
First Crysis Remastered vs Crysis PC Vanilla Comparison Screenshots

DSOGaming writes: "A few hours ago, we shared the first screenshots and the first gameplay trailer for Crysis Remastered. And, as you may have guessed, the first comparison screenshots between Crysis Remastered and Crysis PC have surfaced online."

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ps3rider1431d ago

"Crysis Remastered in this scene looks a bit cartoonish, to be honest." so true ... never seen a remaster worst than original

1431d ago Replies(2)
ABizzel11431d ago (Edited 1431d ago )

This is a mixed bag, however, most of the changes are actually positive, it's just the negative changes really stand out.


It looks drastically oversaturated in comparison to the original. It lost the subdued look and gone full Far Cry.
There's way less foliage on the beach scene
The colors are more accurate, but somehow look as they said cartoony (could be time of day)


There's more detail in models (sharper)
There more foliage in the 3rd scene
Drastically better shadows
Better Antialisiaing
Again even though it looks cartoony at time, the color are more accurate for an island

We still need to see particle effects, more character models, physics improvements, and performance to know the full story.

LordoftheCritics1431d ago

The remaster lost the tone of the original. Tone is critical.

Vegamyster1431d ago

I don't see more foliage in any of these scenes, especially the first one which has less than half the amount of trees. That said these might be base console screenshots with the PC and upgraded consoles looking better, hopefully that's the case.

bouzebbal1430d ago

to answer your last sentence with particle effects, physics improvements and performance, this is a remaster not a remake so forget about that..
i have no idea they chose to remaster this..

Obelisk921430d ago

This remaster looks really, really bad but I think those pictures are not a fair comparison.

The remaster screenshot look like they are rendered at a way lower resolution. Everything in the original looks sharper and more detailed.
Also the textures. How the hell are they going to make them worse? It looks like the game settings were not the same at all.

I hope to be right, but even if I am, it's very hard to justify a day one buy...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1430d ago
Crazyglues1431d ago (Edited 1431d ago )

Yeah when your remaster, needs a remaster I think your done, this is trash... do do on a stick...

-Forget Remaster go Remake the game from the ground up, this just looks bad, mafia 3 has better graphics then this thing, maybe you can ask to use their engine.. LoL This is suppose to be Crysis for crying out loud... PC modders made the game look better then this...

Crytek you can't be serious...

masterfox1431d ago (Edited 1431d ago )

Man I thought Crytek would it put some love into this one cause of the game classic/legend status, this just looks like a mere cash grab now.

Minute Man 7211431d ago

Man I thought "EA" would it put some love into this one cause of the game classic/legend status, this just looks like a mere cash grab now.

Fixed it for you

L7CHAPEL1431d ago

man I thought saber interactive would've put some love into this one cause of the game
classic/ legend status, this
just looks like a mere cash
grab now.

fixed it for both of you 😊 (sorry)

WeedyOne1431d ago

I knew it would not be better. All the crisis games after the 1st one were huge downgrades in almost every way except they had slightly better character models. In the sequels super speed was way slower, they had much worse ai, more linear maps, and crappier physics in large part due to the fact they were made for consoles whereas the original was made for high end pc's and it shows.

lelo2play1431d ago (Edited 1431d ago )

WOW! A remaster that looks much worse then the original. This must be a first.

Poor Crytek! They had the potential to be one of the best developers out there... but all went down the drain.

tontontam01431d ago (Edited 1431d ago )

Why the hell am I seeing downvotes, console fanboys really are patethic, I am 100% sure that every pc gamer who have played this game will agree with you.

Sophisticated_Chap1431d ago

Based on this, I would rather play the original PC version again.

FanboySpotter1431d ago

It finally has some color the original looks dead color-wise. Plants and lighting look better on remaster too.. definitely gonna try it. Some people need to take their nostalgic goggles off for a sec

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Most Iconic Armored Suits in Games

GF365: "These are our picks for the most iconic armored suits in games. This article only includes suits from games set in modern times or the future."

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porkChop385d ago

Samus is on the list. Personally I'd swap the Space Marines with either Grey Fox from MGS or the COG armor from Gears of War.

NecrumOddBoy384d ago

You’re right. Hiding at the bottom so I missed it

REDGUM384d ago

There's no Dead Space listed in here, WTF!

Sciurus_vulgaris384d ago (Edited 384d ago )

I’d take the Space Marine power armour off the list due to it not originating in a video game.


Can You Run Crysis In VR? You Can, Thanks To A New Mod

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Rynxie419d ago (Edited 419d ago )

No one cares. The whole can it run Crysis is old, dead and stupid. It's also irrelevant, considering only less than one percent of pc owners, own a high-end PC. Second, I believe Crysis wasn't even optimized properly.

TheColbertinator418d ago

Crysis blew my mind back then and still kinda does.

bunt-custardly418d ago

Let's hope the modders can get the other Crysis games working in VR as they use the same Cryengine.


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jznrpg481d ago

Bad list ! But shooters aren’t the reason anyone buys a Switch

FreeckyCake481d ago (Edited 481d ago )

Why is it bad? Plus, I never mentioned in the article that shooters are the reason people buy a Switch.