
Silent Hill Transmission | Konami Live

"SILENT HILL Transmission reveals the latest news for the SILENT HILL series."

BrockEmSockEm590d ago (Edited 590d ago )

Saw only PS5 logo for Silent Hill 2. Please don't be an exclusive.

Edit: It is. "*also available on PC. Not available on other formats for 12 months after release"

porkChop590d ago

It's another timed exclusive. It's to be expected. All the people thinking Abandoned was secretly PS and Kojima rebooting Silent Hill look pretty dumb right now.

Eonjay590d ago

It is launching exclusive for a year on pS5 then it will be on PC.

MrNinosan590d ago

No, it launches on PS5 and PC, and after a year it can launch on other platforms.

Eonjay590d ago


Got it thanks

JEECE590d ago

It makes a lot of sense. Get $ from Sony to be exclusive for a year, sell copies of your game for $70, then get another big payment from MS to put your game on GP as soon as the exclusivity agreement ends. I expect we'll see a number of games like this during this generation.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 590d ago
jznrpg589d ago

It’s hard to say with times stuff because it may never come out later like FF7R . Who knows though

Orchard590d ago

Bloober Team... Konami why you got to do us like this. I suppose it could be worse - it could be Double Helix or Vatra.

-Foxtrot590d ago

Yeah...after their last games why these guys

I guess the story is already there and the like so they can't f*** it up really.

Orchard590d ago (Edited 590d ago )

Konami & Bloober: Challenge Accepted!

I'd say they've already ruined James. He looks weird, a bit like a kid in the face.

In all seriousness though, just don't touch the story at all. Zero reason to change the story. Then the only thing they can screw up is the gameplay/combat.

JEECE590d ago

Seriously. Why bother with this buildup and finally bringing back Silent Hill, only to give it it Bloober Team? Here's hoping they will turn out to be one of those teams that's really great at remaking games, even if they aren't so good at original IP.

Orchard590d ago

Agreed. Based on their past games, They really haven't earned the privilege of recreating one of the best games from the PS2 / to date.

porkChop590d ago

To be fair there's an existing game for them to pull from, including gameplay elements. As long as they follow the framework they should be fine.

darthv72590d ago (Edited 590d ago )

Hey now... what's wrong with double helix? I thought they did great with killer instinct.

@orchard, i wouldnt know about homecoming. I never played it or the PS1/2 versions. My introduction to SH1 is shattered memories on wii followed by the HD remaster collection of 2 & 3 on ps3. I know those werent as well received as the originals.

Orchard590d ago

KI was fine... SH Homecoming was probably the worst SH game I've ever played. Where do I even begin... Pyramid Head being there for no reason whatsoever other than 'SH fans like him, right!?", you don't even reach SH until near the end, the combat is just mash attack and dodge. I could go on.

Downpour had a decent storyline, but the implementation and gameplay were garbage.

Orchard590d ago (Edited 590d ago )

@darth Yeah, sadly the two western made mainline SH games just weren't that scary or well made.

I never played Shattered Memories, but you should totally grab an emulator (or original HW) and try the PS1 SH1. It's awesome, and with emulators you can even get it up to a decent framerate. I would love for a remake.

As for the HD Collection... it got a lot of stick. The performance was pretty jank, and they broke a lot of fundamental parts of the experience (like the fog, lighting & shadows), the new voice actors also sucked (optional in SH2, but mandatory in SH3). But the story itself & the gameplay stayed intact at least, so I'd say you didn't really miss too much by not playing the original.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 590d ago
Star51590d ago

Timed release. No cutting corners guys with development

onisama590d ago

For the player.... Proceed to buy half of the games as timed exclusives or 3rd party permanent exclusivity

Orchard590d ago

Well, you know for sure this will appear in the next statement MS submits to the CMA :P

Free live ammunition.

darkrider590d ago

We like to laugh with Microsoft Pr.

VersusDMC590d ago

Then Sony shows that Microsoft also paid for a timed exclusive from team Bloober(Medium)

So it is a wash.

Orchard590d ago (Edited 590d ago )

@darkrider Well Jim Ryan isn't laughing. He's deadly serious that PS needs COD to survive, and that no PS studio can create a game even close to COD.

@Versus Indeed. But you can guarantee MS are using any 3rd party exclusivity that Sony announces against them at this point. They're determined to make this acquisition go through.

darkrider590d ago (Edited 590d ago )

Buy half.. Timed exclusive... Excuses... This is exactly what happened when it was launched on the ps2. One year later it was on Xbox. Microsoft is lucky to even get this game. Sales wise it will flop, because Microsoft gamers don't buy games. This Games was a huge hit on the ps2 not on Xbox. It's not like it sold 60 or 70 % on Microsoft machine... Like other games that greedy company wants to buy and take from 160 millions gamers

gold_drake590d ago

as Microsoft did in the past.

lets also not forget that, babes

onisama590d ago

Give me a list and i will give you a pdf file with 3rd party exclsuivity and exclauive contents on PS... But anyway Rayan made a miatake crying and facing microsoft directly that he pis off even MS CEO.... Microsoft is avery aggressive compititor when they want to and Rayan will learn that next 10 years

a7madRyan590d ago

Its for playstation players, and sony is doing a great job so far this year

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 590d ago
CrimsonWing69590d ago

I’ll be honest, the Remake was the only thing that did it for me.

