
Earthworm Jim 4 Gameplay Video Released

Carl Williams writes, "Earthworm Jim 4 gameplay footage was recently released. For those that do not know, this is a console exclusive for the soon to launch Intellivision Amico. Tommy Tallarico is spearheading this revival of the Intellivision brand. Console release is still tentative at April 2021 (Coronavirus impact). Interestingly, the original team behind this game have returned for the fourth installment."

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potatoseal1380d ago

"this is a console exclusive for the soon to launch Intellivision Amico" - so the game is dead on arrival then?

triverse1380d ago

Unfortunately, probably so. They are asking $250 (standard) to $300 (limited edition) for the console. While I applaud them for bringing the original team back together, I have to wonder just how long this will stay "exclusive" to the Amico.

1379d ago
sprinterboy1379d ago

They should put it in a tesla

ScootaKuH1379d ago (Edited 1379d ago )

this console is a hard sell tbh. They claim to be doing something unique by bringing back couch multiplayer again.

Not sure they're aware but there's this small company not many people have heard of called Nintendo. They brought out a machine called Wii that was aimed squarely at the family unit. They then released another machine called the Switch, which focused on family gaming. I think the Switch was a minor success from what I heard.

The Amico isn't unique and its games look far too basic to be fun for more than a couple of minutes. It's also priced very similarly to the Switch, which is more versatile and has a far larger library of games. I can't see the Amico succeeding if I'm honest

With regard to EWJ4. It won't stay exclusive for long. The developers will need to maximise their profits and staying exclusive to a very niche console won't give them that. It'll come to PS5, XSX, Switch eventually

Retroman1379d ago

What!!!! not coming to PS4-5??
what a dang shame . Crash made it. I'm sure Jak and Daxter will come as a Sony PS5 Surprise Announcement .
I'm guessing guys but hope it does happen.

sprinterboy1379d ago

I'm buying a intellivision amico for the little nephew and nieces, I had a discussion the other day about why parents give them there expensive phones to play mobile games all day, I'd much rather my little 4/7yrs old nephew and neices playing this than that gem, addiction lootbox mobile game BS.
I think intellivision will probably fail miserably but I'm happy knowing they have 20 nice games they can play and they actually look great for kids and bring so many memories back.

FinalFantasyFanatic1379d ago

Confirmed, I'll be surprised if it doesn't end up on Steam and every other console at some point, because this is just sending the game out to die.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1379d ago
Relientk771380d ago

I mean I would love to get Earthworm Jim 4, but I doubt I'm buying an Intellivision Amico just to play it. Such a shame

Elda1379d ago

Once the console bombs,they'll end up putting the game on current consoles.

raiden_1881379d ago

My sentiments exactly. I loved Earthworm Jim on the Sega Megadrive but my hard earned cash will be for the next gen.

Seraphim1379d ago (Edited 1379d ago )

It is a shame this is a console exclusive for something not called Playstation, Xbox or Nintendo. There's no way I'm paying even $50 just to play Earthworm Jim 4 on a DOA platform. Perhaps that's a good thing though. Sometimes it's best to let memories and nostalgia left unmolested.

Also, not a fan of the bright sun shiny island. I mean it's been what, 30ish years since I played Earthworm Jim but I remember a darker, gritty game. Even the more vibrant levels had a darkness to them. Granted that was a teaser but still... Perhaps it's a good thing I won't play this. Usually these games are best left to memory and nostalgia than to be molested by something new.

HarryMasonHerpderp1379d ago

Yeah I agree it doesn't look anything like an earthworm jim game it looks more like rayman than if anything. Seems to be more of a quick mock up than an actual game though, this whole thing is a bit weird.

