
Switch Best-Selling Console in the US in December, PS5 Outsells Xbox Series X|S

The Nintendo Switch was the best-selling console in the US in December 2022 in terms of units sold, according to figures from The NPD Group. NPD includes the dates for the five week period of November 27, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

The PlayStation 5 was the second best-selling console in December in terms of units sold, while the Xbox Series X|S came in third place. In terms of revenue. the PlayStation 5 was number one, followed by the Nintendo Switch in second and the Xbox Series X|S in third.

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SullysCigar500d ago

Definitely not a surprise in terms of revenue - Microsoft were practically giving away the series S this past couple of months.

crazyCoconuts500d ago

Must not have paid off that well since Sony also won on number of units sold.

Bathyj499d ago

Xbox should be free since the only reason to own it is to enter a subscription.

Glad it's not but. Don't think you should give more power to the weakest link.

S2Killinit500d ago

Some were saying xbox is catching up. Not sure what that was all about.

rlow1500d ago (Edited 500d ago )

It is what it is

Hofstaderman500d ago

Shortage officially over, let the domination resume.

babadivad500d ago

My favorite plastic box is winning so that must mean I'M a winner right?!?!😀

Nyxus500d ago

Yes it does. It means it will be supported by publishers.

Hofstaderman500d ago

More sales, more games. Know you guys are not used to this concept. Oh and more games, more sales.

randomvoice500d ago

Yes it means developers will use it as their primary development console and I wouldn't have to be subjected to unoptimized ports.

babadivad500d ago (Edited 500d ago )

@Nyxus @Hof @Random

I know I give fanboys the business a bit on this site but surely you at least understand that it's a bad thing if Microsoft decides to leave the market.

What's best for you guys is Microsoft being competitive. I know it's a strange concept but it's true. In every industry ever, when companies compete the consumer wins.

When AMD launched the Bulldozer architecture, Intel didn't even have to try anymore. They were able to skate by giving the consumer the barebone minimum. 10+ years of single digit performance upgrades with 4c8t cpus.

Towards the end, reviewers weren't even bothering to really do indepth reviews anymore. What's was the point? AMD has a shit architecture, chose Intel. They're really the only choice.

Every industry stagnates without competition.

Once AMD launched Zen, it breathed life back into the space. The consumer has been getting double digit performance increases every generation.

Same for Madden and 2k. When these games had competition, there was great improvement year after year.

I remember when NFL 2k was a thing and they were competing with Madden, the improvements were so great year over year, it was hard to go back to previous titles.

Same could be said for NBA 2k. No longer.

I can play Madden from three years ago and the only difference between the newest title and the old one is the roster and cover athlete.

Competition is GOOD for the consumer. That means you.

BehindTheRows500d ago (Edited 500d ago )

"What's best for you guys is Microsoft being competitive"

They need to start doing that.

"I know I give fanboys the business"

If you have a strong enough argument, let it speak for itself.

Yes, competition is good. Nintendo and Sony understand this. Microsoft remains in 3rd place playing catch up on all fronts. So, it is them who needs to learn to compete, not opposing fans.

Knushwood Butt500d ago

In order to compete MS need to release good games.

Neonridr500d ago

@randomvoice - you realize that both consoles use x86 architecture and thus would have extremely similar development processes, right?

senorfartcushion500d ago (Edited 500d ago )

Haha I know right? Children with their plastic box competitions.

Crows90499d ago (Edited 499d ago )

No. It makes the other box a loser

The thing is Microsoft has never been competitive. It really wouldn't be missed. Just look at what they're doing to compete...they're just buying up popular IP....that's not good for gaming. That is the worst thing in gaming right now.

babadivad499d ago (Edited 499d ago )


Microsoft won the largest gaming market in the 360 era. Gave Sony the kick they needed for the PS4 generation.

Sony was faster and cheaper than the X1. They were responding to market pressure. They couldn't afford to lose the largest gaming market again.

When Microsoft launched at 500, Sony launched at 400. Same thing they did to Sega.

Sega launched the Saturn at 400, Sony launched Playstation ONE at 300.

When there was no competition in the PS2 era, Sony was so cocky and confident to launch a $600 system(PS3) with basically no games.

Look what they just did in recent history. They raised the price of the PS5 in every market across the world except the United States (the largest gaming market). Do you know why? Because Microsoft is competitive this year in the United States.

Back to the Intel example. When AMD launched the flawed Bulldozer architecture(that was initially weaker than the architecture it was supposed to replace) they basically gave the CPU market to Intel.

Without competition in the market, Intel gave the consumer the bare minimum.

