
Diary of a Demo Disc

Ah, the PS2 era. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Truly a golden gen of gaming. So why the hyperbole? I jest of course. But for one, I was in competition with a seemingly infinite amount of gamers for a very finite amount of…magazines?

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IamTylerDurden1661d ago

Demo discs were the days. Anyone remember black bottom discs? Hopefully PlayStation Plus premium trials start rolling because it'll be very advantageous.

P_Bomb661d ago

I do remember! I might even have a couple. I can see them in my minds eye. Off to the basement…

VersusDMC661d ago

Official playstation magazine had some banger demos back in the day. FFX and Silent Hill 2 come to mind.

And the 2 demos that i played more than the games they came with. MGS2 demo with Zone of the enders and the DMC1 demo that came with Code Veronica X.

P_Bomb661d ago

I just found an old Shadow of Rome demo in a huge sleeve! I thought I’d lost it! 😎

VersusDMC661d ago

Nice. I just looked through a stack of old probably unreadable CDs that i have and i got a Dreamcast Seganet CD, PSM DVD # 75(MGS3 in there but probably only video) and OPM issue 66 demo disk with Zone of the Enders 2 on the disk art.

Maybe I'll connect the PS2 tomorrow to see if the disks work...probably not though.

P_Bomb661d ago

Very nice! I still have two working PS2’s, or at least they were working the last time I checked! Nice big CRT for the retro stuff that I need to check up on. Kid kicked the ball into it a few times. I’ll save that sitrep for tomorrow though.

Aloymetal661d ago

Metal Gear Solid had one, got hooked immediately.

P_Bomb661d ago

I have the MGS2 demo, played it so much. Never tried the MGS1 demo unfortunately.

franwex661d ago

I think that Tony Hawk owes a lot of its success to that Pizza Hut demo. Haha.

XxINFERNUSxX661d ago

Used to love them in PC Gamer magazine, and also in Maximum PC magazine. I still sub. to both to this day😊

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Unheard of: Best PS2 Fishing Games

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CrimsonWing6945m ago

Well, I appreciate this article since I enjoy fishing games, so there’s that.


Spartan: Total Warrior - Before Dark Souls, There was Sparta

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john4162d ago

I still whip out my OG Xbox to play this once in a while it’s one of my all time favorites

vTuro242d ago

This game was so fucking good. It's legit one of my all time favorite games. I wish they'd make another (Vikings was mid) or remake this one. Probably won't happen, but one can dream.


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