
Here are All The PSVR2 Games That Use Eye Tracking in Cool Ways

PS VR2 has many amazing features including eye tracking which some games are using in unique and cool ways.

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Orchard517d ago

As if VR wasn’t niche/gimmicky enough already, now we have gimmicky eye tracking gameplay elements.

shinoff2183517d ago

Like I said in another article.

Orchard if ms were making a vr you'd be all over. Not doubt

Orchard517d ago

Multiple companies are making VR devices, Facebook being the biggest VR “platform holder”.

But it doesn’t matter who makes it, doesn’t change how isolationist the experience is and how niche it is.

shinoff2183516d ago

Multiple companies are making vr but not ms. What I said I still stand by it orchard.

Orchard516d ago

@shinoff Sounds like a smart move on their part then.

VR is niche and a very small total addressable market, probably not worth wasting resources on. Sony shouldn’t spend resources on it either.

SullysCigar516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

^ Orchard, if you were that concerned about isolationist experiences you wouldn't spend your entire life trying to cause upset on a gaming forum.

You can't possibly comment on whether eye tracking will be "gimmicky" or not until you try it. I'm sure people said triggers would be gimmicky, and touch screens "why do we need those, we have buttons"!

Perhaps if you understood how eye tracking works in conjunction with foveated rendering to greatly increase efficiency in processing, that would be a start for you.

516d ago
frostypants516d ago

He's still waiting for Xbox IllumiRoom. One day! /S

darthv72516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

Maybe you didn't about this but...


Now it may not be for gaming, but you didnt specify. All you said was MS not making VR, in this case they are improving on AR.

Zool 08515d ago

@ darthv72 Promises promises promises, and still you'll be waiting, by the time it hits 2030 they'll be announcing Hololens 3

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 515d ago
Nitrowolf2516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

It’s a niche product but I’m not sure why or how this is somehow a bad thing that they’re adding features to it, especially a feature that can help combat one of VR’s biggest issues, that being motion sickness

In the field of VR Eye tracking is no gimmick. Sure devs may use it for added gameplay elements/gimmicks, but the feature itself is extremely useful says it helps with eliminating that motion sickness people get

Let’s not forget it also allows for foveated rendering, which means better looking VR games with less stress on the GPU

Also with eye tracking, NPCs will now be able to tell when ur looking at their digital boobs

Knushwood Butt516d ago

Eye tracking in driving games is a huge improvement and means you'll be able to look at mirrors, instruments, the apex of a corner without moving your head.

shinoff2183516d ago

He don't get it. It's more then just a gimmick.

S2Killinit516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

Sucks for you.

On topic:
Foveated rendering and eye tracking together will make VR games comparable to flat games, add to that the VR’s added immersion and we will have something special. This thing is going to be awesome. I cant wait.

mkis007516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

Apple is coming next year. It should tell you something that even after all these years of it being niche, apple is still funding it. MS is going to be the only one without a hand in it, they will have to buy someone.

I don't get your blindness when it comes to technology that is so futuristic. The concept of full dive VR may be Sci-fi right now, but it is impossible for it to be realized without these steps.

Eye-tracking means you don't need to render everything at full detail; lowering the specs neccessary to run a beautiful game.

S2Killinit516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

Dude I just read the article, some of these applications are freaking out of this world! Shit, color me impressed.

Switching guns using your eyes! Blinking in horror games? Silent hill anyone? Interacting w characters by looking at them! Strategy games will never be the same! Like what! this is ridiculous!

Super exciting time to be a gamer.

Orchard516d ago

“Switching guns using your eyes” just screams super immersive realistic gaming experience. Where do I sign up 🙄

If that doesn’t scream gimmick I don’t know what does.

SullysCigar516d ago

^ Shooting guns with a button and aiming it with a stick just screams super immersive realistic gaming experience. Where do I sign up 🙄

Oops! Your bias is showing...

Orchard516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

@Sully Game controllers aren’t advertised as an immersive “virtual reality” experience.

And they also don’t require you to pay $550 for the privilege of such a “realistic” experience.

Definitely realistic and immersive though - every time I’m at the range I regularly change firearm using my eyes.

S2Killinit516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

Hell yes its immersive. If moving a stick to chose a gun is immersive, then so is looking at the gun you want to pick up, you know kind of like in real life. Generally, when I pick up stuff I look at them, I don't point a stick to them.