We (the consumer) were stuck on 4 cores for 10 years. Marginal IPC gains year over year(most improvements coming from frequency increases). You had to pay top dollar for Intel to not artificially lock their chips multi-threading feature. They also had the most advanced fabrication on the planet by far. Not so anymore. They've lost that edge to TSMC. They lost their edge there as well. Still haven't gotten their feet back under them in that department.

With a competitive AMD in the Market. Intel went from offering 4 cores at the top end to 24 cores. They are scrambling to hold off competition. I can't remember the last time Intel had to work this hard for profits.

If Microsoft leaves the market, we're fucked. Can't be any simpler than that.

Sony isn't "for the players" no matter what their marketing says. They are "For their shareholders." Just like every other multi-billion dollar mega corporation.

It would be best if we not find that out the hard way.

BehindTheRows499d ago (Edited 499d ago )

There can be competition without Xbox. Regardless of their luck with the 360 (yes, luck - Sony had to screw up for them to even have a chance and they still lost the WW numbers), they’ve had their butts handed to them every other time. To compete, you need to be in the race.

Instead, they cough up the dust they have to consume from being far being PlayStation time-and-time again. No matter how much you try to spin this, it will never change the truth.

Nyxus499d ago

"If Microsoft leaves the market, we're fucked. Can't be any simpler than that."

Nah, we'd be fine.

Crows90499d ago (Edited 499d ago )

If Microsoft had not joined the market...we wouldn't have to pay for online console gaming. We'd also have ps plus as a free membership like in the PS3 era.

And no. Xbox only gained in US. The rest of the world was enjoying PS3 lots more...especially as it went to outsell the 360 by quite a bit even with the inflated red rings numbers.

As it is right now...gamers are fucked because Microsoft is on a buying IP spree. That's a big middle finger to the majority of gamers. And if the record proves anything it is that Microsoft doesn't make blockbuster titles...that's also sucky for gaming.

There's no world where we want Microsoft to win anything.

babadivad499d ago

It's impossible for you guys to be this obtuse about market dynamics.

Nothing I said was spin. I just laid out the facts as they are.

You don't have to want Microsoft to "win" you want them to be competitive.

There's so many examples I can and HAVE given that empirically proves that when companies have to compete for your dollars the consumers (THAT MEANS YOU) wins.

It doesn't matter if you are buying and Xbox or Playstation. If there's true competition, you are going to come out on top.

I can't make it any clearer than that. You do not want Microsoft gone from the gaming space.

The mindset here is so childish...

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 499d ago
autobotdan500d ago

Shortage officially over, let the price increases resume

autobotdan500d ago

No I mean like the price increases of Playstation consoles

CBaoth499d ago

well you figured MS would have to raise the price of series G at some point. They practically been giving them away to every trailer park in America n MS is still behind by 10 mil. I wonder if next gen they'll actually try to sell games to sell systems?

BehindTheRows499d ago

I know what you meant, but it’s not only irrelevant, it changes nothing. Price increases happen and all companies have done them. It didn’t hurt Sony’s bottom line either, so you are literally screaming at a brick wall.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 499d ago
roadkillers500d ago

It’s funny that we use revenue as a terms to calculate these items. It’s just like movies. If revenue were not used, records would not be as widely broken.

If we calculated movies in terms of views like they did back in the day, Gone With The Wind would still be the most viewed movie. I have a feeling Tetris would still be the most played game (or PAC-man)

crazyCoconuts500d ago

They estimate units sold as well. But your point is interesting re: movies

NotoriousWhiz500d ago

Units sold really isn't the best metric for anyone other than investors. And even there, revenue is a better metric since that will affect profit much more than units sold. For developers looking to support a console, the number of users matters far more than units sold. If someone bought 3 switches (which I know some that have, gotta buy them all), they're not going to buy a particular game on the Switch 3 times. They'll buy it once or not at all, so in this case, units sold isn't that significant of a metric either.

darkrider500d ago

Selling more is always better then selling less. Console sold means more games sold, more acessories sold, more everything sold.

What isn't any kind of metric is talking about laps taken or number of gamers playing a new game on services...

NotoriousWhiz500d ago

Selling to more people means selling more games, accessories, etc. Selling more to the same person does not translate to more games, accessories, etc. And yes number of laps / bullets fired is irrelevant lol.

ChasterMies499d ago

Units sold means marketshare. Selling a few very expensive units will not garner as much profit from games sales as selling more inexpensive units. It’s why console makers want to hit that $250 price point for the mid cycle refresh. It’s why Microsoft is selling the underpowered Xbox Series S.

