
Starfield's Marketing Is Making Space Skyrim Sound Boring

From The Gamer: "I’m really excited for Starfield, along with the rest of the world. I’m a big Bethesda nut and played hundreds of hours of Skyrim when I was supposed to be studying for exams in school. Don’t do that kids. I mean, it worked out for me but it won’t for you. Stay in Skyrim, don’t do school. Wait. You know what I mean.

I must admit I haven’t bought all the Skyrims that have been released, but I’ve got at least three of the 567,398 versions that have launched. Since playing Skyrim I’ve also gone back and visited older Elder Scrolls titles like Oblivion and Morrowind. I like the vibes of the Fallout series, too, even if Bethesda’s entries have never lived up to the stellar post-apocalypse of Obsidian’s New Vegas. So when I heard about Starfield - Skyrim in space, a star-faring RPG from one of the best developers in the business - I couldn’t wait to get stuck in. But the more I hear about the game, the less excited I am for it."

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SullysCigar802d ago

So use the report function. I'd be interested to hear your reasoning.

LordoftheCritics802d ago (Edited 802d ago )

Frustrated fan lacking patience writes an opinion piece.

As if Bethesda will listen and react xD

My guess is Bethesda wants it to reach a point where the game looks and feels exactly like it would on release.
No downgrades etc. To clean up their act and repair their past blunders.

Also its their new IP in a loong time and it might not be Space Skyrim.

Terry_B802d ago

reasoning? It's a thegamer opinion piece. Those exist only for the clickbait headline and to generate as many clicks as possible.

KyRo801d ago

@Lord Bethesda clean up their act? FO (minus 76 which still had hundreds off issues the mainline games have) and ES win game of the year anyway despite being in the terrible states they're in. If any other company release a game with half of the issues Bethesda's do they are scrutinized for it.

TheProfessional801d ago (Edited 801d ago )

This article wouldn't exist if this was a Sony exclusive or even multiplatform.

WillyC009801d ago


You don’t know Bethesda very well do you? Expect a largely broken game with underwhelming visuals mixed with watered down gameplay like Skyrim. Their last truly good game was Oblivion IMO and that still had bugs galore.

DeathTouch801d ago

@TheProfessional What? The Order, Days Gone and Deathloop were all victims of this.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 801d ago
Flawlessmic802d ago

Dont know why your getting worked up over yhe article for, the writer makes very valid points.

I mean starfield is my most anticipated game of the year hands down but marketing has been terrible, i dont see how that can be denied eapcially when the game is just 7-8 months away.

RaidenBlack802d ago (Edited 802d ago )

Well, read somewhere, both Skyrim and Fallout 4 (and I think FO76 as well) were showcased at E3, just few months before the launch. So the same trend here with Starfield.
The only difference this time is that, the initial announcement was done a few years ago, becoz of some reasons, one of them being, fans complaining Bethesda is slowly turning into live service focused developer after FO76.
So they announced Starfield and ES6 pre maturely to ascertain the long time fans, that traditional single-player focused projects are still a priority and are in active development.

Thegr81801d ago

Giving the guy that write the article the benefit of the doubt cause he may be too young to remember saying Skyrim launched when he was in college but Bethesda has ALWAYS done this for their own releases. Skyrim and fallout 4 only showed gameplay at e3 mere months before it released and nothing before that. I feel like this is a lose lose. If they start doing things a diff way than they always have the narrative is then oh Microsoft is now forcing them to change their culture. But seriously this is no diff than all their other big releases. Look it up.

801d ago
shinoff2183801d ago

Its definitely getting delayed

gamer9801d ago

shinoff, zero chance this gets delayed. Already got pushed to this fall because they had halo last year. Game is probably done already

CorndogBurglar801d ago (Edited 801d ago )


Lol there's no chance this game is done already. Bethesda is known for releasing games full of issues. If this game is done, and they're still waiting 7-8 more months to launch, then it better be in an absolutely flawless state. But it's Bethesda, so we know that won't happen.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 801d ago
Eonjay802d ago

Actually I think their marketing is full of too much exposition and what they actually need is just gameplay.

CaptainHenry916801d ago

After hearing about that too realistic approach it actually does kinda sound boring. I hope it doesn't take the fun factor away from it.

gamer9801d ago

Yup, release info too early you get cyberpunk. Release info too late you get complainers. They can't win. I think their marketing has been great, assuming that they end up doing a full Fallout4 style reveal at E3 this year. The Fallout 4 full E3 reveal was fantastic

CorndogBurglar801d ago

" zero chance this gets delayed. Already got pushed to this fall because they had halo last year. Game is probably done already"

Lol there's no chance this game is done already. Bethesda is known for releasing games full of issues. If this game is done, and they're still waiting 7-8 more months to launch, then it better be in an absolutely flawless state. But it's Bethesda, so we know that won't happen.

801d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 801d ago
MrDead802d ago (Edited 802d ago )

Starfield's marketing team must be having a great time trying to sell a game that was 10 years in development for a multiplatform release now having it's new owners ban it from competing platforms.

Lets see how it makes back any cash for Bethesda as they'll have to push MT's and DLC's right out of the gate to support it's cost, or will MS just make them take the hit as all they want is customers locked into a subscription service?

