
Feel a New Real | PS VR2

"Discover how the revolutionary immersive features of PlayStation®VR2 can transport you to thrilling worlds that feel, look and sound real through PlayStation VR2 Sense™ technology."

Neonridr618d ago

drop the preorder date please, lol

shinoff2183617d ago

Im with you. Im so waiting for this

S2Killinit617d ago

Early 2023 is all we know so far. I wish it was this christmas though.

ApocalypseShadow618d ago (Edited 618d ago )

It's got huge potential. Just remember:

PS5 power that's many times more powerful than PSVR used with PS4(1.8). And over twice PS4 Pro(4.2).

SSD support built in for next gen engine development like UE5 and fast load times. With nanite and lumen just recently announced as supporting VR.

Dedicated Tempest Audio for high quality 3D sound with pulse headphones or your own earbuds and headphones.

High resolution lenses, HDR and OLED for deep blacks and crisp pixel graphics and bright colors.

Eye Tracking, and foveated rendering for high quality graphics where your eyes are looking, for UI control, for object getting, NPCs looking directly at you, etc.

Haptics for nuanced vibration of actions on screen to your hands and to your headset.

Triggers, touch, inside out tracking, analog sticks, light weight, one wire, etc

1st, 2nd and 3rd party franchises and support for potentially, many high quality games over its lifetime.

No matter what naysayers try and tell you, that PS VR 2 is just another Vita or won't get any AAA games. The total package is staring VR gamers right in the face. Believe the previews and your eyes. Not their negative narrative words.

Neonridr618d ago

I didn't realize it had eye tracking for things like selecting weapons from a wheel. That's pretty darn cool. I'm excited. I've been using my Index but I'm ready for the next step here. I hope tons of PC VR games make the switch over here too. Lots of potential.

ApocalypseShadow617d ago

And I hope PC gets some of these high quality games. As both grow, it only helps the high end VR market grow. Developers making cross platform games for both means less risk for them. Seeing the next level of VR should be celebrated as something that increases immersion and brings us closer in connection to the games we play.

Better graphics, AI, physics, lighting, objects on screen, explosions, characters populating the map. Why anyone downplays that is anyone's guess.

jznrpg618d ago

I wonder if it will work with PS6 also as it has really nice specs and lenses and such and just get more power from the console .

PS5 will be plenty for now just thinking about the future . I wouldn’t be surprised if if it will work with the next console gen because you don’t need a camera like PSVR1 version and they will probably go with a similar solution next headset also . .

RauLeCreuset617d ago

Keep in mind PSVR does work on PS5. That gives support to the hope that PSVR2 will work on PS6. It should be able to do so without needing an adapter, unlike PSVR on PS5.

ApocalypseShadow617d ago

I thought about it and have mentioned it. If PS6 is BC, the eye tracking and foveated rendering would give PS VR 2 more potential. Or course, Sony would release a new headset as well. But PS VR 2 wouldn't lose out being compatible. Not unless there's features on the new one that can't be duplicated on PS VR 2.

Eye tracking made it near future proof. I think Mark Cerny and other tech advisors must have had this discussion just like they discussed BC of PS4. The audio, the haptics, the SSD being switchable. Must have been serious planning. Including VR.

Remember when gamers only thought PS5 would only play 100 top PS4 games? Still gives me a laugh.

ClayRules2012617d ago

Well said, Apocalypse! PSVR 2 has so much potential and really is the total package for VR, and based on HZ Call of The Mountain (along with I assume some other new VR games not announced yet from Sony’s other first party studios, as well as 2nd and 3rd party, as you mentioned) I mean, VR just might be delivering a plethora of games that’ll show off not just the real capabilities of what breathtaking visuals PSVR 2 will offer to players, but really, equally as much, just how solid/smooth VR2’s gameplay mechanics brought into their games will offer gamers something special and of a high quality.

Why invest in a PS5? Well, because of the GAMES! The quantity and quality of them from Sony’s studios cannot be beat, unmatched pedigree. While it’ll take time, PSVR 2 can offer players that same experience in VR and how thrilling i think I’ll be. Previews have been great and exciting

Can’t wait.

ApocalypseShadow617d ago (Edited 617d ago )

Agreed. We can already see the support right off. And the headset isn't even out on the market yet.

Sony with Horizon as First Party. And we know GT 7 is pretty much a given from Polyphony. First Contact almost in a Second Party roll with Firewall Ultra. Just waiting for Impulse Gear, the makers of Farpoint, to announce as they are like Second Party too and helped make the Aim Controller. Then, we got Third Parties like Capcom already there with RE8 and whatever support RE4 has. Then, we got Indie developers like Hello Games with, what should be, the Definitive version of No Man's Sky.

