
Report: Red Dead Redemption Remaster Details Datamined, New Logo Revealed

The Red Dead Redemption remaster is looking more and more real, and the recent leak seems to point to an announcement soon.

darthv72320d ago

Missed opportunity to call this Red Dead Redemption: Reloaded

-Foxtrot319d ago

Yeah and they can change the ending shoot out where John is like


JL2930319d ago

That's bullshit to post that for people that haven't played the game.

-Foxtrot319d ago


The game is 13 years old, critically acclaimed, talked about constantly online and the ending dissected by so many sites.

If you haven't played it by now...tough shit, don't click on Red Dead Redemption articles.

mkis007319d ago (Edited 319d ago )

There is most definetly a statute of limitations on spoilers... a sequel releasing is one of them.

Profchaos319d ago

@mkis what If the sequel is a prequel

RaidenBlack319d ago

still ... should've marked the comment with a "spoiler" tag

closed_account319d ago (Edited 319d ago )

*SPOILER* (<--- see, this is how you do it)

I hope it has Undead Nightmare remastered also, but this time Marston's son resurrects him from the dead and it becomes an endearing father/son romp through the old west. Except, his son has to keep him on a leash, and sleep with one eye open, so his dad doesn't eat his brain during the night.

Or maybe just save that for a full blown sequel. Red Dead Resurrection.

cooperdnizzle319d ago

JL2930. I know right… so wrong to do. Not like the game has been out for years. The nerve of some people.

Just like my friend back in Jr high who saw titanic before me. Comes out and tells me they all drowned. I was like dude spoiler alert we all haven’t seen it yet. Once aging the nerve of some people.

closed_account318d ago

@cooperdnizzle I hear ya! I had the Nicholas Cage World Trade Center movie ruined in that same way!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 318d ago
dmonee319d ago (Edited 319d ago )

“darth72” if they change the title to that, you should win a free copy of the game or somethin’!!! That’s a great call!!! Lol

DogJosha319d ago

What about the many people that used that title when RDR2 was announced and awaiting a title?

GaboonViper320d ago

I really cant wait for this if it is real, has one of gamings best stories and lead characters, hope they implement features from RDR2 into this.

neutralgamer1992319d ago (Edited 319d ago )

I hope this is real. One of the very best games ever made

Uncharted 2

Dirty_Lemons319d ago

That's a fine list right there, friend. May I be so bold as to throw Bioshock out there as well.

neutralgamer1992318d ago

Yes absolutely I love bioshock series

Would honestly consider bioshock series on this list

generic-user-name319d ago

I hope it's more than a simple remaster.

iAmyRose319d ago

True. If they give it the GTA treatment then it might not go over well, but if they do it right then maybe it'll be good anyway

GoodGuy09319d ago

Hope it includes the zombies part as well. I'm kinda sad rdr2 never got one or even any other dlc.

Dirty_Lemons319d ago

Or even a 60 FPS patch, which still blows my mind...

Gravesinger_317d ago

Undead Nightmare is one of the greatest if not THE greatest DLC ever released for a game. I would put it up against any DLC

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The Best Cowboy Games on the PS4

Yeeehaw! Howdy, partner! Saddle up and mosey on down to check out the best western-themed video games you can rustle up on the PS4 today.

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SimpleSlave1d 5h ago

While not on the PS4, if you want a pretty imaginative and downright fun Cowboy game you should check out Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. Not only is it a great arcade FPS in its own right but one that has some Narrative Elements that interact with the Gameplay in a pretty surprising and novel way. Something a few of the AAAAAAAA games should be looking at in order to marry the Narrative with the Gameplay better.

The best part is that you can get it for a few dollars on GOG or STEAM during their sales.


Rockstar Might Be Preparing For Red Dead Redemption 1 Release On PC

Rockstar Games may be preparing to release its open world action adventure game, Red Dead Redemption 1, on PC.

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Goodguy0129d ago

I just want 4k/1440p and 60fps support. And with little glitches too ofc.

Snookies1227d ago (Edited 27d ago )

This is about the PC version of RDR 1. The PC version of RDR 2 doesn't have a frame rate cap. Though I do agree, it is mind boggling that Rockstar still hasn't released a patch for consoles.

XiNatsuDragnel29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

It'll be great if true

LucasRuinedChildhood28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Hopefully 60fps on consoles for RDR2 is next then.

LucasRuinedChildhood28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Honestly, a PS5 Pro isn't even needed for 60fps in this case. But if they wanted to use it show a game running maxed out at a high resolution at 60fps, I wouldn't complain. Just give us 60fps. lol

I think the Series X might have an issue running the One X version at a locked 60fps as that version was a full native 4K but they could just lower the resolution a bit.

purple10128d ago (Edited 28d ago )

I wish to play both stellar blade, and rdr2, on the pro, maxed out like an expensive pc,

would be good, especially for the price, even if thats £499/ £549

last I checked, a rtx 4070super was £580 for just the card!

DaReapa28d ago

There aren't many games I'd double dip for, but having originally gotten this for PS3, I would happily get this if true.

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