Stanjara500d ago

If you take YouTube channel... Channel that has 2mill subs but only 30k daily views is less successful than a channel that has 500k but 300k daily views.

500k channel makes more revenue.

It's a better channel.

NotoriousWhiz500d ago

Number of active users is more important than number of subscriptions. Spot on.

Neonridr499d ago

better is subjective, makes more revenue is correct though.

MrNinosan500d ago

I see what you did there, but no.
The amount of downloads on GamePass shall never be ranked higher than the units sold or revenue.

Some always try to move the goal post.

ChasterMies499d ago

Gone with the Wind is not the most viewed movie by any measure. Not even by number of showings. It made so much money because of the distribution strategy that sold it theater by theatre, building up hype as showings moved across the country. Many movies that are only released in China have more views. Take the US population, add a billion, and that’s the movie viewing audience in China.

Minecraft may have already beaten Tetris in units sold. Probably also in time okayed.

Anyway, agree that for consoles, marketshare matters more than revenue.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 499d ago
Elda500d ago

Not surprising at the PS5.

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Single-Player Titles God Of War Ragnarok & Until Dawn Will Require PSN Account On PC

Sony Interactive Entertainment's upcoming single-player PC games like God of War Ragnarok and Until Dawn will require a PSN account.

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PrinceOfAnger18h ago

Sony will lose support and money from 177 countries that support Steam but do not support PSN!
Tell me about stupidity, I'll tell you Sony.
Its concern is to increase the number of PSN subscribers, at the expense of profit and
More sales for their games from 177 countries.

purple10111h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Thing is it’s free to create an account (for pc players)

So they don’t need essential / extra / premium tiers, there is literally no good reason. Stupid but I don’t know the ins-and-outs but I can imagine it’s just a dumb reason

Ohh actually maybe it’s to combat piracy, so the game will not launch unless you have psn, then Sonys server end would validate if it’s a real copy or a cracked one

That could be it

ApocalypseShadow11h ago

Ding ding ding. Your edit brought the answer. Lol

Sony wants to validate their games on PC so that they know who's legit and who stole them. I understand Prince in that we have too many accounts we have to make. And it's a slippery slope. Like ported Xbox games to PlayStation will require a Microsoft account. Besides the already Ubisoft accounts and Epic accounts. Hard to keep up with all these names and passwords.

But you figured it out.

blacktiger11h ago

so you are saying it's another DRM? And is it always online? even though it's single player offline game?

darthv7211h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Its free... sure. The main issue are the countries that are not on the list to select when creating the account. And I don't think Sony allows nearest neighbor, where you pick the one closest to you that is supported. People can obviously pick any country they want from the list, but that then becomes saddled to them going forward. Personally my country is supported, and I have not felt the need to change it so I dont even know if you can after the fact. If I were to move to an unsupported country... would the games even work if it detects me playing it from one when I am registered in the other?

This all stems from the whole Helldivers fiasco. Countries that support steam, and let them buy it and play only to have them cut off because their country was not officially part of the PSN account creation which was later enforced after the fact.

Andrew33610h ago

I believe every Sony single player game has leaked online the same day it releases. Needing a psn account to play the game legally isn't gonna change the fact it'll be pirated same day.

Jingsing10h ago

They'll find out sadly that most of their games are pirated, Ghosts of Tsushima over 500k people downloading it not on Steam, It sold below 70k on Steam.

ApocalypseShadow7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Black tiger, we all know games are stolen all the time on PC. Stolen to play. Stolen and emulated to play older system's games. The only way to stop it or slow it down is to have some type of security measure.

They're businesses. They have every right to protect what they make. PC gamers don't have ANY right to steal it.

There's a grey area when it comes to games purchased and the companies make your purchase unplayable through updates it closing servers. And we decide to take measures in our own hands to continue playing what was rightfully purchased by downloading it modding the code. But it's still theft.

Some gamers don't like the measures because they want the option to steal. Not everyone does. But many on PC do. That's just the reality. You can hide from the truth. But the truth is still there.

--Onilink--7h ago

What good does it do to create an account (with fake information from another country) if the game isnt released in Steam in that country anyway?

Or are you expecting people to also have to create another steam account in another country in order to link it to the PSN account they now have to make, just to be able to play Sony games?

Its a dumb and unnecessary situation, simple as that

shinoff21837h ago

You make a good point about piracy. Still weird Sony is the only one under fire about this even though they aren't alone, ea, ubisoft, Microsoft, etc. I don't know why Sony doesn't sell in those countries, but it's their prerogative.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 7h ago
ApocalypseShadow11h ago

I understand the account thing but you're way off on the subscriber thing.

just_looken7h ago


I agree and i see the defenders are here

Once again everyone you need real information to make a psn account so you can only have one account you loose that then you loose all your playstation digital games and have bricked consoles.

