
Gamers Temple Review: A Kingdom for Keflings

Gamers Temple: "Usually when I get games for review, I sit down, play for as long as I can stand it (or my work schedule affords), get to the end and begin writing. There are exceptions to my set way of doing things, like when reviewing impossibly long and complex games (where the game would be on the bargain shelf before I finished everything) or ridiculously short games, like those available on the iPhone. A Kingdom for Keflings, the Xbox 360's semi-new strategy simulation game that was created to showcase the platform's new personal avatar system, is another exception. I've been playing it on and off for about a week now, and to be perfectly honest, the game is so low-key that I'm not sure exactly how much progress I've made or even if there is an ultimate goal to work toward. That isn't a complaint or slight on the game in the least, but for a system best known for ultra high-end graphics, a fantastic array of FPS and shooting games and an emphasis on online play, A Kingdom for Keflings feels at best out of place, and at worst a tech demo showcasing the change in Xbox Live's appearance.

If you haven't updated your 360 in a while, a little explanation is warranted. Microsoft has changed the look and dashboard of its Live service, and in turn, just about everything you see when you power up the system. Most notable of the changes is the new avatar system that is pretty much exactly like what the Miis are to the Nintendo Wii. Each player designs his or her own little avatar person, who is attached to your gamertag... you get the picture. Sure, the idea is copied from Nintendo, but imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, correct?"

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Mandate Radio: Ep. 8 (11/19/2013)

"Happy Wednesday everyone! and welcome back to another delicious, tantalizing, and sensual offering of Mandate Radio, which could also be described as Indie Games AAA’s premier podcast. In other words, you are in for a treat. Pete and Franky get right back at it in what may be the most recent episode of Mandate Radio yet, where they final close the book on ‘DOTA 2′ conversations. They then talk ‘Avatar Trials’, ‘Legend of Grimrock’, ‘Gnomoria’, ‘A Kingdom of Keflings’, and ‘Kerbal Space Program’. For the news, the guys jump into the PS4 release feet first. Then, they finish off with a fresh rando section, which ends up a bit off-kilter from the norm. The result is a medley of fun and man love. Enjoy!"

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NinjaBee demoing new game Nutjitsu at PAX East

Indie developer NinjaBee has announced that it will be debuting a new game at PAX East later this week titled Nutjitsu. A playable "in-development build" will be demoed at the developer's booth.

NinjaBee will also be hosting demo builds of the Windows 8 and Wii U versions of its popular city building game A World of Keflings. The developer will even give away a copy of the PC version of A Kingdom for Keflings for players who demo any of the games at their booth.

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josephayal4103d ago

Def game of the year contender

MNGamer-N4103d ago

Indie games are becoming some of my favorites... great games that are much cheaper... not as much content, but still good gameplay experiences for less cheese. I'd rather pay for 5 or six good indie games rather than spend $60 on one crap game.


5 Royal Games To Play Over The Jubilee Weekend

Here in the UK, we are about to start celebrating 60 years since the Queen came into power. Much like the rest of the Country, we here at PopBucket, have gone Jubilee mad. We have bunting, cakes and even some Queen Elizabeth style face masks at PopBucket HQ. But what games are on our playlist for the long weekend?

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solidworm4393d ago

VIVA LA REPUBLIQUE................