But, sadly you wont know anything about it because xbox doesn't have anything like that. But don’t lose hope.

piroh516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

Orchie yes, you are right. Shooting with a Dualsense is super exciting due to adaptive triggers, the best version is PS5 version - for the players. Also 550 is too high for a VR if you are poor, stick to controller then

S2Killinit516d ago

The sad part for orchard is that he cant play PlayStation out of pure mental investment in xbox. He is missing out so he has to hang on to the ideology that nothing outside xbox is good. I would be mad too if I only had a xbox for two generations in a row.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 516d ago
Profchaos516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

Eye tracking goes hand in hand with foviated rendering why bother wasting the rendering budget when the game knows you're only looking at one spot on the screen and it doesn't need to revert objects outside of your direct vision.

So if it was just a niche play thing that's one thing but the reality is that this is part of a larger tool that boost the visuals overall.

Every technology starts small this isn't the vr from the virtual boy Sony seems to be doing just fine delivering first party flat screen games alongside prepping for psvr2 this doesn't stink of the Kinect strategy of diverting studios to work on casual friendly games for the last half of a successful console.

SullysCigar516d ago

All that and eye tracking also provides another input method for the gamer. One that's natural and less obtrusive to immersion than a button.

It also brings new ways for the game world to interact with you. Characters can see where you're looking. So can te game. We'll never miss a jump scare again.

derek516d ago

@Orchard to bad for you, you're missing out on the last truly innovative space in gaming so what if it's niche. Astro bot rescue mission was the game of the generation last gen for me and it wasn't close. First time in a long time a game made me feel like a kid again playing it.

Bathyj516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

So they should only do something if it's going to be immensely popular and mainstream?

Might as well dump Gamepass then.

As Orchard is clearly not a fan can we bookmark this page so we can come back to it in 6 months when he's talking about PSVR as if he has one and knows what he's talking about?

Orchard516d ago

GP has around 30m subscribers, if that isn’t mainstream then PSVR must be super niche and dead in the water because only a few million are willing to pay for it.

Bathyj516d ago

Just stop. Look at all your comments on this page.

Your desperation is embarrassing.

piroh516d ago

Orchie yes you are right, everything what sells below 30m is a failure, so is original Xbox, they should never make a succesor due to being failure

S2Killinit516d ago

Lol @Bathyj

OMG so right on!

“ Orchard is clearly not a fan can we bookmark this page so we can come back to it in 6 months when he's talking about PSVR as if he has one and knows what he's talking about?”

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 516d ago
Outside_ofthe_Box516d ago

You are just plain on hating at this point.

We get it you don't like VR, move on already. Do you really need to make your opinion known in every single VR article?

S2Killinit516d ago

Its not about VR, He doesn't like ANYTHING Playstation. Usually when he shows up to hate, it means we are looking at something that is good enough to have annoyed him. Its kinda sad to he honest.

SullysCigar516d ago

It's almost like the behaviour of a paid shill..

The VR industry, developers, journalists and gamers alike, are VERY excited about what the PSVR2 will bring. So, anyone who has a clue about what the tech is capable of.

That's what's important, not randoms already exposed as having zero clue, just spamming hate about things they don't even understand, because they hope it fails.

We'll see for ourselves in about 50 days! Anyone that can't stretch to buying it right away should just try someone else's.

shinoff2183516d ago

And that's why inbe in Xbox articles like

ocelot07516d ago


Microsoft have their own Windows Mixed Reality headsets. Their first generation ones where really good and very affordable and I believe they where the first to bring inside out tracking to VR (rather than having to rely on sensors and cameras for tracking).

The issue is for Xbox is. Sony knows their VR will sell. Even if it's just 5-10% of ps5 owners. If it makes them profit and the owners of the psvr2 enjoy it just like psvr1.

Steam and Facebook know they can sell VR headsets to PC players because their is a market for it. As well as likes of HP and few other new up and coming vr manufacturers. They know their is money to be made.

Microsoft when it comes to Xbox. Well it's hard enough getting Xbox players to to buy a game never mind a $400+ headset. So unless they offer a free VR headset to all gamepass ultimate subscribers. It's probably for the best they keep VR away from Xbox.

All my own opinion of course.

crazyCoconuts516d ago

The thing I don't get is that MS is a cash rich company. They can afford to take some gambles and develop some new products that aren't sure to take off. But they don't. Their version of innovation is buying up all the food other people are cooking and open up a buffet style restaurant. Tasteless.


“Microsoft when it comes to Xbox. Well it's hard enough getting Xbox players to to buy a game”

This is the most arrogant and at the same time ignorant statement I’ve seen today. I have well over 400 Xbox games that I bought and paid for so I’m not sure where you’re getting your data from.

