287d ago )

So if I play FF1-10 I know exactly what FF 11-16 play like? I don't know what the game will play like structurally and therefore have zero care to buy it outside of FromSoft's name. At first blush to me I think "shitty Gundam multiplayer arena game" and

lucian229287d ago

You can literally read that this is the number 6th game, therefore you can look at gameplay of older games and see. Grow up lol

StoriedGamer287d ago

This mentality is literally like expecting Overwatch 2 to be a fantasy RPG like World of Warcraft since they're made by the same company. As for first glance, I can at least understand where you're coming from with the Gundam comment, but jumping to conclusions and assuming it's a multiplayer arena game I cannot fathom. Make assumptions all you like, but you're exemplifying the phrase of why we shouldn't assume things...

MrBaskerville286d ago

15 games to be a little more precise.

KwietStorm_BLM287d ago

The only reason this keeps getting brought up is because new people are paying attention to it. But you don't even have to dig very deep to answer the question yourself.

geekmandem287d ago

People ask questions, so people provide the answer. Sounds about right. Of course new people are going to discover AC6, the developer has just come off the back of a massive global hit game.

KwietStorm_BLM287d ago

Uh yeah that's my point. People think it's a Soulslike game JUST because it's made by From software. Stop looking at their massive hit game. This one has a 6 in the title. The series has been around for years, and like I said, you can look at one video and see what it isn't.

geekmandem287d ago

Fair, but people are searching it... that's why we wrote the article. I don't see the issue :S

StoriedGamer287d ago

The reason this keeps getting brought up is modern journalism can't be arsed to actually do research and just wants the most clickbait centric titles so that they can continue to profit off of mediocre writing.

TriniOutsider287d ago

Lol, everything is Souls-like now huh? These Souls fans are gonna discover that AC is nothing like the Souls games. They're simply gonna buy the game because it's Fromsoft.

Seraphim286d ago

nothing wrong with that. It just gives FromSoft more funds to keep banging out quality games/hits. If these people are pissed they bought a game they don't like because their expectations were misplaced, that's on them.

mastershredder287d ago

Souls fans need to crawl back under their rinse and repeat rock.

jznrpg287d ago (Edited 287d ago )

This is Armored Core 6 though. They don’t come out as frequently but still the 6th game. I enjoy both series

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Almost A Year Later, Armored Core 6 Comes Across As Sekiro's Rebellious Brother

Armored Core 6 is the modern, action-packed mecha game that deviates from the Soulsbornes formula orchestrated by Hidetaka Miyazaki.


From Software Parent Company's Profits Drop, but Armored Core Surprises

From Software parent company Kadokawa has released its financials for the year, and while profits are down, Armored Core has performed surprisingly well.

Read Full Story >>
zaanan21d ago

In other words, FromSoft is kicking ass; other Kadokawa game companies, not so much.

savedsynner21d ago

Name another company that has ever released only games worthy of a 90+ score for over a decade? starting with Demon's Souls, nothing but 90+s...even DS2 was a great game.

Ataraxias21d ago

Princess Peach Showtime is currently in the mid 70s

esherwood21d ago

Fromsoft is one of the few good guys left

FinalFantasyFanatic20d ago

I hope we get another AC game in the future or some DLC, I don't think we'll see DLC though. At the shizuoka hobby show they apparently announced a heap of AC model kits, even from older games like AC3.


Armored Core 6 Sales Performed "Beyond Expectations" Last Quarter According to Kadokawa

According to parent company Kadokawa, Armored Core 6 sales performed "beyond expectations" at the end of last year, as did Elden Ring sales.

XiNatsuDragnel113d ago (Edited 113d ago )

Good game excited for 7

FinalFantasyFanatic112d ago

I loved it, no surprise it did well because there's nothing like it and the fans have been starved of a new game for 10 years. It also helps that the game is fun and complete, no DLC/micro transactions or season passes either, which is typical of From Software games, I can't wait for Armored Core 7!

UltimateOwnage111d ago

Its a fantastic game. It plays great on my Deck as well, so its an equally amazing portable game. No IAP's, no online requirement, just raw, exciting gameplay. The way games used to be. More of this, and they will get my day-1 money instead of waiting for sales to buy in.