If that's not enough to see that Sony is not playing this time, not experimenting like before with lights and Move Controllers, I don't know what to say to the naysayers when we can clearly see that everything is improved over PSVR.

ROCKY28617d ago

New WipEout ?
Can't play Omega :(

Petebloodyonion617d ago

Sony sure knows how to make a good trailer :)
Can't wait for resident Evil village and 4 RE.

S2Killinit617d ago

Awesome. I cant wait for this.

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Skydance’s Behemoth gameplay revealed, launches on PS VR2 Fall 2024

New details on dark fantasy adventure’s mountainous monsters, gritty combat and more.

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darthv721d 4h ago

That arm grapple reminded me of Halo infinite: Skyrim edition.


PS5 Users Can Save Big On PSVR 2 During PlayStation's Days Of Play Sale

The PlayStation VR 2 deal is one of many great PlayStation discounts available until June 12. That said, if you're interested in PSVR 2 but still need to upgrade your console, the are also deals on the PS5 Slim and PS5 Slim digital edition during the PlayStation Days of Play sale.

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Jingsing15h ago

Sorry but PSVR2 is dead and double dead at any sale price. It was dead before it launched as the "premium" VR scene lost all the AAA developers and now it is all indie mobile phone crap quality software.


State of Play | May 30, 2024

State of Play is back! Tune in live for updates on PS5 and PS VR2 titles, plus a look at PlayStation Studios games arriving later this year.

darthv721d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

Im getting a bit of GotG vibes from Concord.

Ragnarok coming September 2024... that's just shy of 2 years since the PS5 release in November 2022.

-Foxtrot1d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

I thought exactly the same. If they made it more like the GotG game and it wasn't online focused I'd have been sold instantly.

BISHOP-BRASIL1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

Yup, I was hyped up by the cinematic trailer and immediately put off the moment the gameplay trailer started, that was very high quality and great concept cinematic just for another Overwatch wannabe... Here's hoping they succeed so eventually someday they make an actual campaign focused entry for the franchise, but I'm not holding my breath and I'm definitely not falling for always online crap and FOMO just to follow drip fed cinematic "content".

EDIT: I'm still watching it as I comment... OMG they have another hero shooter, Marvel Rivals, seriously, they missed 2020 or something? For those not into online only and VR games, gotta say, poor show so far...

Profchaos1d 4h ago

Gotg would of been a hit if it released before Avengers was my goty a few years back so I'm intrigued here

RaidenBlack1d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

GotG is very underrated and had the unfortunate luck of releasing just after Avengers.
Its really good and more people should play it.

Lightning771d ago

Concord didn't do anything for me personally just another Overwatch mash up with other fps stuff. I mostly popped for Dynasty Warriors for next year. That was my biggest reveal I was genuinely excited for.

No Ghost 2. It's very clear Sony will wait later to Announce the Big Aaa's they don't wanna announce stuff too early and rather announce it closer to release.

darthv721d 4h ago

Maybe its just me but Astrobot looked more R&C inspired than ever.

P_Bomb1d 4h ago

Astro won the show. Looks epic! Huge bosses too like from the PSVR game.

shinoff21831d 4h ago

Astro bot and silent hill 2 remake are what I'm liking out of this.

RaidenBlack1d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

Most games appeared good.
Where Winds Meet and Monster Hunter seemed like those needed a bit more polish but that's ok as those aren't releasing anytime soon but I am still kinda worried regarding SH2Remake. Still looks rough and from rear view, James Sunderland looks nearly identical to Leon Kennedy's model from RE4Remake. Hope I am wrong though.
Other games were decent. Even Marvel Rivals.
Ballad of Antara was the highlight for me, followed by Infinity Nikki(purely on the art style alone).
And glad that, Path of Exile 2 is coming to PS5 and Ragnarok is coming to PC!
Behemoth for VR2 also looked really interesting.

PapaBop1d 3h ago

You actually liked Infinity Nikki art style?

PSPSA19h ago

Was my favorite looking game of the show, art style looks amazing

RaidenBlack17h ago

Its not my type of game ...but the design and art style is really well thought out

Lightning771d ago (Edited 1d ago )

Marvel Rivals had a PC invite alpha test a few weeks back and they love the hell out it saying it's an Overwatch killer. I'm definitely down to play and play as my favorite.

STORM. ❄️💨🌊⚡

There's a closed beta in July on consoles but I doubt I'll be able to get in.

InUrFoxHole21h ago

In overwatch 's defense didn't it kill itself?

Michiel198917h ago

they also gave out beta keys where you had to sign an nda not to say anything negative about the game, otherwise you could not play. Don't support stuff like that :) surprised they even showed it here cause it looks terrible and it will fail faster than Artifact

1d 4h ago Replies(3)
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