Lightning77802d ago (Edited 802d ago )

Still goin on this narrative huh. You're right it is incredibly frustrating that FF7 Remake has no release date im sight for Xbox. Sony outright "banned" that game according to you. What makes it worse is that Sony doesn't own the IP or the publisher. Same will be said about FF16 as well. At least in MS case they own the publisher.

DnBSkillZ802d ago

Realistically speaking Final Fantasy was always a PlayStation exclusive so the IP is just going back to where it started

IRetrouk802d ago

It started on nintendo in 87

porkChop802d ago


Just was to point out that Final Fantasy started before PS was a thing, so it wasn't "always a PlayStation exclusive". Very few games in the franchise were even exclusive to PS at all. Many were either multiplat on consoles, or released on PC as well.

HardKnockKid24802d ago

@Lightning77 Thank for making this point. Like I can’t think of a better example of digital hypocrisy/crying.
By this logic we can apply the same to KOTOR remake as well right? Tell me more….

MrDead802d ago


It's not really a narrative when MS has banned platforms from PUBLISHERS games, but you seem to think a single game that Sony has been teasing since 2005 and will be coming to other platforms is the same as banning gamers from PUBLISHERS.

Unknown release date for 1 game compared to 2 multiplatform PUBLISHERS worth of content that is at risk and already seeing titles pulled... yeah, identical.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 802d ago
thesoftware730801d ago (Edited 801d ago )

Do you mean like GT7 MT?

Wrong FF was originally a Nintendo exclusive. They even had a prototype demo of a new FF(featuring Locke) at the launch of the N64 that looked great btw.

FGHFGHFGH801d ago (Edited 801d ago )

It will for sure have a bunch of dlc. It's their new space marine game. Master chief looking suit $20, and it will sell a bunch lol

gangsta_red801d ago

It's still having a multiplatform release with PC, Xbox, cloud devices and Steam. The only platform it won't be on is Playstation, unless you know of other platforms and publishers MS is banning this game from?

pietro1212801d ago


The Final Fantasy franchise was not a PlayStation exclusive and never was.

gamer9801d ago

It's on 2 major platforms, they'll survive. Any Bethesda fan will get a PC or an xbox and play the Bethesda games they enjoy.

CorndogBurglar801d ago

I'm a Bethesda fan, but I'm not buying either of those things. At least not anytime soon.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 801d ago
Lord_Sloth802d ago

The very idea of Space Skyrim is already boring. They need to work on their combat somehow.

isarai802d ago

Not to mention the absurdly generic art direction we've seen thus far. I would love to be proven wrong, but so far i just don't see or hear what is supposed to be so great about this game.

Lightning77802d ago

That's valid. For the past year they just been talking about concepts and direction that they want in the game. Even the most hyped game can sound boring when devs keep talking about potential pipe dreams for the game.

So rather bored, but I'm more bored about the devs chatter over this game.

porkChop802d ago

How is Nasa Punk generic? It's a form of retrofuturism based on the space race of the Cold War. What are all the games that use that style? Basically from the start they said that it was based more in realism than Fallout or TES. Were you expecting first person Mass Effect?

HardKnockKid24802d ago

Lol so don’t buy the game? People are hyped for the game most probably because they’ve enjoy Bethesda’s previous work. We have not even seen gameplay yet for folks to say, combat needs work or you don’t see what’s great about the game. It’s because you haven’t seen the game!!! Lol Sheesh

mostarr801d ago

How come people are calling it skyrim in space? Wouldnt it be closer to fallout in space?

Lord_Sloth801d ago

Oh my bad. I forgot because Fallout is totally leagues different from a gameplay standpoint than Skyrim. My b.

gamer9801d ago

But we don't know what the combat will be yet. It won't be Skyrim because there are guns.

porkChop801d ago

It won't just be Fallout either because there's no V.A.T.S.

PhillyDillyDee802d ago

He’s not wrong about their marketing so far but I’m sure that will change as the date draws closer. MS spent a lot of money on zenimax so they could have some blockbuster exclusives; I doubt they will drop the ball on their first, maybe most anticipated exclusive.

But we will see!

CBaoth802d ago

I agree. MS won't drop the ball, they know how to market. But Bethesda might. All we've seen is a cockpit, some control panels, and a door. Todd and Pete haven't shown us anything other than living off Ken Rolston's ready-made formula (Morrowind). Far more excited for Avowed


rlow1802d ago

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. But I’ll be bored out of mind jetting across the galaxy when it launches.

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Days Gone Director Says Bend's Project Costs Over $250M; Says PS Co-CEO Doesn't Want 2 Zombies Games

Days Gone director claims Sony has already poured in at least a $250M in Bend's project; says Days Gone sold more than Death Stranding.

shinoff218317h ago

Well that sucks. Seems they want more online trash. I'd rather of had the sequel if it was single player

MrNinosan2h ago

What online trash games did PS Studios release last 10 years?

Notellin45m ago

The past has nothing to do with the future. This is such a terrible argument. Everyone knows about their current live service push.

