
Certain PS5 Trophies Will Be Tied to Digital Rewards

It seems Sony is bringing this up a notch on the PS5, as it looks like certain PS5 Trophies will grant the gamer digital items!

morganfell1331d ago

This is a feature long overdue for all titles on all systems. I do t think they should necessarily be there as participation trophies - played the game the first time? No not something that should see a reward. But for the average player that pushes it just a little there is ample room to inject rewards that really cost the company almost nothing yet enhance the atmosphere for the gamer.

excaliburps1331d ago

I agree. This adds another layer of incentive for people to complete certain Trophies. I don't really care for Trophies that much, but if it means a free theme, avatar, etc., I'd definitely consider doing it.

RpgSama1331d ago (Edited 1331d ago )

1000% Agree, this is something I always thought would be a great idea, stuff like if you were to get a platinum for a game, that would get you an exclusive Dynamic Theme for that title, it would be an amazing thing to add.

outsider16241331d ago

There's also that sense of achievement. I mean it really feels rewarding getting a platinum for game too. Right now im trying Rdr2 and boy its tough. You gotta grind and grind. I just wish they separate the single player trophies from the online ones. Trying to get MVP in online matches is hard.

SullysCigar1331d ago

Same. Sony have dabbled in this for some time now, giving exclusive themes to gamers that got certain platinums.

But if this is increasing in regularity, that's awesome news and really gives that incentive to make the most of your games. We could see completion rates rise, which might further incentivise developers too - big speculation, but that would be amazing to see, as this evolves further!

Timzster1331d ago

Definitely long overdue. I hope it works out for the best and they execute this well.

Z23ash1331d ago

Xbox used to give avatar items for certain achievements but they haven’t done them in ages. Was a nice bonus for getting achievements

NeoGamer2321331d ago

If you sign up for XB Rewards you now get reward points for "things you do all throughout XB". You save up the points and you can redeem them for digital gift cards which can be used to buy whatever you want in the Microsoft or XB stores.

porkChop1331d ago

Yeah I've always thought this was a great idea. Even if it's something small like a theme, or unlocking a new car in a game.

jznrpg1331d ago

Great assessment of why they should do it .

blackblades1331d ago (Edited 1331d ago )

They had this in the past but only with platinum. Its nothing new unless it's gonna stick this time for 90% of the games. Shouldnt be that hard for devs to do it.

1330d ago
gamer78041330d ago

Absolutely I’m glad Sony is finally doing this, an achievement system is something Nintendo lacks wholly. I love the digital wallpapers and themes I unlock on the Xbox and the rewards program for completing a achievements that basically pay for gamespass. I’d love to pay for ps plus the same way.

thorstein1330d ago

They already do this to some extent. Platinum on Horizon Zero Dawn gave me an avatar and a theme.

I know a few other titles gave similar rewards.

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autobotdan1331d ago (Edited 1331d ago )

Now if Sony can do something like 'Microsoft Rewards' that would be interesting

gamesftw2501331d ago

It would be nice but I honestly don't see that happening.

autobotdan1331d ago (Edited 1331d ago )

'Microsoft Rewards' is the reason some/many people choose to play Xbox more than Playstation/Nintendo. FREE XBOX LIVE, FREE Xbox gift cards, Free walmart/best buy gift cards, Free Starbucks gift cards. I own every current console and 'MICROSOFT REWARDS' is the main reason Xbox One X has been my most played console last 3 years. I have had FREE Xbox Live last 4 years and tons of FREE DLC/Season passes with too many FREE Xbox gift cards

SullysCigar1331d ago

^ don't mind me, I'm just cringing at your advertisement lol

oof461331d ago

@autobotdan: ...not really. It's a nice little bonus, but not the "reason".

Teflon021331d ago

I won't even buy games on the MS Store on PC and I know it gives rewards lol. I'm sure as hell not believing people who select Xbox do so for the reward system no one talks about lol. Pretty sure it's just the preference in games or loyalty to the brand

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morganfell1331d ago

I do not want them to do something like Microsoft rewards but instead implement their own imagining.

jznrpg1331d ago (Edited 1331d ago )

@autobitdan I’d rather have items tied to the game someway then what seems to small monetary rewards almost desperate to me , get play Xbox you might win some money back . I don’t need to be bought with rewards .

1331d ago Replies(1)
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1330d ago
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-Foxtrot1331d ago

I just hope they don't do it behind those really hard online trophies you know you'll never get because most of them are usually just about lucky breaks and finding matches which are still active. Imagine going back to a game and finding it hard to find a match because the online has withered over the years, makes getting that platinum even harder.

morganfell1331d ago (Edited 1331d ago )

1st part titles generally do not employ that technique so I do not think it is a cause for concern.

Teflon021331d ago

Sony published titles don't usually require more than playing a game or 2 online of anything for the platinum. Usually they avoid the online trophies for plats but will add em in add ons

XxSPIDEYxX1331d ago

This has been happening since around 2015. Sony has sent me a bunch of things from themes to avatars. They just sent me a bunch of Parappa avatars for the platinum.

Nitrowolf21331d ago (Edited 1331d ago )

This is on a system level though, makes it a bit more convenient rather than having it to ur email. some people don't even get those, I'm still waiting for my Horizon stuff

Daeloki1330d ago

Agreed, I think I got my GoW stuff roughly a year after getting the platinum

GrumpyGoron1331d ago

Stuff like this back on the 360 was a fun additional bonus. Keen to see what they offer.

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Jingsing6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Not really, Konami is basically in name only and like so many other Japanese studios that have come and gone they are just going to be an IP troll and milk that cow until it is dry. Also one of the advertised features is playing the game from a different camera view while everything else remains the same will just result in making the game easier like what happened with Twin Snakes.

Cacabunga1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

If this turns out good and gamers support it we will get the other ones.. i really hope we get MGS original in zanzibar, Peace Walker and Portable Ops remakes after this one.. they are related with naked snake

Portable Ops was sooooooo good and underrated

isarai5h ago

When are people going to learn that all Konami is doing with these games Is licensing them out? They are not trying to revive their game development Branch and they are not the ones developing this. It is studios that came to them and asked to use the license to make a game and they have been doing this pretty much since MGSV

jeromeface3h ago

Remaking all his work reaks of desperation. The only reason they are getting away with it is everyones deep love for the series. If delta is successful (which as of right now it should be), they'll be sure to remake all of them.

Redgrave1h ago

Big shoes to fill, and compared to SH2 - this is as much a 1:1 remake as you can get. You can still see the PS2 bones in the movements and how the cutscenes have the same angles. If anything, I'd have preferred the reverse.... with SH2 being closer to a 1:1 remake but prettier, and have MGS3 have a little more freedom.

Ideally, MGS3 with a MGSV skin in terms of gameplay and freedom of approach. This is more like a high budget remaster than a remake. Having recently replayed the Bluepoint remaster, this is going to be like that same experience but even prettier.

But, as with both MGS3 and SH2, nearly impossible shoes to fill if not outright so. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Such is the legacy of these GOAT titles.

Inverno18m ago

It's a one to one remake, using the same voice recordings too. Not a reimagining, no new content thus far announced, just a straight remake of a game that already exists, but now with prettier graphics. There's no revival, they proved they can't make anything related to MG after Survival. They'll just remake all the games and people will eat it up.