Silent Hill f looked interesting conceptually, but felt nothing like Silent Hill to me. It could have just been a brand new IP. I do want to see more, but it not feeling or looking like Silent Hill made me disappointed.

The other projects I need to see more on before I can say anything, but I’m not exactly hyped on them, either.

a7madRyan590d ago

So it need to be in america to be silent hill?

CrimsonWing69590d ago (Edited 590d ago )

Isn’t that how locations work?

Can I ask you something just for a friendly discussion?

If I didn’t tell you Silent Hill f was a Silent Hill game, what from the teaser could you interpret was Silent Hill related?

Now don’t get wrong, I think it’s cool, but as something in terms of a Silent Hill game it did disappoint me. Keep in mind this is my reaction to what they’ve shown so far.

Maybe they’ll show me something that’ll really make me say, “Yes!!! This is Silent Hill!!!”

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Silent Hill transmission coming May 30th 4.pm. PDT

Blooper Team will share game updates, a deeper look at the film and new merch.

-Foxtrot4d ago

This is make or break for the Silent Hill 2 remake, if it looks lacklustre then I think it's the final nail in the coffin for a lot of people. Nothing has been wow worthy since it's reveal.

Resident Evil 2 Remake, Resident Evil 4 Remake, the Dead Space Remake etc, it has a lot to live up to with the quality remake titles we've gotten recently over the years.

SmortBoie3d ago

While an expectation of the highest quality for such a revered title as SH2 is entirely valid, I feel that the comparison to the likes of RE2R/RE4R is a little steep. Capcom, Konami ain't (these days) and likewise, the SH franchise ain't nothing to the likes now in comparison to the juggernaut which is the RE franchise. A tempered level of expectation would do your appreciation that we're getting something at all a significant justice.
While from the shadows I often agree with your critisisms and opinions, I think you're being to harsh on this particular mid-level team and their passion project here. Sure, it would have been nice to get something of the vein Capcom can deliver, but the profit the SH franchise can conjure in 2024 is likely a far cry from the sure-thing RE is and the budget, no doubt, reflects the uncertainty. In the end, what we'll have here is a serviceable mid-level slow-burn, clunky exploration-based survival horror title that aptly revisits the setting, atmosphere and experience of the core Silent Hill essence in the modern gaming era. For some of us it's enough to be given a chance to be inside that world again, with the town rendered in better graphics than we've ever seen before by a team who obviously cares deeply for the lore of this franchise and is doing their best.
Was it a stupid idea to focus our first-look on a combat trailer? Definitely. It's the aspect I personally care least about. Will it be difficult to accept the modern direction of the characters, voice work and doubtless changes to to the story? Undeniably. But will I be delighted to experience this reimaginging of a game that shaped the very foundation of who I am as a gamer 23 years ago? Without. Question.

I think we need to ease off on expecting everything to be Naughty Dog level masterclass in gaming and just try more to appreciate what is. While we should expect quality from our hard earned dollars, and no doubt have the right to withhold them in defiance of shitty games, greedy corporate practices and buggy messes - we should also give credit where credit is due when the industry at least tries to compromise with us and deliver on what people want.

... would I have likely been significantly happier with a full-scale true modern remastering of SH2 instead of a reimaginging by an unproven studio. Lol hell yes brother. Alas.

AMiles993d ago

The franchise as a whole has been a very poor seller. Only 9 million copies sold between 1999 to 2019...it was on the Japanese Konami site but has been delisted for a few years.

The Metal Gear franchise fares much better...closer to 60 million copies sold.

Given Silent Hills previous poor sales and it's only releasing on 1 platform....along with the fact that almost all horror games outside of Resident Evil tend to be huge flops....it ain't looking good in terms of commercial success.

SmortBoie3d ago

No it ain't AMiles. Keeping the budget low doesn't please the folks that want RE2R quality but it does help keep the risk down on an unproven franchise and release. Maybe if the sales are great we'll see a bigger investment on the next title - it's just a SHAME Konami came out swinging with this title, on this budget, 12 years after the last franchise release instead of saving it for a series sales high point they worked up to - ala Capcom and RE. But we can lament what could have been til the cows come - I'm at least here for the what is, and still pretty excited for it.

Mad_Matt3d ago

As a Silent Hill fan Im getting this game regardless. I honestly only expect a major graphics upgrade with minor gameplay tweaks. For me, thats enough, but I also enjoy mid tier gaming more then AAA.

purple1013d ago

ahhh sheeeee*t, I seem to have lost editing privilege on it too, so hope mods can change it for us!!

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