
Digital Foundry: Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One/X vs PS4/Pro Tested - Can Any Last-Gen Console Cut It?

Digital Foundry’s latest tests on Xbox One and Xbox One X, with comparisons to PS4 and PS4 Pro.

darthv721264d ago

If you purposely limit the output resolution to 1080p on both the pro and X, does it make the framerate more stable?

1264d ago Replies(1)
RaidenBlack1263d ago

They need to implement a more aggressive DRS to maintain a stable framerate.
The very same thing DF stated for AC Valhalla.

porkChop1263d ago

Yup. The resolution doesn't drop low enough or fast enough.

Stanjara1263d ago

No, Xbox does one internal setup of rez, then has a scaler chip that upscales or downscales that rez to your tv output setup. It doesn't matter.
PlayStation Pro is the same only for some games you can force the system to 1080p, or better yet to a regular Ps4 by turning off super sampling. But for some games it doesn't work either like Uncharted 4...Gow...Dark Souls Remasterd...internal setup in those games itself bypass that super sampling off.

Its bad...and we must all wait for patches.

--Onilink--1263d ago

The system output resolution doesnt actually affect in any way the game’s internal resolution.

Profchaos1263d ago

Very good point I'd love to see this tested

Shane Kim1263d ago

I think it's just the video output. The games internal resolution is fixed by the developers.

seanpitt231263d ago (Edited 1263d ago )

I am on a 1080p screen and it will automatically super sample the image down but when your driving around it hits 900p more often on the pro so I don’t think it matters we will just have to wait for more patches until the frame rate gets more stable

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1263d ago
1263d ago Replies(3)
Babadook71263d ago (Edited 1263d ago )

Man. Pro nearly always has a bit of an FPS advantage over 1X. At least it happens frequently when the resolution is lower.

Profchaos1263d ago

Yeah exactly that Devs try to squeeze more out of the X and end up with a inferior product my personal preference is fps over resolution either hit a stable 30 with as high as possible res or drop the res until you do.

On the flipside we can see going for a higher resolution on Xbox paying dividends based on players getting a higher resolution on sx than ps5 but it's nothing to write home about only a few rare games I felt like the X gave a better image over the pro rdr2 bring one fit it's grass fidelity but it was minor at best

IRetrouk1263d ago

Still can't believe they released this like this, I've played a bit on ps5, no mad glitches yet but have had 3 shut downs.... not good enough.

Seraphim1262d ago

it's kind of crazy they didn't push back console releases but I bet they needed that pay check. Not to mention all the delays already to get the game where it currently is. CDPR, while notorious, is still a smaller studio who likely doesn't have massive cash reserves. For a brief bit I thought the industry was realizing it shouldn't announce games to early but that doesn't seem to be the case. Though imo more developers should wait until deep enough into development to announce a game that actual footage can be shown and the games release could be w/in a year or two tops.

As for the shut downs. Honestly I don't think it's Cyberpunk causing the shut downs. I finally got my hands on a PS5 Wed. Which is the only reason I bought Cyberpunk. I decided to finish Shadows Awakening before starting CP because if i put something down I tend to not finish it & I prefer what I start unless it's a terrible game. Anyway I'd wager that game crashed at least 5x a night from Wed night through Sat night when I finished it. Shadows Awakening is not a very demanding title & ran completely fine on my Pro; though it had super slow load times lol. Personally I think there's just issues in the software on PS5 that Sony needs to iron out. We early adapters are again beta testers.

A friend also got one Wed after I gave him a call to let him know they were in stock. I swung by tonight and he started talking about the Cyberpunk shut downs but once I said what my experience was he quickly realized. Dam, that's actually been happening to me too with other games. Though I don't believe he's had a problem with any of his PS5 games. Just PS4 titles he's playing and he tends to play half a dozen titles at the same time. I haven't actually played a PS5 game but imagine those run fine. It's just a kink in the software causing shut downs on PS4 games atm.

IRetrouk1262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )

Its not the system from my experiance, I've played ghost, god of war, need for speed, tekken 7 and spiderman so far on my system with no issues, I've also played astro bot, spiderman miles and remastered, dirt 5, godfall, and cyberpunk, only dirt 5 and cyberpunk have caused a shutdown issue. Both devs have acknowledged these issues too by the way.

Father__Merrin1263d ago

Horrible game not even worth a 5

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Former Activision studio Toys for Bob partners with Xbox to publish its first game as an indie

Former Activision studio Toys for Bob partners with Xbox to publish its first game as an indie. This is something of a homecoming, as Microsoft owns Activision.

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Obscure_Observer9h ago

Very very early in development. Still, fantastic news!

Let´s GO!!!

Lightning777h ago

I guess.

How come they didnt either let them go or sell Tango and others to another publisher? Not saying Ubisoft, EA would be any better. (Capcome would of treated them right )

At least it wouldn't be MS of all ppl destroying them.

MS really should let go Tango go like they did TFB here.

darthv727h ago(Edited 7h ago)

one was under Bethesda (Tango) the other under Activision (TFB). Clearly each one handled the separations of their subordinates differently.