The use of programs like vpns are a banable offense to sony and like so many other companies are monitoring your chat/activity via ai bots.

You should not half to buy a game then fill out a form like your buying a gun just to play a single player game.

Every other launcher like ea/ubi/rstar/acti/blizzard/bet h You just need a email address/password acti has on some game the bs phone # crap or unless your going to buy something then yeah real info. But sony like i said you need to give everything but a nude selfie/dna sample but that will be for psvr 4 and or ps6.

Magatsuhi6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

You're full of bs. I literally just made a fake psn account in el salvador and i had no issues. All i did was google map an address and a zip code and voila, psn account. Did not need to add any personal information.

Where does it state you need ps+ to play online on steam? You're being purposefully hyperbolic and dishonest or just stupid in order to spin outrage because you hate sony for very dumb reasons.

just_looken4h ago

choo choo here comes the sony blind boys

I never said you need psplus for steam never

I also said sense 2023 again 2023

But i get it its sony they do 0 wrong

P_Bomb4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

“…you need to give everything but a nude selfie/dna sample”

Nobody wants your dna. I promise you.

badz1492h ago

"...you need real information to make a psn account so you can only have one account you loose that then you loose all your playstation digital games and have bricked consoles."

It's one thing to be a hater but it's another to be full of crap.

1. I have multiple accounts in 4 countries for several reasons. And making the PSN accounts is free.

2. Lose your account, you lose everything associated with that account? Wow...like every other accounts too? WTH are you on about?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2h ago
StormSnooper5h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Who gives a shit, they don’t want to sign up, they can always play other games and sign up to their requirements instead. You want PSN games, you sign up to PSN. Same applies to every other platform.

PhillyDonJawn4h ago

Kinda wild how Sony and MS care more about accounts/users than actual sales

TheEroica4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Sony fans don't care... They don't get the concept of why this screws gamrers over. Sony fans only know how to shill for the Corp.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2h ago
CrimsonWing6911h ago

Are we always going to get news articles on this? Yes, any Sony game on PC now requires a PSN and won’t be accessible to regions that don’t have the PSN infrastructure.

neutralgamer199211h ago

Exactly ots not like.on PC we already have so many different launchers.


What's one more and I already have a PSN account

Number1TailzFan9h ago

Meh, I mean in the 90's and early 2000's some games had built in server browsers or built in lobby/chat systems like Worms 2 and it's sequels, if not we had GameSpy or Wireplay to find online players.

Multiple launchers is kind of annoying though, TBH I would prefer just one..

just_looken7h ago

If you read the 2023 psn terms of service but this is sony so i know 90% here did not this is a pc killer.

Not only do you need real information so one account no way to make a dummy account and they need your address/real name some countries a drivers license but they also use ai to monitor you.

In there terms they are checking your ip address as the use of VPN's is against the terms and programs that cheat are also bannable but in the list they think 3rd party antivitus is cheating.

So yeah paying for god of war then filing out a form like your going to buy a gun just to play the thing to me sound's stupid but i am not a sony blindboy.

hiroyukisanada11h ago

Why is this a problem? Just curious. Don't you need accounts for Steam, Xbox, Gog, Epic Games,EA, Blizzard,etc..? Why is it a problem if you need PSN?

darthv7211h ago

There are close to 200 countries around the world. MS is supported in 98%, Steam 90%. Sony... less than 50%.

Grilla11h ago

You guys keep crying about these 177 3rd world countries.

CrimsonWing6911h ago

How much of a % do these 177 countries equate to Sony’s overall sales by region?

InUrFoxHole9h ago

Would you say this is more pro or anti consumer?

romulus238h ago

LOL, I saw the list of countries that aren't supported by PSN, I don't think Sony has anything to worry about with any of them. These aren't the kinds of places where game consoles and games are selling significantly enough to matter anyway. Just certain people are trying to blow this out of proportion.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 8h ago
buffig10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

@ Darthv72 Ahhh yes. All the people complaining on forums are people from Cameroon. It's definitely not people who it won't affect making a massive deal out of nothing

darthv7210h ago

...doesn't affect me one bit. All I did was provide a logical answer to the question hiro asked. People disagreeing does not refute the facts presented.

just_looken7h ago


Its funny you can tell the Americans so much now

Japan is part of the list sony has banned ghost of tsumia pc version people in japan wtf? every American meh im fine with this as they give sony all ther information.

