
GTA 6 hacker has access to source code, shares 10K lines of code

GTA 6's leaker has already access to the game's source code. Not only that, but the leaker shared publicly 10K lines of code.

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Jin_Sakai629d ago (Edited 629d ago )

Yes this is not good news. Rockstar will likely have to rewrite most of the code leading to a delay.

Bobertt629d ago

The game basically looked like just GTA 5 with different graphics. I saw no improvements to AI, shooting, driving, missions, etc. To me it looks like just another cash grab at this point. So a delay to actually make a next gen GTA wouldn't be the worst thing.

Jin_Sakai629d ago


You can’t judge the footage this early in development. This is very early code.

Epicor629d ago

What? Why would they need to do that? Of course this leak is horrible for R* but this shouldn't cause any delays. Or am I missing something here?

1nsomniac629d ago

Yea the notion that they’d have to rewrite all their code because someone had seen it is a little bizarre. I don’t know why you would think that.

PapaBop628d ago

How can it be delayed when there is next to no official information regarding the project? You can't delay what isn't announced.

628d ago
crazyCoconuts628d ago

@jin that doesn't make any sense

TheKingKratos628d ago

Why ??

That is very early code .... It will be missing tons and tons of work in gameplay,AI, Graphics,story, voice acting,music etc etc etc that was done while the game in development

They need to do nothing but keep working on their project

Palitera628d ago

10k lines of code is NOTHING in a project of this size.
FFS, our tiny game's Player script alone has 1k+ lines and it barely touches his main behaviours.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 628d ago
629d ago
ApocalypseShadow629d ago

Apparently, because they milked GTA 5, and online(even though gamers continued buying their content) and were silent on their next release, some believe they deserve to be hacked because they're weren't open about their next release. That it's Rockstar's fault. As if Rockstar is on gamer time and not on internal developer time. "Not more open" without believing that gamers should be more **patient**, is some serious entitlement of thinking you need to know when you want to. And not when a company thinks it's time and they are ready.

By this thinking, any company that is milking a product or are silent on their next release, need to be hacked. That's not right. It would mean Naughty Dog, for re-releases of TLofU and not telling gamers on their next project, deserve hacking.

Yeah. It sucks having to wait for information to come out. But no company deserves to be hacked that isn't doing anything criminal. And is only working hard behind the scenes silently with their next project.

monkey602629d ago

I just can not understand the hacker or the sympathisers' line of thought at all!

Owlbert629d ago (Edited 629d ago )

It's called extortion... Take two can teach you all about it, with their shark cards✌️


The internet has caused it lol I remember being a kid waiting on games to come out because I heard about it in the latest issue of Nintendo power. WE HAD TO WAIT patiently, we couldn't go to a forum and complain and cry it just was what it was and we survived. People need to get out of the info now mode all the time. Let shit age like fine wine then we will get the quality stuff we demand. Keep being pushy, hacking, complaining, and we get buggy crap and delays.

randomvoice628d ago

Exactly this! Also, why do people forget that they built RDR2 in the middle which itself was a masterpiece and took over 4-5 years. It isn't like Rockstar has been sitting on their asses doing nothing. Yeah they could be quicker in delivering games but the scale they pick which gets bigger every game means it takes time and effort.

Mothman1984628d ago (Edited 628d ago )

ApocalypseShadow@ Every company is doing "something" illegal. You just need to dig deep enough. Not a good argument, not good at all. Because everybody has a criminal under the skin.

ApocalypseShadow628d ago (Edited 628d ago )

You go and chase phantoms if you want. Prove to me Rockstar is doing illegal activities? Present your facts. I don't need your wild speculation.

The company doesn't deserve to be hacked. You can deflect all day while saying absolutely nothing. Keeping silent until they are ready isn't illegal. Not giving gamers new information isn't illegal.

Sony has resold Spider-Man more than once. They have not shown gameplay of Spider-Man 2. Does that mean they deserve to be hacked? No.

Come back when you really got something. Right now, you have nothing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 628d ago
XxINFERNUSxX629d ago

If you want to share the code make a torrent and there you go. No worries at all, it will not be taken down by shit bags Take Two they are helpless if you share it this way. 😁

Shiore2u628d ago

@ disagrees
I don't get how anyone can sympathize with Take-Two or Rockstar given their egregious history. They treat their employees like disposable sweatshop workers and their customers like morons. They deserve this and worse.

IRetrouk628d ago

Do the devs who worked on it deserve it too?

Shiore2u628d ago (Edited 628d ago )

Wouldn't be surprised if it's an overworked developer not allowed to leave the office to spend time with his/her family under a career ultimatum from a superior that ended up doing it. Rockstar San Diego's toxic management and work crunch during RDR's development had plenty such examples.

NotoriousWhiz628d ago

^ I'm not sure that would make the developer's career any easier. I suspect it would make it a lot harder. And then to also do that to own their team would be awful.

IRetrouk628d ago

It wasn't an employee, the team of devs who have worked hard on this do not deserve this at all, no excuse.

