
Google says Stadia is "alive and well"

Developer marketing lead Nate Ahearn and two Stadia Makers studios offer insight into the status of the cloud gaming service.

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Nyxus1114d ago

If you have to go around assuring everyone that your product is 'alive and well', you know something is wrong.

darthv721114d ago

It may be alive but certainly not well. On life support perhaps.

1113d ago
kneon1113d ago

It's not dead, it's just pining for the Fjords

yeahokwhatever1112d ago

if google hadn't nailed it to the perch, it'd be pushing up the daisies.

Sonic-and-Crash1114d ago

at the moment no stream Game subscription service has managed to succeed except partialy Game Pass...

conclusion--> No good exclusive games on platform (physical or digital) =Instant death

MadLad1114d ago

Gamepass and Humble are doing well for themselves. I only can assume Valve is throwing around the idea of their own, and that will be highly successful, if handled properly.

Christopher1113d ago

GamePass, Humble, and PSNow are all technically successful based on subscriber numbers and content updates.

princejb1341113d ago

If you stay silent about your product something is also wrong

Christopher1113d ago

It's not like they haven't announced they aren't going to make any games for it now, closed those studios, and about the people who have left the company in high-level positions.

barom1113d ago

Honestly think they made the right choice. If their abysmal revenue forced them to cut costs, I rather them try to get more third party support than getting 1-2 exclusive games every 3-4 years. I had $10 to spend on the service at one point and could not find a game I wanted. Fast forward 6 months and now I can find a handful and RE8 launching day and date is great! Can’t say I use it every day but I prefer the a la carte model compared to subscription service where games come and go all the time and might not be there when you want to play it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1112d ago
Hakaro1114d ago

As I recall a month or two ago Google said Stadia was doing fine then the very next day they announced they were closing their studios...

Relientk771114d ago

Yeah, so looks like they're going to announce that Stadia is dead soon

anast1114d ago

Stadia sucks, it is a dumb idea and the marketing strat. was even worse. To think we have people struggling to pay rent with good ideas, but somehow actual idiots don't struggle at all.

JackBNimble1113d ago

That's what happens when billion dollar companies think money will fix a bad idea.

Relientk771114d ago

*Checks the calendar*

Wait, it's not April 1st. What the hell

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YouTube Will Probe Employees Following The PlayStation State of Play Leak

YouTube is probing its employees following the PlayStation State of Play leak that revealed all announcements ahead of the presentation.

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gold_drake19h ago

i didnt even know there was a leak ha.

Relientk7714h ago

This is news to me. I had no idea the games from the State of Play got leaked.

Jin_Sakai6h ago

I seen the list posted and instantly got excited for Astro Bot. Everything else was meh.

CrimsonWing696h ago

I’m pretty sure leaks or not, by the end of the show people will still be disappointed. The only highlight for me was MH: Wilds… everything else was mid to forgettable. Hope them HaaS games you got lined up really work out for you, Sony. Everyone asking for Bloodborne Remake, Wolverine, and, uh, well other games like that could’ve made this epic. Instead we get Concord, some derivative Souls-like games, that were fine looking, and a Silent Hill 2 Remake with horrible character designs and janky combat animations… great.

rayford156h ago

I wasn’t disappointed it was a solid B


For a State of play it was actually alright. People are overshadowing it because they want to cancel Sony to high hell for Gaas which is not fair for the other devs who revealed great looking games that were just shown. I get it you don’t like gaas don’t buy it. If it sells well good for the people who had interest no big deal? If you are a PlayStation fan what’s wrong with PlayStation trying to cater every gamer? I don’t understand that smh

ravens525h ago

Where Winds Meet and Ballad of Antara both looked good. Not to mention Astro Bot. It was a decent show. For me personally it was a 7. I'm sure to some people it was actually really good cause they'd play all those games. 🤷🏽 Personal taste

MrNinosan3h ago

I wasn't dissapointed.
And no, everyone doesn't want a Bloodborne Remake. There is probably very few who's actually asking for it, but the ones who do are loud on internet.

CrimsonWing693h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Oh, my mistake. It’s definitely not one of the most requested games when it comes to remakes with news stories talking about it 🙄





Silly me. It’s just a very few that are actually wanting it…

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Get Ready to Armor Up in The Epic Games Store's Weekly Freebie

The Epic Games Store has yet another free game, and it's a pretty damn good one.

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Greetings from the newly minted CEO - Shams Jorjani

Operating under the username BigKahuna_AGS, Jorjani created a lengthy thread on the Helldivers subreddit to introduce himself to the community following his appointment as CEO in early May.