Not to mention in alot of countries that this game is supported you still have issues with getting a valid working address then the whole information that they need. I would never give sony my govt id fuck that.

staticall10h ago

IMO, because it's a dumb requirement. Steam already has DRM built-in and it's working fine. And affected games are offline singleplayer games. This requirement doesn't help the players, only Sony stats.

Does this make tbe game better? No. Does this help the player or does it improve their experience? Also no. So why is this required? Just cause. So why anyone defends this again?!

just_looken7h ago

All those compaines need a email/password that is it oh your ea account got banned well unlink that one from steam make another relink sesne the game is on steam.

Sony need You email address password first/last name home phone home address/postal proof of age location country and ip address then will monitor you 24/7. You will also need payment information on console for ps +

You can only have one psn account sense it need's your real info in some countries it needs a attached govt id.

Your psn account gets banned then all these games are dead to you and your playstaion consoles are bricked sense you need a psn account/ps + to go online/get updates etc

You can not make a new account sense it will say hey you already have that info on this account that is banned sorry gtfo.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7h ago
truthBombs10h ago

MAUs is clearly just as important to Sony.

I say make signing into PSN optional. Give players a reason to use it.. like the recently announced layer that lets you earn trophies.

I'm not bothered but there are countries who won't have access to the game because of this.

DustMan9h ago

Oh noooooo! A common business practice! Still buying day one lol.

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God of War Ragnarök is coming to PC

Release date and PC features for God of War Ragnarök announced.

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Christopher1d 6h ago

Two-yearw later on PC seems like their go-to goal with exclusives.

darthv721d 6h ago

Less than two years now. Guess that window is slowly shrinking.

Christopher1d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

LOL. I'll give you that one whole month sooner than exactly 2 years.

Edit: Not even that. Half a month. Day 1 releases are a comin' soon!

romulus231d 5h ago

Still closer to a two year wait than not. Guess any hope of everything from Sony going to PC day one is shrinking though.

1d 5h ago
Christopher1d 4h ago

***Hopefully we will get PS exclusive multi-platform sooner rather than later as i want Sony to lose their monopoly of the gaming industry and to stop destroying MS. ***

Monopoly. of. the. gaming. industry. ???

Mobile market $91B
PC market $36.5B
Console market $52.2B
Sony market $30B

Did we change the definition of monopoly at some point?

I'm all on board games going more places, but these ridiculous statements and drive to act like Sony SP exclusives are shooting to be Day 1 releases anytime soon aren't doing that. It's just bad arguments.

1d 4h ago
itsmebryan1d 1h ago

True. Concord launches on PS5 and PC on same day.

raWfodog6h ago

Yep, you're right.
22 months is less than two years.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 6h ago
1d 1h ago Replies(1)
Battlestar231d 5h ago ShowReplies(2)
HankHill1d 4h ago Show
Inverno1d 3h ago

Next up, Last of Us Part 2, then Spiderman 2, and most likely Demon Souls in between. I know the argument is that they take 2 years and "who is gonna wait 2 years?" Blah blah blah, but most of their recent and all of their PS5 games, with the exception being Demon Souls, have made their way to PC. Never thought I'd see the day where I wasn't going crazy over not owning a PS, but now I don't want a PS5 at all.

Goodguy011d 3h ago

Odd demons souls hasn't yet. I mean it definitely would've done numbers.

Inverno1d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

Demon Souls being the only Souls game out of the entire series that has remained exclusive to SONY would definitely sell like crazy on PC. Oh and GT7, always forget GT cause I don't play racing SIMS.

Tapani19h ago

There's FFXVI and Rebirth as well. GT7 would be awesome.

RaidenBlack14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Find it a bit strange that Nixxes isn't porting this one. Maybe they were contracted for both GoW ports?
Although their GoW PC port job was pretty good, it wasnt flawless at launch, but was still miles better than Horizon 1 or TLOU ports.
Hope they do a better/near flawless job with GoW sequel.

Master of Unlocking9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Thankfully the different SIE regions operate largely in an independent manner, so SIEA's decision to release some US-made games like Days Gone, Ghost of Tsushima or God of War on PC still hasn't made a dent in SIEJ's decision to keep their japanese games like Bloodborne, the Last Guardian, or Gran Turismo 7 on Playstation, or SIEE's decision to keep EU-made games like Killzone Shadow Fall, Dreams, or Sackboy A Big Adventure on PS.

But that was on the PS4. Now for upcoming PS5 games, who knows.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 9h ago
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Pokemon fans stunned by official shiny hunting guide for Scarlet and Violet

The Pokemon Company has dropped the first-ever official Shiny hunting guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, leaving fans in awe.

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