
Review - Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara (Switch) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara is, sadly, just another bog standard 3D platformer that does very little to stand out from the deluge of platformers available on the Switch. Not featuring the same gameplay loop as its predecessor makes it a hard sell for fans of Summer in Mara, and being so canonically tied to a farming simulator also makes it a hard sell for platformer enthusiasts looking for another hidden gem on the Nintendo Switch. Add in average-at-best visuals, music and level design, and what you get as a result is just a very middle-of-the-road game that fails to appeal to anyone."

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Koa And The Five Pirates of Mara – interview with Irina Moreno (Social Media Manager, Chibig)

An interview which I conducted with the Social Media Manager of Chibig (an indie games studio based in Valencia, Spain) about their 3D platformer in the mould of Mario 64.

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Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara Review -- Gamerhub UK

Sometimes an inspired vacation-style platformer is all anyone needs.

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Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara Nintendo Switch Review | NoobFeed

NoobFeed Editor Jacob Cowsert writes - The best elements of Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara come from its decent play time, amount of content, and attention to movement options. The game isn’t super long but offers a good amount for what the game is. To add to that, there are different goals with collectibles and goal times for each stage. Then having the option to blaze through stages with the roll jump or take things more casually with the standard run allows for different play styles for different scenarios. It is this that makes the game stand out above some of the other indie-developed 3D platformers.

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