You act as if Sony doesn’t offer a subscription service as well. Don’t be mad that PS+ isn’t as good of a deal as GamePass. Some people can’t afford to buy a lot of games and GP is perfect for those people. It’s ridiculous that Sony fanboys try and shame people for saving money as if you all are filth rich when really people like you are just stuck up arrogant losers. The nerve of you to say something so ridiculous. I have GP and I make just about 6 figures a year. I also have PS Premium,Netflix, Hulu, Prime video, paramount + Etc so I guess im to poor to buy DVD and Blu-Ray right? Guess is should go tell my collection of 1000’s of disk that….

derek516d ago

@crazy, Microsoft is not interested in innovation/creativity when it comes to gaming. I don't think they even real care about gaming in general, they only want to cram into their existing subscription/service model.

derek516d ago

@SPEAK you can deny reality all you want but you are the exception. Microsofts entire pitch the last 5 years is that you don't have to buy games on Xbox just subscribe to gamepass. The Xbox community has largely adopted this thinking they say it all the time "I don't buy games anymore, I'll wait for it to come to gamepass ".

shinoff2183516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

Speakthe truth.

Calm down and come down down a little bit. You might have all those games but these days in certainly seems alot of gamepass users don't buy games all like that.

The only thing gamepass really has on ps plus is day one games in reality. But whats the use of bragging about that if you really haven't had any day one games(specifically 1st party)

Remember ps plus was out first buy a few years if I'm not mistaken. So what about all your subscriptions I got ps plus gamepass Netflix Hulu all that to. Congrats.

Orchard being in this article running they mouth on and on and on is on him. He brought it all on to himself you don't need to white knight for him.

Really the only ones I mess with are orchard and lifexline, that fake engineer guy to.

Also last thing I'll say kudos on the disc games. Physical forever

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 516d ago
crazyCoconuts516d ago

Video games surprise and delight us. Sometimes these gimmicks help with that. Radio chatter coming from the speaker on your controller, feeling the pull off a bow on your trigger... These can all be seen as gimmicky by certain people. But for people that love gaming, we celebrate that innovation. For the rest, they can buy the black rectangle that uses bright green plastic instead of a giving their customers a real light

Silver-Noise-X516d ago

I just can't fathom how you think , you are so biased that I stopped reading your comments and just give them a thumbs down whenever I find them...and they are many.
They should put you instead of phil spencer as the face of xbox :/

Orchard516d ago

Do I get his paycheck too? If so, I accept the job.

Although I think I'd make a terrible front man for Xbox given I only have a PS5. It wouldn't look good.

Bathyj516d ago

So you would have us believe you have a PS5 but you don't have an Xbox?

Well that leaves only a few obvious scenarios.

Either you do have a PS5 and you don't have an Xbox like you said and you bought a console you hate rather than one you love and champion all the time simply so you can give your opinion on PS5 a little bit of weight which in my mind would make you pathetic. It would also mean all the praise you heap on Xbox and Game pass should be disregarded because you don't have any actual hands-on experience with it.

Or you do have an Xbox and don't have a PS5 and simply pretend to have one for this credibility weight I spoke of and deny the Xbox to deflect your obvious bias. Again, pathetic, and also making you a liar to boot.

Or you have both and are denying Xbox see previous comment.

Or you have neither and trolling n4g is he only true game you play.

None of these scenarios paint you in a very good light. I'm starting to think it's the last one.

ApocalypseShadow516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

Still didn't answer my question. Still running I see.

Eye tracking has so many benefits that it's only the beginning from these games. But it clearly burns you that Sony is doing something right again and their competition with all their money is flailing as usual.

slayernz516d ago Show
CrimsonWing69516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

God forbid VR tries anything new…

For a platform that’s all about virtual interactivity, I think eye tracking technology is something that would elevate the experience.

tbagmonster516d ago

dont bother orchard, to them, if this hits 10 m its a massive success and sony wins, meanwhile its gonna be just like last time. vr is a niche market period

generic-user-name515d ago

10m would be a near 100% increase over PSVR1 sales, that's called market growth.

ironmonkey516d ago

It's new tech, Sony is moving forward, unlike Ms being third place since the stone ages is still trying to figure out how a disk tray works.

SonyStyled516d ago

Orchard last week was trying to crown single use battery powered controllers as forward thinking over rechargeable controllers, from a device likely using a rechargeable battery. Xbox doesn’t need to learn how a disc tray works either, they need to move on from it. PlayStation hasn’t had a disc tray, or AA batteries starting with the PS3 in 2006, 17yrs ago now.

