
Kena: Bridge of Spirits review - a gorgeous yet unoriginal adventure [EuroGamer]

A bridge too far. Kena is smooth as a pebble - a game engineered to be so unoffensive there's no reason not to play it, or to play it at all.

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Jin_Sakai993d ago

Have to say this review is in the minority like PC Gamer. From what I’ve read so far it’s a great game and most reviews seem to really like it.

solideagle993d ago

First comment on this review is awesome.

"I don't know how respectful this game is when it comes to employing its cultural influences as I need to play it first, but I just want to comment about that second-to-last paragraph, because it's so loaded.

...here too I fear Ember Lab simply took a little of what everyone likes and put it in their game. ...it made it difficult for me to tell if all these characters with Japanese names were in fact Japanese. ...The game uses... iconography, Balinese influences and mixes them, presumably because they look cool. I always get a bit uncomfortable... when religious practice or ideas such as karma are used as game mechanics, completely untethered from any meaning. You may not care, but...
The thing that struck me about this paragraph is how both apologetic and judgmental it is both to the reader and the developer. I can almost see the term "cultural appropriation" hiding behind it, of which I loathe. I'm not going to discuss that here, but as an Indonesian, I want to give kudos to the developers (who are Los Angelenos/Americans) for trying their best to be respectful and faithful to the game's cultural inspirations.

I am of a different Indonesian ethnic group from the Balinese but I can say with almost certainty that my countrymen loves it when foreigners learn about our cultures, of which we have more than thousands. We are quite strict as to how they are portrayed, and the Balinese is no exception. I would even argue that the Balinese is among the strictest ones, as their traditional way of life is inseparable from their religion (Hinduism), hence that harmony arguably make the island the most famous place in Indonesia for cultural tourists.

According to wikipedia, Ember Lab worked very closely with a gamelan ensemble group in Bali (Gamelan Cudamani) for the soundtrack. They even had one of the singers to voice Kena and sing for the soundtracks. The group was hesitant, but:
When Gallaty [the composer] presented samples of sacred music, Berata [founder of the Balinese ensemble group] would inform him if it was inappropriate, and instead create a new composition with a similar feeling.
So trust me, if Ember Lab could convince a musical group dedicated to devotional service performances to collaborate, then they must have done something right.

What I'm saying is, if cultural accuracy makes you hesitant to get this game then please, DON'T BE. I think this game is a big step in the right direction, namely cultural learning. This might be a very good opportunity for global audience to learn about a culture that is different from the most popular ones in video gaming, i.e. European, American, Japanese, etc. Putting Ember Lab on the spot just for trying something different while they had done lots to learn is just... unfair, as even us Indonesians don't have the right to judge them and scream murder because they didn't get the game to be culturally 'accurate' down to the tiniest details in the first attempt.

And if the game was inaccurate anyway? Well, we can just laugh at the silliness on display. Just like how China laughed at Disney's Mulan (2020)."

-Foxtrot992d ago

Funny because when something like the next same old Assassins Creed drops, COD or hell even the next BotW 2 Eurogamer will gobble it up

Zhipp992d ago

Wow. It's almost like it's possible to like some games and dislike others.

Magog993d ago

Eurogamer write trash reviews. If it's not Nintendo or some ugly pixel art indie they don't like it.

Magog993d ago

They don't give scores...

Magog993d ago

Eurogamer doesn't give numbered scores. Who the hell is up voting this comment and down voting mine? You can argue with me but not with reality.

Orchard993d ago

They gave a glowing review to Deathloop, calling it Arkane’s best game.

That isn’t Nintendo, so is it an ugly pixel art indie?

Magog993d ago

The rare exception that proves the rule.

CBaoth993d ago

there's an agenda behind Deathloop. Next up Tokyo Ghost.

Cultural appropriation negatively impacted the review here. The author takes umbrage with Ember Labs without researching anything the developer did prior to actual development. The Ghost of Tsushima-Sucker Punch controversy rears its ugly head AGAIN. I play video games to escape politics, not endure more of the same. And judging by the OP's comment she is wildly inaccurate. But I doubt I see a retraction - that's not what snowflakes do.

