
Where does The Quarry run best? See a comparison between the Xbox Series S|X, PS5 and PC versions

The Quarry was released on June 10 for various platforms and the ElAnalistaDeBits YouTube channel has prepared a comparison video to point out the differences found in the new generation and PC versions.

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Silly gameAr711d ago

I'd say the one where you can play Until Dawn and than the Quarry right after.

Orchard711d ago

Talk about off-topic. A different game series has zero impact on the technical performance of this game.

NJShadow710d ago

It's not at all off-topic, and is actually a good point. The two games go together beautifully, and being able to play both is a huge win. Playing Until Dawn also helps you to recognize some the the improvements, as well as the shortcomings, with The Quarry.

S2Killinit709d ago

Pretty informative actually. Better than 99% of your comments thats for sure.

Neonridr709d ago

@NJShadow - ok, so then why don't we include the Dark Pictures Anthology as well, seeing as those were more recent. Those you can play on multiple hardware as well. Why single out Until Dawn? Oh right, to ensure that Sony comes out on top.

ABizzel1709d ago


It is off-topic this is about The Quarry not Until Dawn. The statement isn't wrong in the fact that yes PS5 players can play both, but that's not what the video or discussion was about.

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SullysCigar711d ago (Edited 711d ago )

And Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, if you have guts!

For me, a game like this is enhanced no-end by DualSense building tension.

Fact is though, it's 30fps on consoles and that plain sucks.

iplay1up2710d ago

Rush of Blood was super cool, and scary! That game made me feel like I was, in a Fun house. I really liked the Roller coaster aspects too!

porkChop710d ago

The dualsense doesn't even do anything to enhance The Quarry. The game doesn't have any haptic feedback at all, just regular vibration. And the triggers only have a slight tension when shooting a gun, they aren't used for anything else. The dualsense probably could have been used to add immersion or build tension but the devs didn't really do much with it.

alb1899710d ago

I don't have to see the video to know that the the PS5 version is the worst. When you read the comments and all what you see is people trying hard to change the subject....there you go, hahahaha!

ABizzel1709d ago

It's not, that goes to the SS which still looks great considering.

The PS5 and SS versions need a patch (PS5 for god rays / SX for certain textures mainly skin). The Series X does also run at a slightly higher resolution. Really it's PC > SX >/= PS5 > SS.

They're just doing their normal fanboying.

Jericho1337710d ago

Anything to deflect the fact that another multplatform game performs inferior on PlayStation. How times have changed.

SullysCigar710d ago

Lol times have changed? Weird flex to celebrate a goal when you're 10-0 down.

709d ago
Gamer75710d ago (Edited 710d ago )

Why not just let people play it on whatever platform that they want to

ABizzel1709d ago

Until Dawn has nothing to do with this.

The PC > SX > PS5 > SS

PC if you have a powerful enough GPU gives the best performance #1.

SX has the highest resolution giving it, but it seems like they need to patch the skin textures because it looks on par with SS instead of PC and PS5 #2.

PS5's resolution is a tad behind SX, but it also needs a patch for the lighting which looks more like bloom than god rays (something's not right there), and while it has slightly faster loading and a better skin texture, better lighting is more important IMO a very close #3.

Series S has reduced vegetation, but a surprisingly higher resolution than expected, but while it has god rays, you can see the lower resolution hurts the effect.

Overall the game looks good across the board.

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Jin_Sakai711d ago (Edited 711d ago )

“Framerate on consoles is locked at 30FPS.“

No thanks! After playing games at 60fps and 120fps I can’t go back to 30fps. It looks like slideshow and plays even worse.

Orchard711d ago

Yeah... it's weird to think 30hz used to feel 'normal'. Nowadays it's hard to go back to 30hz when we've been spoiled with most games having 60Hz modes, and some having 120Hz modes.

120 I can live without, 60 is now a must.

Eonjay710d ago

The design of this game is to mimic a teen horror flick. There may be so utility in running it at 24 Hertz and 48 Hertz

JEECE710d ago

And this isn't even some game that is pushing other technical boundaries so hard that they had to compromise on framerate. Like I'll never be happy about 30 fps, but if a dev tries to pass a game off at 30 fps at this point, it better have mind-blowing ai, physics, and number of NPCs.