-Foxtrot17h ago

It would be a shame if it was true that Hermen never gave the franchise a chance simply because he didn't like it and they already had a "Zombie" game with TLOU.

NaughtyDog are most likely moving onto a new IP next so it would have been the perfect time to do it.

ThinkThink9h ago

Here's where xbox steps in and releases state of decay 3 day and date on ps5.

Grilla2h ago

Days gone 2 was canceled before Herman was in charge. That happened like 4 years ago.

vfl5231h ago

4 years ago he was head of Playstation Studios. He would've probably had a hand in the cancelation.

Notellin43m ago

Man two seconds of research could have saved you from this comment. Amazing work Grilla you fit in with the uniformed N4G community who speaks before verifying anything that they say.

excaliburps3h ago

Yep. Kind of weird since it wasn't a sales flop, no?

I know we have to take what Ross says with a grain of salt since we're hearing just one side of the story, but even so, the game wasn't bad at all. Heck, it's my brother's favorite last-gen game from what I recall.

The amount of zombies on screen, imagine that with the PS5 and SSD? That would be insanely fun!

Grilla2h ago

Most copies were sold on sale. Not enough ppl bought it at full price. I paid 20$ for it 6 -7 months after release.

Notellin42m ago(Edited 40m ago)

Yeah we should never believe the creators side until we hear the corporate/big business side as history has shown we should always believe billion dollar corporations.

What a bootlicker statement.

P_Bomb2h ago

Well I don’t want 10 live service games, but they have no problem doing that lol. Ugh.

CrimsonWing692h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Oh great so we only get what the big wigs want… y’know, the people that really have their fingers on the pulse of what their consumers want. Faaaaantastic!

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Trying to push players over from PC to console is a terrible idea, PlayStation

As PlayStation announces its new strategy to encourage PC users to choose PS5 it is a bitter-sweet moment for PC gamers.

Christopher18h ago

I mean, it's a business based on hardware market. Do we expect them to not even try? It's not like Nintendo doesn't do the same by not putting any games on PC and Microsoft until recently did the same. I don't care what they attempt, as long as they don't abuse the community or lie about their goals/requirements.

Will it work? Not likely. Should we care? No. Let them waste their time, it doesn't affect anything.

RaidenBlack18h ago

let them try ... at the end of the day, we get few extra PC games ... yay ... and also promotes game preservation via PC ... so double yay.

LordoftheCritics1h ago

If only Playstation games provided the ease of pc gaming features.

Primary being very few PS games support m/kb.

Fishy Fingers17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

I wish them the best of luck.

But PC players are often a patient bunch, many will even wait for Epic launcher exclusivity to end until a game comes to Steam.

If they didnt buy the console when its games were exclusive, why would they do it now theyre not?

MrNinosan3h ago

Way more do than you probably think.

ravens523h ago

All you need is that one game that'll make a few switch at a time. Like a game a PC player REALLY wants.

-Foxtrot17h ago

PC gamers are just too patient and loyal to their gaming set ups, something they've spent a lot of money on to perfect. They have backlogs of games which many never get round to finishing or get round to at all and will always have other multiplatform releases to keep them going.

Over the many years Sony has published so many awesome titles such as The Last of Us, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Infamous, Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, Dreams, Puppeteer, Resistance, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo, Motor Storm, God of War, Horizon, Ratchet and Clank, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima, Bloodborne

If none of those games BEFORE all these PC ports convinced a hardcore PC gamer to get a PS5 console then why on Earth would porting them them to PC now make any difference? All PC gamers now know 100% is that they just have to be patient, which they are good at anyway to get a PS5 game 2 years later.

I get GaaS games or multiplayer focused titles but if people really want to play these games they'd have gotten a PS console years ago.

Crows904m ago

Not sure they're aiming to convince the hardcore PC gamer.

Not sure why people are obsessing over his comment...it seems pretty simple to me.

He will do all he can to entice gamers to move to his ecosystem. As you say....exclusives existing hasn't moved many gamers over. But if they get to try them and love the games then they might change their mind about waiting 2 years.

We're in an echo chamber on this site...I've Personally seen people with Xbox and PC setups but no PlayStation. I've also seen people with small PC setups but no console. Not every pc gamer invests thousands and many may decide to put one in the living room.

They're not looking to convince all of players to buy a PlayStation...just a few...and really it is just a PR statement after all...they have to give a reason why single player won't release day 1....not to mention they also have to ensure current PlayStation gamers don't jump ship to PC. It goes both ways and they're ignoring the big L by putting any of their games off their platform.

helicoptergirl16h ago

Who cares? Then just stay on PC and play the waiting game. No big deal. Sony wins in the end anyway.

Number1TailzFan16h ago

I mean if there's any single player Sony games that I actually want that aren't on PC then I would buy said console to play them on. But the ones that I like that aren't on PC are few and far between anyway so no loss for me.

If I game, it's usually multiplayer titles, otherwise I like playing around with some other software.

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Greetings from the newly minted CEO - Shams Jorjani

Operating under the username BigKahuna_AGS, Jorjani created a lengthy thread on the Helldivers subreddit to introduce himself to the community following his appointment as CEO in early May.