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629d ago
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Take-Two CEO Cites GTA as “#1 Entertainment Property of All-Time Across All Forms of Entertainment"

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick claims that the Grand Theft Auto franchise is the no. 1 entertainment property of all-time across all forms of media, and cites the recent GTA 6 reveal trailer as proof.

CrimsonWing698d ago

I mean, GTA V has pretty much stayed in the top 10 for the past 3 generations, which is absolutely nuts.

just_looken7d ago

Right they removed the xbox 360 physics when they ported to ps4 then we lost various items over the years do too censorship then we lost all those cars online for a new paywall system.

But "gamers" supported it all 100% here is my $8usd a month then my ___ a month for xbox live ps plus for a game that was free to play online on the playstation 3.

To think there are still a ton of people out there that think gta 6 will not be a monetized/censored "modern" game is so dam funny.

Can not wait for the $100 gta 6 with the $10 online per month fee like its wow.

just_looken6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Wow i swear 2020 made so many brain dead





I mean i can do this all day please read put down the phones

badboyz097d ago

Is this news? Mario or pokemon maybe.

just_looken7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

They make money yes but have tossed out alot of games over the years minecraft has had spinoffs.

Gta 5 11 years old makes over a billion each year one game.

Inverno7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

No, it's a great series and I've enjoyed playing a few of the games but there's games i Rather play than GTA. There are movies i rather watch, or manga i Rather read, or albums i rather listen to.

The_Blue7d ago

You would compared a series and not hobbies.

Inverno7d ago

"all forms of entertainment". Books, movies, games, music, sports, theater, are not jus hobbies they're entertaining. For as big as GTA is, for as many people there are that game, there are more that do not play games and most likely haven't ever heard of GTA. They can't claim to be number 1 across all forms of entertainment when there's so many forms of entertainment.

badboyz097d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Now that they own Zynga I 100% guarantee you GTA on Switch 2 and Mobile.

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Take-Two CEO: "Highly Confident" on GTA 6 Fall 2025 Release Window, Rockstar Seeking "Perfection"

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick is "highly confident" on the GTA 6 Fall 2025 release window, and claims Rockstar is seeking perfection.

Profchaos18d ago

That's not good he told us he was seeking perfection just before the definitive edition dropped

gold_drake18d ago

its gonna be a crazy later half of a year whennit drops.

i think its a smart move to target fall, especially cause ppl stay in more frequently

CrimsonWing6917d ago

I honestly feel this will be next level.

Cacabunga17d ago

RDR2 blows GTA5 open world off the water… I am having very very very high expectations from this one.

andy8517d ago

Please please give me a 60 fps mode or at the very least 40 fps

Zeke6817d ago

40 fps gives 120 fps with VRR. I would love that!!

bRuud8317d ago

60 fps is not going to happen on the base PS5 and Xbox series X. Maybe 40 fps on PS5 Pro.

andy8517d ago

People argued said it wasn't with Starfield, making excuses for why it wasn't possible to have 60 fps but as expected they made one. It's always possible with some limitations

Ray J17d ago

with PSSR on the PS5 Pro, 60fps is fortunately in the cards, let's hope Rockstar makes it happen.

Chocoburger17d ago

No, what you're seeking is "perfect micro-trash-actions gameplay loop", that's all you care about, you sleazy douche.


GTA VI To Release In Fall 2025, Confirms Take-Two

Take-Two Interactive has confirmed that Rockstar Games' next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series, GTA VI, is set for release in Fall 2025.

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purple10123d ago

bad = give it mo me NOW!! we can't wait another year.!!!!
good = I have another year to save up another £500 for a ps5pro

MestreRothN4G23d ago

You’ll wait at least 2.
The fake 2025 release date is not counting the multiple delays.

Sonic188123d ago

Did anyone assume a different release date? I didn't

notachance23d ago

I didn’t but now that they confirmed it I expect winter or spring 2026 instead

nzjono23d ago

Not everyone lives in Merica or uses the term fall to describe Autumn, state the month.

isarai23d ago

That's why google exists 👍

romulus2323d ago

I live in "Merica" and I don't call it fall, I call it Merlinpeen. FYI Fall/Autumn is the months of Sept, Oct, Nov.

Rebel_Scum23d ago

Ya know the seasons pretty much work opposite each other right. So autumn in the north is spring in the south.

But I agree with you on the whole season mention for release windows. I still get annoyed by online sales that are called summer sales in bloody winter.

CantThinkOfAUsername23d ago

Stating the month is not a good PR practice.

Suave_Langosta22d ago

You sound like a real blast at parties! Maybe not everyone takes your personal journey through life into account when they are making a point. Use Google and stop complaining.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 22d ago
isarai23d ago

So spring 2026, got it! 👌

PassNextquestion23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

That feels like forever away..I guess the GTA after that won't come out till 2035.

sagapo23d ago

Yeah, but we might have Red Dead 3 to fill the gap?

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