
Free GTA V spells checkmate from Epic Games

No other game, even Red Dead Redemption 2, would give the Epic Games Store such a huge boost as Grand Theft Auto V. Here's why.

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monkey6021477d ago

I was delighted at first. Then I discovered theres no Mod Support. I dont care for the online and I wasnt likely to replay the game otherwise so I'm disappointed about that

TheScotsman1477d ago

I agree but what a palava trying to play games offline if you have no Internet. Nothing but grief, I'm working in the sticks so have to down load my stuff before I go to work then I'm trying to use my phone as a hot-spot just so I can log in to use my paid for software, never had this grief with steam

1477d ago
TheProfessional1477d ago (Edited 1477d ago )

The epic giveaways have been great. Steam has been on the decline, user reviews which can be found all over the internet are not enough of a reason to stick with Steam. Why support greedy gabe newell who has refused to make sequels to Valve's best games for over ten years because steam became so successful?

Epic is giving away quality games without even requiring the purchase of some monthly/yearly subscription like PSN. That plus they give developers a larger cut of the profit than steam. What is the issue? Why be so loyal to a digital distribution platform that doesn't even have good sales anymore?

crazyCoconuts1477d ago

Steam is still a better platform. Quite simple.

1477d ago
Rachel_Alucard1477d ago (Edited 1477d ago )

Is this an ironic shill? You pulled nonsensical claims out and speak as if Epic doesn't do any of what you listed that Steam does. Why support greedy Tim who cancelled all of their titles to fund one game that ripped off another's success? Where's Unreal Tournament 4? Why support a company who's backed by big fat cat investors who expect a return on their investments? Why be loyal to a digital distribution platform that doesn't even have good games anymore and has to resort to hogtying you to their platform?

nowitzki20041477d ago (Edited 1477d ago )

Are you an Epic spokesperson? After seeing that comment my bet is that you are.

tontontam01477d ago

Hardcore steam fans are minority, if you really tried to count those who believe steam is the best you would not even reach 100k , the truth is majority of pc digital game consumers does not care where they buy their games. you just often see these "epic store sucks comment" because only steam hardcore fanboys are active in posting in forums.

Majority of pc game digital consumers are so busy playing games, they don't even know that people who hate epic to the core and love steam so much exists.

Rachel_Alucard1477d ago

Any proof of these claims? Or are you just spouting it because you know nobody will bother actually looking it up?

Seafort1477d ago

You say greedy Gabe but 70/30 cut is the industry norm.

Sony, Microsoft, Ubisoft, EA, GoG and many others all have a 70/30 cut. The outlier is Epic Store as they've undercut the rest with their 88/12 cut.

Epic will up their cut to 70/30 very soon to pay for the additional features as time passes when they get around to improving their pathetic store if you can call it that. I mean what website can call itself a store without a shopping basket?

Giving games away for free every week devalues them. GTA5 is now worthless. Close to the Sun was given away for free on Epic Store a week before it launched on Steam and now no one on Steam will buy it for more than zero.

Steam isn't in decline just because you think it is. The majority of my games I get from Steam.

In June I will be getting Desperados 3, Disintegration and Hardspace Shipbreaker. All of them on Steam and not Epic Store.

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Giblet_Head1477d ago (Edited 1477d ago )

The free games are nice, but it's not enough to entice for an inferior overall service.

1477d ago
1477d ago
Knightofelemia1477d ago (Edited 1477d ago )

Make RDR2 free now I would grab it again it is a great game.

nowitzki20041477d ago

They will just wait until 2026

Question_Mark1477d ago (Edited 1477d ago )

Except that millions of people already own it and won’t want to double dip, especially on an inferior platform, even if it is free.

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