992d ago
darkrider992d ago

It's a Microsoft studio isn't...

TheDoomedGuy992d ago

Dude....death loop a game which features 2 black leads? Yes of course they gave it glowing reviews....this game however is getting attacked by the mob media for cultural appropriation which it doesn't do.

This is becoming what days gone was...those if us not politically inclined in our opinions or fanboyism can love it or at the very least appreciate the game in its genre...the rest seem to hate it....the politically inclined and fanboy type.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 992d ago
OptimusDK993d ago

But still an opinion - sorry it does not fit you.
Have you tried it so you can make up your own mind.

SyntheticForm993d ago

I'm really enjoying the game, but I get the "unoriginal" criticism. It's really doggone tough to be original these days.

Kena reminds me a lot of Ori; another story about a hero seeking to remove blight from "the land" and restore balance and nature. I'm enjoying the visuals, music, and charm, but it's not original and that's not a "slight" or a "knock" it's just a fair observation.

Played an hour so far - will continue tomorrow.

dbcoops993d ago

You've pointed out the very problem with the originality complaint, very few games are original anymore yet this excuse gets pulled out rather conveniently when certain outlets want to use it to criticize and give a poor review. There's no consistency not that that's surprising at all when it comes to biased game "journalists" but if we're going to complain about originality here than we should hear this same BS excuse for almost any game review and we don't.

993d ago
TheDoomedGuy992d ago

So i guess no game is original since I can probably pinpoint something else that it looks, reminds me of and feels like.

And you're right it shouldn't knock it down....shouldn't even be mentioned since it's a given that games take inspiration from other games and therefore lose some originality....i personally think in the current landscape that it is highly original...hard to find this type of game nowadays.

EvertonFC993d ago

"yet unoriginal" so like 90% of all the other games then?

Sol4ris993d ago

" Kena is smooth as a pebble - a game engineered to be so unoffensive there's no reason not to play it, or to play it at all"

I see...this reads like a perfect game for PS+ or a heavily discounted price. It does look beautiful though D.

dbcoops993d ago

$39.99 is very reasonable for this great game.

EvertonFC993d ago

£32 in the UK bargain prices for what seems like a great game.

993d ago
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"Kena: Bridge of Spirits" is coming to Xbox consoles on August 15th, 2024

"The L.A.-based (the US) award winning indie games studio Ember are today very happy and excited to announce that their popular story-driven action-adventure game “Kena: Bridge of Spirits“, is coming to Xbox consoles (Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One) on August 15th, 2024." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

Terry_B6d ago

Thats great. Good third party games should be on as many platforms as possible

TGG_overlord6d ago

I think the Xbox players will be really happy with this one.

LoveSpuds6d ago

Not unless it's given away on GP, otherwise, this great game will barely be noticed.

RaiderNation6d ago

@LoveSpuds that's unfortunate because Kena is a terrific game. Xbox gamers should come off their wallets and buy this because it's deserving to be purchased.

neutralgamer19926d ago

Hopefully gamers support this game instead of thinking every game should be on GP

lelo2play5d ago

After 3 years... anybody care?

Relientk776d ago

I love Kena: Bridge of Spirits. I'm excited to see Ember Lab's next game is.

TGG_overlord6d ago

Imo, they are very talented and creative. So I wish them the best of luck with their future game projects.

RhinoGamer886d ago

Great game and loved the lead...buy it peeps!

TGG_overlord6d ago

Very much so, and it's a must buy title imo.

LoveSpuds6d ago

Yeah, superb game and despite it getting a decent reception, I still think a little under appreciated overall.

Heck of a decent challenge too, some of the later bosses were pretty brutal.

CantThinkOfAUsername5d ago

Not the type of game Xbox fanbase would play.

Sonic18816d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Might as well just put it on gamepass since it won't sell that well on Xbox. Putting it on gamepass will get more gamers to play a good game. It barely sold well on Playstation and PC 🤔

TGG_overlord6d ago

Now now Sonic, don't bully the new kids on the block aiight.

