
Battletoads Review | Not the return that fans have been waiting for | Attack of the Fanboy

Attack of the Fanboy: "The Nintendo Entertainment System was known for its large library of insanely difficult games, which led to the term “NES Hard” being coined by gamers over the years. There is zero question that Battletoads was one of those very games, which was a completely original IP that was trying to build off of the very successful Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise."

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solideagle1381d ago

I think it's an unfair score. 4/10 usually means broken mess.

potatoseal1381d ago

A tad harsh I'd say. But who knows, I will never play this game.

darthv721381d ago

Its pretty fun. Give it a try.

MetalProxy1381d ago

It looked like garbage in the beginning and it still is so it’s safe to say it’s garbage. NEXT

Donnie811381d ago

So I take it you have played it?

Retroman1381d ago

The character design look like they escape from Invader Zim concept art board.

Bobertt1381d ago

Its weird i have seen the reviews vary from 5-8/10. I think if you go into it as a battletoads fan you will be disappointed but if you never played the old ones you would think its a ok $20 game.

Gaming4Life19811381d ago (Edited 1381d ago )

Im a battletoads fan and i like this new one. What dont you like about it so far?

No online coop is stupid on games like this but cuphead did it, scott pilgrim did and they didnt get scored down so this shouldnt either.

Donnie811380d ago

The game is hovering in the mid 70 s on metacritic so it’s generally viewed as solid

Bathyj1381d ago

Regardless of if I have any interest in this game if not, I agree. 4 is a broken buggy mess. Reviewers shouldn't use a low score like that if they have an axe to grind or the game wasn't what they were hoping for or expecting. It should be purely a reflection of the quality.

GamerRN1381d ago

I couldn't agree more... But I expected unfair review scores. It's Xbox exclusive after all...

1381d ago
chicken_in_the_corn1381d ago

What would you give a lower score to?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1380d ago
Destiny10801381d ago

there's a reason why they call it gamepass

Bathyj1381d ago

I thought of this the other day. The game gets a pass.

sho0ok3601381d ago

"The game gets a pass. "

Oh wow, what an intelligent response. Very creative. /S

Bathyj1381d ago

Not trying to win any awards here.
Just like Microsoft studios

MadLad1381d ago

Finds the odd, overly negative review, as to make his subjective, negative point on a MS published game.

The game is averaging 8s and 9s, and is currently sitting at a respectable 75% on Metacritic, despite these questionably negative reviews.

Rachel_Alucard1381d ago

From the get go, people were negative towards the artstyle and the artist acted like a massive child with an ego in response. Good to see that karma worked out well.

Scissorman821381d ago

do you have a link for that? always love reading a good meltdown.

Rachel_Alucard1381d ago (Edited 1381d ago )

I had a collage showcasing her acting out but lost it. She ditched her account after the reveal because of people attacking her at some point I assume for the same thing. She got a new account after deleting all her tweets, but to summarize, she draws cringey tumblr art, follows feminist frequency and generally loves drawing ugly or unappealing characters and got called out for it, then she acted out like massive child.

I do have this archive however http://archive.md/iuqBs

RavageX1381d ago

The game is an insult to the classics with that art style. Sad that a game in this day and age looks worse than the originals.

Looks like a first grader did the designs.

Scissorman821381d ago

jesus i had no idea the dark queen looked so bad...holy crap.

Godmars2901381d ago

Why does it feel like its been stealth-dropped?

blackblades1381d ago

So its another MS exclusive F'up, looks like more bad reviews then good.

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