
There Will Never Be Another Game Like Bully

Bully is 15 years old today, and the way it uses it school setting and the hysteria it wrought will never been seen in gaming again

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neutralgamer1992454d ago (Edited 454d ago )

I would be happy with a complete remake as in destroy all humans and dead space. Just like ND are too valuable to work on smaller franchise take two looks at R* the same way. Also would love a complete remake for the warriors

We have to wait years in between releases but back around PS2/Xbox days these developers use to make multiple games

shinoff2183453d ago


Lol absolutely. They werent afraid back then. Now a company that makes billions in revenue is afraid. Looking at you take2. Meanwhile so many indies are out here absolutely killing it. Kudos to them. Shame on the others.

Ps2 Era was really the last Gen where most of the companies would take chances. Now its mostly the indies. The ps3 Era was just do full of shooters everyone stopped trying. Now don't get me wrong thre we're definitely some gems but that's kinda why I say that the os3 Era was the weakest. Ps4 Era brought that back to a degree.

Aggy454d ago

I really liked Bully. I am sure they'll eventually make a sequel. Someone should have made a spiritual successor by now.

anast454d ago

Too many sensitive people won't allow this.

SeTTriP453d ago

I don't think Rockstar gaf they've built they're studio off controversy.

One of the few entities who can't be canceled imo.

ThEusAisPoisonous453d ago

Nah, they are cowards like the rest.

anast453d ago

I think you misunderstand how important money is to R*. They will bend if it costs them money. If politicians latch on to this, it will be R* that will bend the knee.

At any rate, I would be surprised if they do make a new Bully, seeing that it was a niche game in the first place compared to GTA. To the brass this game might create more headaches than it's worth. I hope you are right though.

FinalFantasyFanatic453d ago (Edited 453d ago )

I hate to agree, but with today's climate, a game like this would never fly, although Bully in a modern setting would be really interesting (possibly hilarious too).

RedDevils453d ago

Yeah with those karens and wokes reaction would be crazy hilarious.

anast453d ago (Edited 453d ago )

@Red Devils

Everything will be fine, as long as the closet neonazi "woke" chanters don't embrace this game. ALT right neonazis are scum, give me those fake revolutionary lefties all day, if I had to choose.

shinoff2183453d ago

I think it'd do fine. If I remember right the game was critiqued heavily back then. If you played it though it was kinda anti bully really. The kid just got back at his bullies.


shinoff2183453d ago

Idk man I gotta call bs on this if r wanted to do it they could do it. And it'd sell millions.

anast452d ago

Call BS, what is BS about speculation? We are talking about hypothetical situations....At any rate, I suppose we will see. I won't be the first time I have been wrong, and it doesn't matter.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 452d ago
Demetrius453d ago

I had it on ios, Xbox 360, now still play it on ps4 lol such a timeless classic too bad this rockstar is long gone 😫

roadkillers453d ago

I listened to last weeks episode of Sacred Symbols talking about Hogwarts Legacy. It makes me want another Bully pretty bad. I was in middle school when it released. Please bring me back to school in a fun way Rockstar.

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L.A. Noire And Bully — Rockstar's Lost Gems That Deserve A Sequel As Much As GTA

Hanzala from eXputer: "I do appreciate GTA 6, Rockstar, but if I could trade it for a new L.A. Noire or a Bully game, I'd do so in a heartbeat."

Skuletor55d ago

How are they lost? You can get L.A. Noire on Steam, PS5, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch and Bully is on the PS5 and Xbox Series too.

Psychonaut8555d ago

I want a new Manhunt game. But that will never happen.

Demetrius55d ago

Mfs are too sensitive nowadays and would cry instead of being concerned bout real world problems

Demetrius55d ago

Whenever gta 6 launch we won't be getting another rockstar title for another 10 years lol but on the positive side they bou to come back n show how open world supposed to be done 🔥

Skuletor55d ago

I won't expect any singleplayer DLC like IV's The Lost & Damned or The Ballad of Gay Tony after it launches either


The Best Rockstar Games Ever Made

From their most recent entries in the GTA franchise to their cult favorite racing games, find here the best Rockstar games, ranked from best to worst.

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smolinsk100d ago

I would say San Andreas nr 1
Red Dead 1 nr 2
Gta 3 nr 3

isarai100d ago

1) Earth Worm Jim
2) Table Tennis
3) Lemmings


8 Games that need sequels

GF365: "Here are eight games that need sequels. These games are ones that players would love to experience another time, bigger and better."

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Leeroyw393d ago

Bloodborne is a game I still restart and play every few months. I would welcome just a re release in 60fps with a visual upgrade. It's a perfect game. If I was king for a day I would include the randomizer mods because then it would be a kind of rogue like and I could play it forever.

gleepot392d ago

Sure, ill take a sequel to all of these.