Obscure_Observer6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

"How come they didnt either let them go or sell Tango and others to another publisher? Not saying Ubisoft, EA would be any better. (Capcome would of treated them right )"

Perhaps because Zenimax and ABK handles such matters differently based on their own internal policies as "independent" publishers.

Whoever, chances are it´s simply because MS didn´t wanted Tango or Austin to be acquired by competitors and develop new bangers for them, giving MS a bad rep in a possible future. Which could also be the reason why they ensured an exclusive partnership with TFB and its new game, before anyone else.

Sad and disgusting. But it is what it is.

Lightning772h ago(Edited 2h ago)

"Whoever, chances are it´s simply because MS didn´t wanted Tango or Austin to be acquired by competitors and develop new bangers for them, giving MS a bad rep in a possible future."

MS has a bad rep now because those studios are no more. I rather them sell the studio continue to make multiplatform releases, while MS continues to focus on whatever they're doing. If they didn't want Tango around they should separated from them or sell them to, like they did TFB.

It's inexcusable, they have options on how to handle studios they don't want anymore with killing jobs. Not just MS but the rest of the industry also.

Sad and disgusting sure how many will get shut down next year or this year even?

I don't trust MS decisions and motivations at this point. You have to admit they make one dumb move after another.

-Foxtrot9h ago

Manages to buy their freedom especially after all the shit Microsoft has been doing with its studios lately


Goes right back to them as partners.


darthv727h ago

Id venture a guess that TFB working directly with MS was a better outcome than working through Activision to get to MS.

VersusDMC5h ago

From the article...

"Toys for Bob spun out as an indie back in February after Microsoft instituted sweeping layoffs that impacted 86 employees, which was more than half of the staff"

I doubt those 86 employees enjoyed the Microsoft experience over Activisions.

Inverno4h ago

MS shuts down studios because of lack of resources and then helps these guys by giving em resources. Also MS is what forced them to buy their freedom in the first place? What kind of logic 😂

Chevalier1h ago

The best thing is that the company that is worth $3 trillion and owns the company instead of Xbox lacks resources. How the hell does a company worth $3 trillion making a measly $70 billion purchase they 'can't' support. Lol

Sciurus_vulgaris7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Xbox’s gaming division seems to still function as 3 semi-autonomous sub-divisions, Xbox Studios, Bethesda and ABK. The three main sub-divisions can seemingly shut down or build studios and set up partnerships independently. This would explain why Bethesda can recently shutdown studios, while ABK spins off one studio, while building a new one. Plus, Toys for Bob could be spun off by ABK, only to immediately re-partner with Microsoft.

Chevalier1h ago

That's absolutely 💯 BS. Any sane 'autonomous' company would NOT put their games on Gamepass day 1 like COD will lose probably billions.

Also they're all under Xbox game studios so any autonomy is an illusion.

Elda1h ago

Either a kiddie game or something uninteresting.

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YouTube Will Probe Employees Following The PlayStation State of Play Leak

YouTube is probing its employees following the PlayStation State of Play leak that revealed all announcements ahead of the presentation.

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gold_drake20h ago

i didnt even know there was a leak ha.

Relientk7715h ago

This is news to me. I had no idea the games from the State of Play got leaked.

Jin_Sakai8h ago

I seen the list posted and instantly got excited for Astro Bot. Everything else was meh.

CrimsonWing698h ago

I’m pretty sure leaks or not, by the end of the show people will still be disappointed. The only highlight for me was MH: Wilds… everything else was mid to forgettable. Hope them HaaS games you got lined up really work out for you, Sony. Everyone asking for Bloodborne Remake, Wolverine, and, uh, well other games like that could’ve made this epic. Instead we get Concord, some derivative Souls-like games, that were fine looking, and a Silent Hill 2 Remake with horrible character designs and janky combat animations… great.

rayford157h ago

I wasn’t disappointed it was a solid B


For a State of play it was actually alright. People are overshadowing it because they want to cancel Sony to high hell for Gaas which is not fair for the other devs who revealed great looking games that were just shown. I get it you don’t like gaas don’t buy it. If it sells well good for the people who had interest no big deal? If you are a PlayStation fan what’s wrong with PlayStation trying to cater every gamer? I don’t understand that smh

ravens526h ago

Where Winds Meet and Ballad of Antara both looked good. Not to mention Astro Bot. It was a decent show. For me personally it was a 7. I'm sure to some people it was actually really good cause they'd play all those games. 🤷🏽 Personal taste

MrNinosan5h ago

I wasn't dissapointed.
And no, everyone doesn't want a Bloodborne Remake. There is probably very few who's actually asking for it, but the ones who do are loud on internet.

CrimsonWing695h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Oh, my mistake. It’s definitely not one of the most requested games when it comes to remakes with news stories talking about it 🙄





Silly me. It’s just a very few that are actually wanting it…

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Get Ready to Armor Up in The Epic Games Store's Weekly Freebie

The Epic Games Store has yet another free game, and it's a pretty damn good one.

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