ScootaKuH1379d ago

Yup but that's the price you pay for making every game family friendly. Gone is the weirdness and in its place is nice fluffy kittens and blue skies

Outlawzz1379d ago

This console is way too expensive and all it has is earthworm Jim. $200 for that .. nope sorry

Rebel_Scum1379d ago

I hope they're not going to over do it with the voice over stuff. Not that Bubsy was any good but they really killed that game with the over usage of the same gags.

triverse1379d ago

Remember Gex (PlayStation, PC, 3DO, Saturn)? It was a decent game that was ruined by the overuse of the voice over. Not Super Mario World or anything but it was well above average but man, hearing Dana Gould say the same clip 12+ times in a short level was just annoying.

phoenixwing1379d ago (Edited 1379d ago )

Amico looks interesting but not 250 dollars interesting. Although the family friendly ratings might sell a lot of parents.

Emme1379d ago

Until they realise: no Fortnite.

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Atari has acquired the Intellivision brand, ending the first ever console war

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darthv728d ago

Wow.... two of my earliest gaming platforms. All they need is Coleco to round things out.

This is like Nintendo buying SEGA.

OtterX8d ago

YES! Colecovision was my start! I came to know Mario there in Donkey Kong before the NES was even a thing. :)

Golfcoachh8d ago

Yes such fond memories. My first was the odyssey, but I really started gaming on my colecovision. Had atari and intelivision but coleco was by far the best of the bunch to me.

Kratos_Kart20078d ago

Yes...a gamer from my era...LMAO

Coleco was good...LOL

shinoff21838d ago

Mine was atari. You guys go back further then me even

anast8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Good piece of history here.

edit: I wanted to read it but the cookies pop up is stopping me.

badboyz098d ago

This was just before my time. I do remember my mom's friend having one all dusty in her apartment back in the day.

[R.I.P.} Ms. Irene

Abear218d ago

People forget that console wars are part of the history of this industry. The console wars were started by competitive companies all the way back then and continued through Sega vs Nintendo, Jaguar/3DO/NeonGeo, and PlayStation vs Nintendo and Xbox.

These companies are across oceans and competing for the same business. These companies created the console wars, not crazy fanboys.

anast8d ago

Console wars are fun. It's fun to be a fanboy too. I don't get what's wrong with any of this as entertainment.

darthv728d ago

Young kid school yard banter was fun. 30-40+ year olds still doing it is just disturbing. Many my age (50+) grew out of that a long time ago. We may still have our preferences, but we also embrace a more central position because there is a lot to enjoy on a wide range of genres and systems.

You'll understand one day and then things will forever change.

shinoff21838d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Atari to nes. Mario bros hooked me

anast7d ago


Yes, I'd like to think 'we' take a central position most of the time, at work, at the grocery, mundane interactions in the world, with our health habits, and so on. Sure, reaching the Aristotelian middle is a great thing, but so is having a few hobbies in which we don't have to be this way, and as long as there's transparency, which is key, they can be considered a category of 'socially acceptable' fun not completely limited to age. Of course, there are extreme circumstances, but to blanket the whole idea of fun with only extreme cases and age is a bit juvenile.

Also, as I've been doing this living thing, I've found that age isn't a necessary perquisite for wisdom, though, it does affect taste.

anast7d ago

Mario pulled me in, but Mega Man hooked me. We even used to LARP it. Good 'ol days.

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Petebloodyonion8d ago

The only thing back then was that the game would still appear on competing platforms.
Remember the Coleco Vision could play Atari2600 games via an Expansion modude.

jznrpg8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

I had both. Snafu on Intellivision was addicting as hell. Also had Colecovision which had Time Pilot. Combat was probably my favorite Atari game and both Atari and Intellivision had similar games like Pitfall and Jungle Hunt. It’s been so long I don’t really remember which game I liked bettter out of those but I did play my Intellivision a bit more than Atari though I’m not sure why besides Snafu. That was 40+ years ago damn I’m old lol

Dagexon8d ago

Ahh you're making me all nostalgic! Not old enough to have played these on original hardware but my first console was a bootleg console from Costco that had a bunch of intellivision and atari games. Then had a lot of fun with intellivision and atari collections on ps1 and 2.
Snafu was one of my favourite games and me and my partner still occasionally play it to this day

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