
Will Diablo 4's Release Date Harm its Chances Against Final Fantasy 16?

The gaming world has been buzzing with excitement and anticipation since the announcement of Diablo 4, the latest installment in the long-running Diablo series. However, recent news has raised some concerns about the game's release date and its potential competition with other highly anticipated titles, such as Final Fantasy 16.

masterfox479d ago

again with FFXVI sales thing lol, two way different games , two way different demographics, each one of them will have their respective sales without affecting each other, me for example I wouldnt buy Diablo 4 over 16 , not even if is like 20 bucks, heck I wouldnt download D4 if it was even free and not because I hate the game or something is just is not my type of games ;)

VJGenova478d ago

I already bought Diablo IV, and I hated FF13 and FF15. FFVIIR was OK, but I'd take Diablo IV over part two of FFVIIR any day.

nitus10478d ago (Edited 478d ago )

I played through FF13 twice and on the second playthough I actually started to like the game. As for FF15, I do have the game but I really can't get that interested (maybe sometime later). I even have FF7 Remake (thanks PS+) but have only played the demo (great graphics though).

I have played the Diablo 3 demo and while that game is IMO a great adrenaline rush I actually prefer RPG's which includes all the Souls games as well as NioH 1 and 2, Horizon Zero Dawn... just to name a few.

The problem is that I have too many great (IMO) games and there is only so much time in the day to play them.

lelo2play478d ago (Edited 478d ago )

Diablo 4 releases on PC, Xbox series, Xbox One, PS5 and PS4. FFXVI releases on PS5.
FFXVI might take some of PS5 sales, but it's unlikely to hurt much of Diablo 4 total sales.

Flakegriffin477d ago

Yeah, the comparison is so silly. That’s like saying “With PSVR 2 coming out soon do you think it will harm Dead by Daylights player base?!” Lol

Orchard479d ago

Simply put, no. If anything, it's the other way around. Diablo is the bigger game.

Heck, just look at the sales. FF15 sold 10m in 6 years. D3 did 30m in 3 years. and FF16 is coming to even less platforms than FF15.

shinoff2183479d ago

Diablo three re released like 4 different versions each time a new piece of dlc came out. I also don't think Xbox sales helped ff15 much if at all. Personally I didn't like ff15 , I feel the dmc action in ff16 will kill that for me(ff just ain't the same) , and Diablo is just a dlc transaction fest

MrNinosan478d ago

I'm interested in what happened between 2014 and 2015.
Blizzard announced 2013, the game reached 14 million
Then suddenly 2015 it reached 30 million (over 20 million on PC).

Anyways, more than 66% of the sales are on PC, and based on rumours many of those are extra accounts to be used as bots.

I don't think Diablo nor FFXVI will hurt each other in sales.
FFXVI is a PS5 exclusive and will sell millions while Diablo IV is on all platforms, but PC-gamers are the ones who will make a difference, and they don't care about FFXVI anyways.

Also if ActiBlizz deal goes through, it will most likely sell in lower millions due to GamePass.

Crows90478d ago

Probably inflated their numbers

Michiel1989477d ago

Pc gamers don't care about FF? what makes you say this. I'm a pc gamer mainly and my fav series is FF. Have you also considered that PC gamers care about FF, but are not willing to buy a whole new console for it just to play it on day one?

gangsta_red478d ago

Diabo is definitely bigger with the PC crowd. I think for consoles though, FF is bigger.

Again, I'm just commenting on my perception and not taking into account actual sales.

And this is why I think these two can thrive alongside one another. I'm personally looking forward to both.

Kaii478d ago

Two different dishes but companies like EA that release Titanfall 2/BF 1 In the same launch window just ended up destroying TF2 numbers. (Same Publisher)

I'd LIKE for D4 to be cooked In the oven some more and be current-gen only not gimmick the game with last-gen hardware restrictions, but we can't always get what we want.

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LordoftheCritics15h ago

''A new co-op PvE mode'

It's finally becoming a multiplayer game?

anast0m ago

Probably, the numbers have been low.


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anast8d ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics8d ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX8d ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon8d ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie8d ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.

just_looken8d ago

The only thing i enjoyed in D4 was the mp side but after they gutted my hunter build then again wanted me to grind for over hundred hours each season i too quit like you.

Its insane though a year has already passed.

Daeloki7d ago

Hard pass, gave it a chance on launch with a friend, but we made it a bit past act 1 only to realise how tedious it was.


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