6d ago Replies(2)
Charlieboy3336d ago

@ Ironmike Ok, now I expect you to provide proof that YOU bought it then, bigmouth. Sonic is not being negative he is stating facts. No one is going to buy this on Xbox.....including you dumbass.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6d ago
ravens526d ago

Is it going to gamepass? If not and you have Xbox will you buy it?I have it on PS5 physical copy beat it but haven't platinumd it yet. It's kinda sad too 😞. But ye, great game, hope you guys purchase it.

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PlayStation Exclusive 'Kena: Bridge Of Spirits' Rated For Xbox Series X|S

There's been plenty of news about Xbox games moving over to PlayStation recently, but how about one coming the other way? Well, 2021's Kena: Bridge of Spirits has just been ESRB rated for an upcoming Xbox Series X|S release

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shadowT51d ago

Kena was original announced as console exclusive "for a limited time"..

Inverno51d ago

Not to mention it's also been on PC, so not exclusive at all.

Cacabunga51d ago

Finally.. i think they said it would be time exclusive for like 6 months.

Juancho5151d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Console exclusives are exclusive to certain consoles … really not hard to comprehend unless you’re a salty gamer fighting an imaginary console war.

I just got this game on the PS+ Catalogue to redeem some points on the rewards program, it’s not mindblowing, but it’s a very pretty action adventure game. Not thrilled about it but i pick it up randomly sometimes when i take a break from my usual fare.

Inverno51d ago

It may be "exclusive" to a certain console but it's still multiplatform because it's on more than one platform.

Jin_Sakai51d ago

Amazing game. I wish they’d make a sequel.

Eonjay51d ago

Its available on PS Plus for anyone to try.

Sonic188151d ago

It should go the Nintendo switch as well

Profchaos51d ago

I was thinking this would make a good launch title for the switch 2

roadkillers50d ago

Ah, I was hoping Sony would purchase them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 50d ago
Elda51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Kena is owned,developed & published by Ember Labs studios & it was a "limited" PS console exclusive. PS having it as a console exclusive for 3 years is enough time to pass it on to another console platform.

VersusDMC51d ago

It's just hack journalism saying 3rd party exclusives going to other competing platforms is the same as 1st party. Shall we say that Nintendo games are going to other consoles since No More Heroes 3, Octopath and Monster Hunter Rise got ported to other consoles? Dumb.

Crows9051d ago

It's also called fake News journalism or bad journalism, misinformation...so many names for it.

Abnor_Mal51d ago

Okay might be showing my age, but back in the days, way back it was called yellow journalism.

DOMination-51d ago

So defensive lol..

If we're so concerned about third party now, can we apply the same logic to games like FF7 Rebirth, Stellar Blade & Helldivers which I regularly see people on here spouting as First Party or "Sony Games"

VersusDMC51d ago


If you want to say sea of thieves going to PS5 is the same as Kena going Xbox then go crazy.

It's as dumb as saying Horizon going to xbox is the same as Cuphead going to PS5.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 51d ago
neomahi51d ago

Microsoft began buying timed exclusives and timed DLC starting with GTA IV back on Xbox 360. This didn't used to be a practice until then. I don't ever recall this being a thing

VersusDMC51d ago

Pretty sure the PS2 gen had 3rd party exclusives. Panzer dragoon orta, Jet set , dino crisis 3, steel batallion for xbox. Nintendo had Capcom exclusivity for a bit on RE4, Viewtiful Joe and REmake. Onimusha, Gta, Final Fantasy for Sony.

Probably way more than that.

PS1 gen as well...but most exclusives then were developers chosing cartridge(N64) over CD. You could bring up the Saturn but i believe it just didn't get ports because it had a horrible launch in the states.

Gamer7551d ago

Timed exclusivity was a thing before Xbox existed

Lightning7751d ago

Not even remotely true or maybe you're too young . This practice has been going on since Sega, nintendo and PS1 days.

porkChop51d ago

Not true. Timed exclusivity existed before Xbox even entered the console business. Sony did it, Nintendo did it, and Sega likely did as well.