CBaoth710d ago

figures Orchard, you make the most truthful comment you've ever typed here yet your past haunts you with disagrees. Jin's almost 50/50 with the same post

It is the truth people. 30 is acceptable until you start playing 60 consistently. Then there's no going back. I took my pro on vacation recently for the late nights. All I could do was watch Netflix. Destiny and Seige played like a slideshow.

RedDevils710d ago

I play every games on 100+ on PC ultra. But I can still manage 30 if the game is story driven that interest me.

ABizzel1709d ago

For this type of game it can work, but I 100% agree there should be a Dynamic 1440p @ 60fps performance mode for the SX/PS5, and Dynamic 1080p@60fps for SS.

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Number1TailzFan710d ago

Yup and i first had a 120Hz screen in 2012, would not go back to 60Hz. So much smoother and fluid for gaming, at least when using the mouse and keyboard.

bloop710d ago

I honestly cannot see any huge difference between 60 and 120 FPS 🤷🏼‍♂️

Viljong709d ago

Input lagg is smaller in 120hz fps doesnt even matter

COS710d ago

On a game like Quarry, 30 or 60 FPS is not that big a difference, it's mainly QTE/hold a button with limited slow movement. Not a deal breaker at all. There are only brief moments of action so far, I am only on chapter 5

MadLad710d ago

This is true.
Slower paced games like this aren't really hindered by 30fps.
That said, I find it questionable that 60fps couldn't have been achieved with the game because, likewise, the game isn't typically rendering an insane amount on screen at any one time.

porkChop710d ago

I can accept 30fps in some types of games, but I've really been enjoying all the 60fps games we've been getting this gen.

badz149710d ago

call me old school (or...old, whatever!), but I find it really discomforting to play at a very high FPS. I always get nauseous playing games at high fps (maybe because I'm really getting old haha) and always opted for fidelity mode whenever possible. R&C, GoW, Horizon...Spider-man MM...I just can't keep up with the fast movements anymore thus I've almost stopped playing all FPS games except some like Borderlands. I would love to have VR but I fell ill after playing Farpoint for 30mins...like really ill! not gonna do it again!

I bought a used 165Hz monitor from a friend very recently as I just bought myself a RX6600XT. Don't know what I expected LOL! played several games like Supraland, Metro, SSOD etc. at 1080p 165Hz...suffice to say, not a pleasant experience for me.

In short, I'm just glad that fidelity 30fps modes are still there on consoles.

710d ago
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711d ago Replies(1)
JEECE710d ago

Yeah I just assumed that this would be 60 fps.

KillBill710d ago

$70 current gen pricing is the hard pass for me.

Father__Merrin710d ago

30fps is good depending on type of game.

ApocalypseShadow710d ago

Ding ding ding! The right answer from the father..

The ones above call themselves gamers but just sound spoiled. Yes. The other frame rates are better. But there's nothing wrong with 30fps in some games. It's playable. It's when games dip from their frame rates is when it's a problem.

"I've played 120fps. I'll never go back or buy 60fps games. 30fps looks like a slide show."

Just silly comments.

Destiny1080710d ago

apparently only fast moving plane games can be 30fps

but a slow paced movie game can not

MadLad710d ago (Edited 710d ago )

If you're talking about Flight Simulator, that thing is rendering real world renditions of the planet Earth with top of the line graphics to boot.
There's a lot more going on with that game than is with the Quarry, honestly.

CobraKai710d ago

I have to see the trade off. If the graphical fidelity is increased at 30fps, I’m playing at 30fps. If it’s just resolution that’s changed, I’ll play at 60fps.

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HeliosHex541d ago (Edited 541d ago )

Review wise Bayonetta got trashed. But I guess it is the only action title released this year so easy win.
Horizon is a good game but you spend far more time crafting and gathering than anything else not to mention the long cut scenes. Elden ring should have won open world award.

jznrpg541d ago

Crafting is fast especially when you upgrade ….

HeliosHex541d ago (Edited 541d ago )

@jz Yeah but still I found it boring. Almost felt like a second job. But that's just me you know I prefer my open worlds with less of that monotony.

Army_of_Darkness541d ago (Edited 541d ago )

I actually didn't mind Gathering items to craft new weapons and material because it brought me to new places and battle encounters with different type of enemies, made me reassess my battle techniques for more efficient ways to kill specific machines while trying to not destroying the part I need to acquire. I found it fun and challenging. Lol! Funny enough it literally was a second job in the game 🤣 but nevertheless , HFW would definitely be my GOTY.

Flewid638541d ago

Bayonetta is also hardly a AAA game.