Eonjay516d ago

You are just trolling as always in every PlayStation story (happy New Years) and that's why people know not to take you seriously. Trolling can't be your only trick. You are becoming a gimmick tbh.

generic-user-name516d ago

If you're ever wondering why Orchard seems so down on VR and PSVR all the time, I'll remind you that it is the one clear differentiator between Sony and its rivals. It is irrefutable proof that Sony still believe in taking risks and pushing the medium of gaming forward. It goes against the narrative that Sony only care about 3rd person over the shoulder dad simulators and it also casts a certain trillion dollar company in a poor light for being to scared to compete in that market.

For these sins, he must smear it any chance he gets.

ibrake4naps515d ago

Wow. All Psvr2 articles are magnets for Orchard's negativity. What up with that?!

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 515d ago
purple101516d ago

Not only for the rendering saving processing power (by only giving you max graphics where your focusing on) it can be used to select things on screen.

I'd say not just a gimmick, but actually something that is going to push VR forward in a massive way.

Very vanilla sky

S2Killinit516d ago (Edited 516d ago )


Dare I say it might make the VR version the definitive way to play some games?

Because it will close the gap in graphics. Last gen, the PSVR games with much lower graphics than flat counterpart of a game still had an impressive feel simply by being VR, this time the VR graphics could be as good or closer to the flat version because of combining foveated rendering and eye tracking and the VR experience will be that much more impressive. Can you imagine the same graphics as flat games but VR? I’m hyped for what is possible.

Profchaos516d ago

In many ways psvr was already the definitive version of many games I play many hours of star wars squadrons with friends they played flat screen I played vr and I had an absolute blast doing it.
Also re7 I tried playing it flat screen but it lost all of its sense of fear and dread that vr gave it.

Imo the immersive nature of vr often made games feel better than flat screen gaming however those controls on psvr 1 were garbage and the main reason I didn't put many hours in at the tail end of the generation but psvr2 looks to fix that

SullysCigar516d ago

^ agreed 100% on all points. As for RE7, probably the best gaming experience I've ever had was playing tat in VR.

It's the reason I still haven't played RE8. So pumped to go straight in on PSVR2.

generic-user-name516d ago

Ian Higton from Eurogamer already claims the PSVR2 version of RE8 is the definitive version of that game from his hands-on preview.

AgitUzumaki516d ago

I wonder what Sony’s plan for their VR part is? Will it be the only way of playing a Sony console in the future?( I’m all for it). But it’s not part of ps5 (games library) but it need the ps5 to function with its own PSVR library.
What I mean by it, it’s it own “console” with games made only working for PSVR. What would make this more worth buying for me is if Sony made all their games(PS5) work with PSVR. Imagine playing Spider-Man or Ghost of Tsushima with third person view in VR.

derek516d ago

From what they said they plan to expand their vr catalog by making certain games they're already producing hybrid kinda like gt7. I hope they do make a vr third person view of a game like Spiderman.

LiViNgLeGaCY516d ago

Man, this technology is so cool!

drizzom516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

Vote me down if you want but I've never liked the idea of companies tracking where your eyes are looking.

S2Killinit516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

Yep but IF it is sent back to the company but not if its only sent to your console.

SullysCigar516d ago

He said, unlocking his phone with his face... and his laptop with his fingerprint!

LOL joking aside, I get your point and actually agree. I'm the kind of person to opt out of ads and cookies every time I open a site!

SullysCigar515d ago

^ I did too mate, I use Brave now.

drizzom515d ago (Edited 515d ago )

I dont use those features either. Yeah its all encompassing at this point but I still try to distance myself. I work as a devops engineer (just junior though) and some of the technology I see some of our clients using for gathering data makes me not want anything to do with all these modern smart devices. Enthusiasts are excited about everything in their house being connected to the net. Aside from the phone and games, the best I have is an old 2014 printer and I keep a loaded gun ready whenever it makes a noise I don't expect.

SullysCigar515d ago

^ Man after my own heart @drizzom. I'm smart enough, I don't need a 'smart home'! I remember seeing everyone go mad for these Alexa devices, but I was creeped out. Sometimes round my friend's houses I see them randomly start saying or playing something, because it's constantly listening to our conversations and misheard a request. I've also witnessed some disturbing reactions when questioned on simple things...

blackblades514d ago

I use DDG on phone, Firefox with DDG engine on pc also have brave browser. From what I read firefox strict option makes it better then brave but I could wrong. Google is the worst, wish there was a free unlimited VPN out there.
My folks has a alexa some times it'll be unplugged but when its not some time it's light up when I say something not even close Alexa. My laptop keep wanting me to finish register and talking about activating location like FU. I'm literally old school without being old.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 514d ago
crazyCoconuts516d ago

Especially when they put these very attractive characters in skimpy outfits right in front of you. They'll probably start commenting back to you... "Hello! I'm up here!"