Profchaos51d ago

I recall this was a practice as early as the NES however Nintendo wrote in their licensing agreement if you want to make games for NES they must be exclusive to the console. Given the closest competitor at the time was the master system they were the only real act in time and the Atari had bombed hard that gen. Nintendo would also threaten to stop supplying games to retailers if they sold unlicensed third party games which and retailers would then be faced with the choice of hey do we sell this tengen garbage or so we want Mario easy choice there was a lot of legal battles in those days.

Also noteable in the more modern era was the Capcom 5 Nintendo got 5 exclusive titles from Capcom.

In the PS1 and N64 era exclusive games were mainly because the system architectures were vastly different it was a huge undertaking to port a game I done recall either company paying for exclusivity and the biggest name games often found their way onto both platforms with bespoke editions like quake 2.

Microsoft definitely threw their wallet around that generation while Sony publicly stated they believed they no longer had to do this and their first party was strong enough to carry them which they went back on pretty quickly after Microsoft walked away with timed exclusive GTA and cod content that really hurt them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 51d ago
Lexreborn251d ago

Kena was a really good game, anything that helps it get more exposure is welcomed.

purple10151d ago

what's that one Sony did before Kena that was like Ninetndo's pikimin, I forget, I missed that and it looked fun, might try to grab on sale, it would be my second ONLY ever digital purchase, (as I don't think it was ever physical as its a small game)

Crows9051d ago

Not sure but Sony didn't do kena

purple10151d ago

okay smartie pants, "one sony paid for exclusivity, like they did with Kena"

found it anyway, was called "Bugsnax"


neomahi51d ago

I don't think Pinkman and Kena are really the same thing. At the end of the day though, Ember Labs has a really talented animation team, but as game designers they're lacking. It was a really pretty game but, man was it frustrating! Areas you thought you could go but we're blocked off, poor level design, probably what Hellblade II is gonna end up being

purple10151d ago

Pikimin and bugsnax

Not pikimin & Kena

GamingSinceForever51d ago

That was a good game and surprisingly difficult.

blackblades51d ago

Not really, some parts a little bit. Should've tried hard mode.

nitus1050d ago

IMO the best way to play is to choose the easy mode first up to at least the first and second bosses then choose to restart on a harder dificulty with the hardest difficulty being very challenging.

Actually playing on easy mode allows you to find all the items including the "rot" (use your mask to look for footprints) without being that frustrated. By doing this you can always look at your easy saved game map to find to find all items if you eventually play on a harder difficulty.

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The 7 Most Underrated Games on PS5 You Need to Play

Amongst all the new PlayStation 5 releases, it's easy to miss some gems. Here's Chit Hot's picks for the seven most underrated games on PS5.

thorstein99d ago

Returnal: such a great game that got some weird misinformation in the press. Like, if you don't know why lie?

jznrpg99d ago (Edited 99d ago )

It’s a 10/10 for me. It doesn’t get enough love for sure. It’s way better than the rest of the games they listed except for Demons Souls.

ravens5299d ago

Returnal was a masterpiece. That's what media outlets do, they misinform. Can't wait to see Housemarques next game. Got Returnal day 1. Gonna play it again now lol.

ravens5299d ago

Kena was a good fun game. Also is Demon Souls really underrated? Stuck on the King🙄. Idk how this remake was received but I would think great. Anyway Demon Souls is a masterpiece as well.

thorstein99d ago

@Raven Yeah. Demon's Souls was great on PS3 and PS5. Wonderful both times. I have no problem with a remaster that comes 2 (or more) generations later.

victorMaje99d ago

To this day one of the best games on PS5. One of the best uses of dualsense too (after Astro).

ModsDoBetter99d ago (Edited 99d ago )

Returnal: Yes.
Destruction AllStars: Hell no.

List lost all credibility right there.
Massive flop.

Skuletor99d ago

Why is every game on this Top 7 list number 1?

Dirty_Lemons99d ago

Returnal is still my favourite PS5 game. A really interesting concept and a fun as hell roguelike.

Storm2399d ago

Same. Best PS5 experience for me so far. Love that game.

MrBaskerville99d ago

Was Returnal underrated though? Did so well that Sony bought Housemarque.

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