
Tameem Antoniades: "'Hellblade 2' will make 'Hellblade' look like an indie game"

The Ninja Theory co-founder says the game is focusing on "capturing reality"

VenomUK852d ago

From the last big trailer it definitely seems that Ninja Theory was announcing its big ambitions - this could be Xbox's own God of War.

rippermcrip852d ago

Are we talking about the same trailer? The completely scripted trailer with near zero gameplay?

VenomUK852d ago (Edited 852d ago )

@rippermcrip The above comment is not a prediction on quality of the final game, it is a statement that Microsoft will be viewing Hellblade II as a game that can fill a gap in its lineup for a narrative-led action adventure.

You have expressed that for you it will not compare favourably to God of War and its okay to share your feelings. But there are many people who only game on Xbox and the prospect of taking Senua the lead from the first game and then being able to play her in a game that possibly has the action and scale of God of War is very exciting.

Brazz852d ago

Too soon to say.... GoW is not just about visual, it's a gameplay heavy game... so far we have near "zero" Gameplay from HBII, so it's a bit too soon to call this game "Xbox's GoW"... it can end up as "Ryse: son of some" with vikings.

RickRoland852d ago

This game is not even close to GoW from a gameplay standpoint if the first one is anything to go by. A beautiful game with cinematic cutscenes and walking with pretty generic combat. They have alot to do to match what God of War does.

MajorLazer852d ago

Loooool, God of War without any of the gameplay.

darthv72852d ago

lol at all the above who are taking venom comment literally instead of figuratively. @venom, i knew what you meant. This could be the XB game with the amount of scale and attention to detail that GoW is to PS. Not a direct (aka literal) comparison.

I am reminded of another MS game called bloodforge. It too was compared to GoW but it wasnt very polished. If given another chance it too could really shine in terms of the brutality and similar approach that GoW has. It isnt uncommon to zero in on some sort of comparative, like how Killzone was compared to halo and then Haze was compared to Halo... it happens. But people need to know the difference between direct and indirect comparisons.

itsmebryan852d ago

I hope not. I didn't care for GOW when I had PS3.

852d ago
wiz7191852d ago

@ripper that trailer was gameplay .. it even says it in the trailers description lol , are you that salty or what ?? If you played the first you can tell when it switched from gameplay to a cutscene .. Some of you Sonys fans are very delusional ctfu when ever Microsoft comes out with something good y’all can’t help but try to downplay everything .. “zero gameplay” ctfu it’s says gameplay reveal

852d ago
wiz7191851d ago

Lmao y’all really must be mad disliking facts .. It’s gameplay get over it and stop trying to downplay that visual masterpiece ..

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 851d ago
SyntheticForm852d ago

Damn indeed.

I'm very much looking forward to any info on this game now.

n1kki6852d ago

The first game was an Indie. So...

2moda5gamer852d ago

Wasn't it an indie game though?
Like a massive, well-put high end indie, mind you.

Think of films or music where indie still have big names or support etc.

Eonjay852d ago

RIght I was gonna say that. Hellblade was an indie game.

alb1899852d ago

That article can help to clarify if it is or not a AAA game.

"it helped Ninja Theory create a triple-A game at half the price and half the size, without compromising on quality, or giving the rights away to a publisher."

ABizzel1852d ago

Ninja Theory themselves were the ones to call it an Indie game, they said "AAA Indie" if I remember correctly and that's where the term came from.

alb1899852d ago

Abizzel1, read the article, it won't bite you hahaha!
In the article they them self describe everything about the make of the game.

Atticus_finch852d ago

It literally was an indie. Lol

Flawlessmic852d ago

We know its gonna look great im curious to see how it will play though

Crows90852d ago

Hopefully the next one has some combat variety.

Teflon02852d ago

But the first one WAS a indie game... Sure Sony assisted where it was needed, but it was a indie game lol

GamingSinceForever852d ago

Where are you getting that Sony had something to do with its development? This game came to Windows at launch too.

purple101852d ago

Yeh ninja theory made an exclusive ps3 launch game with 'heavenly sword'.

Paid for seunas sacrifice to be exclusive so even if it flopped the studio wouldn't go bankrupt.

Gave them marketing as part of their e3 show and playstation blog posts etc.

They have a longer history with playstation than they do with Xbox many times over.

Microsoft probably offered them a deal they could not refuse.

gangsta_red852d ago


"They have a longer history with playstation than they do with Xbox many times over."

I believe their first game at least for consoles was an Xbox exclusive, not really sure where this longer history with PS comes from exactly.

Seunas Sacrifice was exclusive because they barely had the money to make it, they had to take separate jobs just to fund this project and bring it to one console.

"Microsoft probably offered them a deal they could not refuse."

Yeah, the deal was to keep Ninja Theory from shutting their doors forever.


ReadyPlayer22852d ago

Hmmm, I seem to remember Kung Fu Kaos on my OG Xbox. I also seem to remember Sony taking all of Ninja Theory's tech in exchange for helping with Heavenly Swords.

TheTony316852d ago

The first one was an indie game.

OptimusDK852d ago

The point is it did not look like one at that point :-)

TheTony316852d ago

it didn't look but it sure played like one.

Harryvok852d ago

I think it did. It certainly didn't look or feel like a high budget AAA game. It was decent quality, but still felt indie to me.

alb1899852d ago

It started as an indie game but finish as a AAA game.


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