SullysCigar516d ago

Homer Simpson: "I've made my choice" 🤤

purple101516d ago (Edited 516d ago )

I actually totally agree. But with mobile phones.

With games and games only,. It would be okay.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 514d ago
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Skydance’s Behemoth gameplay revealed, launches on PS VR2 Fall 2024

New details on dark fantasy adventure’s mountainous monsters, gritty combat and more.

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darthv721d 6h ago

That arm grapple reminded me of Halo infinite: Skyrim edition.


PS5 Users Can Save Big On PSVR 2 During PlayStation's Days Of Play Sale

The PlayStation VR 2 deal is one of many great PlayStation discounts available until June 12. That said, if you're interested in PSVR 2 but still need to upgrade your console, the are also deals on the PS5 Slim and PS5 Slim digital edition during the PlayStation Days of Play sale.

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Jingsing17h ago

Sorry but PSVR2 is dead and double dead at any sale price. It was dead before it launched as the "premium" VR scene lost all the AAA developers and now it is all indie mobile phone crap quality software.


State of Play | May 30, 2024

State of Play is back! Tune in live for updates on PS5 and PS VR2 titles, plus a look at PlayStation Studios games arriving later this year.

darthv721d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

Im getting a bit of GotG vibes from Concord.

Ragnarok coming September 2024... that's just shy of 2 years since the PS5 release in November 2022.

-Foxtrot1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

I thought exactly the same. If they made it more like the GotG game and it wasn't online focused I'd have been sold instantly.

BISHOP-BRASIL1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

Yup, I was hyped up by the cinematic trailer and immediately put off the moment the gameplay trailer started, that was very high quality and great concept cinematic just for another Overwatch wannabe... Here's hoping they succeed so eventually someday they make an actual campaign focused entry for the franchise, but I'm not holding my breath and I'm definitely not falling for always online crap and FOMO just to follow drip fed cinematic "content".

EDIT: I'm still watching it as I comment... OMG they have another hero shooter, Marvel Rivals, seriously, they missed 2020 or something? For those not into online only and VR games, gotta say, poor show so far...

Profchaos1d 5h ago

Gotg would of been a hit if it released before Avengers was my goty a few years back so I'm intrigued here

RaidenBlack1d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

GotG is very underrated and had the unfortunate luck of releasing just after Avengers.
Its really good and more people should play it.

Lightning771d 2h ago

Concord didn't do anything for me personally just another Overwatch mash up with other fps stuff. I mostly popped for Dynasty Warriors for next year. That was my biggest reveal I was genuinely excited for.

No Ghost 2. It's very clear Sony will wait later to Announce the Big Aaa's they don't wanna announce stuff too early and rather announce it closer to release.

darthv721d 5h ago

Maybe its just me but Astrobot looked more R&C inspired than ever.

P_Bomb1d 5h ago

Astro won the show. Looks epic! Huge bosses too like from the PSVR game.

shinoff21831d 5h ago

Astro bot and silent hill 2 remake are what I'm liking out of this.

RaidenBlack1d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

Most games appeared good.
Where Winds Meet and Monster Hunter seemed like those needed a bit more polish but that's ok as those aren't releasing anytime soon but I am still kinda worried regarding SH2Remake. Still looks rough and from rear view, James Sunderland looks nearly identical to Leon Kennedy's model from RE4Remake. Hope I am wrong though.
Other games were decent. Even Marvel Rivals.
Ballad of Antara was the highlight for me, followed by Infinity Nikki(purely on the art style alone).
And glad that, Path of Exile 2 is coming to PS5 and Ragnarok is coming to PC!
Behemoth for VR2 also looked really interesting.

PapaBop1d 5h ago

You actually liked Infinity Nikki art style?

PSPSA20h ago

Was my favorite looking game of the show, art style looks amazing

RaidenBlack18h ago

Its not my type of game ...but the design and art style is really well thought out

Lightning771d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

Marvel Rivals had a PC invite alpha test a few weeks back and they love the hell out it saying it's an Overwatch killer. I'm definitely down to play and play as my favorite.

STORM. ❄️💨🌊⚡

There's a closed beta in July on consoles but I doubt I'll be able to get in.

InUrFoxHole23h ago

In overwatch 's defense didn't it kill itself?

Michiel198919h ago

they also gave out beta keys where you had to sign an nda not to say anything negative about the game, otherwise you could not play. Don't support stuff like that :) surprised they even showed it here cause it looks terrible and it will fail faster than Artifact

1d 5h ago Replies(3)
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