
Bethesda Was “Surprised How Few People Wanted to Take Part in PvP” in Fallout 76

Pete Hines says the team wants to keep building upon the Wastelanders update.

NecrumOddBoy1563d ago

Fallout 4 is being developed in dreams. It's a better community.

FullDiveDerail1563d ago

all this stuff will get removed..people are playing nice right now but its not legal for Sony to profit on other IPs like this. Yes this stuff has happened before

luckytrouble1563d ago (Edited 1563d ago )

Except Sony isn't profiting on those games. They already got their money for Dreams before the game has even been installed to the buyer's system.

If somebody remakes another IP in Dreams, that's just how the cookie crumbles. I find it odd that people seem to think any fan based recreation that can't actually be sold is somehow super protected. Now, if Sony actively promoted those other IP games as a reason to buy Dreams, they could get in trouble, but imitation has been going on for months and months since the original Early Access launch with zero consequences.

If you're considering fan projects that got C&D'd across the internet, that happened for reasons that ranged everywhere from using original game code to make the project, to simply being too ambitious to not end up resulting in ad revenue or otherwise. They were different beasts one and all.

Shadowsteal1563d ago

How is sony profiting off other's IPs?

cammers19951563d ago

The others may nay say you but it's definitely true what you say. I helped develop a silent Hill little big planet 2 world and it was removed due to copyright infringement.

plexdk1563d ago

They profit indirectly, from people who buy dreams, to play these creations

maelstromb1563d ago (Edited 1563d ago )

If anything, these companies that own the IPs will likely send a cease and desist to the players responsible for the development/re-working of their IPs within the Dreams landscape. Although, these circumstances open a possible new legal problem for said companies b/c I think generally copyright pertains to original works, but according to copyright.gov "...does not protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation, although it may protect the way these things are expressed." So, in the case of Bethesda and Fallout 4, they may have legal ground if they pursue Sony and Media Molecule for the latter part of that statement... though the optics of them bringing a case would not look good for them, nor do I believe they would have any chance of winning either. In the end, I firmly believe it would do more harm than good for Bethesda's already tarnished image/reputation regardless of whether they pursue legal action against Sony and/or Media Molecule or the players developing the content.

Profchaos1563d ago

Little big planet has a million Mario remakes scattered across its three titles in unaware of any legal action there

GamerRN1563d ago

Yeah, all going to disappear. You can't just use IPs penned by someone else...

sprinterboy1563d ago

I'm lost for words at your comment, I'm dumb founded.

jambola1561d ago

what about fighting games like soul caliber? amazing that they can make characters from anything and not get
in trouble
it's almost like you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1561d ago
Muzikguy1563d ago (Edited 1563d ago )

I haven't given the game much thought but I think when PS5 drops I'll pick up Dreams as well.


It's funny they would think that people even wanted PvP in the first place. That's not what Fallout is about, but then again I haven't played the games either. I do have Fallout 4 still yet to play

1562d ago
lelo2play1563d ago

I thought Fallout 76 was dead already...

ChrisW1562d ago

It's been quite sometime since I've played it... So, I don't know

MasterCornholio1563d ago

How about the number of people that are playing the game?

Christopher1563d ago

FFA PvP in a world where you do nothing to stop gank mentality? And people weren't interested in it because only the top 10% ever really progressed? Color me surprised.

rainslacker1563d ago

I think if the game had been what FO players consider fun....and I do discern that group as their own thing....then maybe the people would have been willing to play PVP in FO76.

Should still have PVE though, because some people prefer that. It's a tricky thing to switch up a staple of a franchise, or even just go a specific way with a franchise that was known to do well in both areas. Imagine if Borderlands went full on MP. Like you had to play with a team. While that's a popular feature, a big one at that, I think one reason it's so successful is because it has strong SP campaigns which can be just as fun to play over and over again. FO76 went stronger in the other direction from it's core, while mostly disregarding it's core, and then making a buggy crappy game on top of that.

JackBNimble1562d ago

They could simply have pvp and pve servers like ark does.

Kaedro1563d ago

More like: Bethesda Was Surprised How Few People Wanted to Take Part in Fallout 76

cammers19951563d ago

They're idiots if they thought people actually wanted an only online fallout game. Nobody asked for it.

Magic_Spatula1562d ago

I actually wouldn't mind a properly done Fallout MMO. This 76 was just a rushed cash grab by Bethesda. If an actual Fallout MMO does happen, I hope Zenimax Studios makes it instead. They've done pretty damn good with ESO. Sure, it was meh at the start, but it's miles better now than what it used to be.

Name Last Name1563d ago

Pete Hines
"Well, I mean at the end of the day, our intention was always, we're going to put this out there, see what folks think, and then cater the stuff that we do later to their reaction.”

lol thanks for the Beta

rainslacker1563d ago

Would have made more sense to put this in as a feature of the core game, and see how it was received. If reception was luke warm, even though it was a good effort, then they'd have their answer. If it took off, then they could milk that like Activision milks COD. They'd still get their service model cash cow, the FO fans would be happy.

They're finding out like some other publishers that catering to one crowd, that can bring huge success, isn't always a prudent business decision.

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God of War Creator: "The folks at PlayStation are gonna have to have a serious conversation"

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GaboonViper5h ago

Jaffe is spot on, PS has been a shambles recently, why they wasted the time and money on that God awful looking Concord amd $Fairgame is beyond me but thats this new Sony, remasters remakes and GAAS is their goal moving forward, meanwhile MS just delivered a stunner of a showcase with massive variety and SP greatness, something I EXPECT from Sony..

RpgSama2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

I mean, we do have to factor than MS spent 60+ BILLION dollars to be able to have a showcase like that.

We also need to factor that regardless of how great the show was, a large % of those games including COD and DOOM are coming out on PS5 day and date.

Still kind of incredible to think they are giving all those games day one on GP, if they do not increase yearly it is an incredible value.

CrashMania1h ago

'MS spent 60+ BILLION dollars to be able to have a showcase like that.'

Yep, this is key. It was a solid showcase no questioning that, but Sony can no longer show off any Bethesda or Activision games ever again at any of their SOP/Showcases, this is a big slice of the industry MS just bought up and slapped their logo on. This isn't excusing Sony from a sub-par SoP, but it's to add context, they should still and hopefully need to do better next time.

Most of the games shown off at the showcase are coming to playstation and will obviously generate much more revenue than on xbox consoles, this whole doomerism surrounding playstation is ridiculous following just one good showcase from MS in like, what, several years, more? PS5 first half of the year so far has blown Xbox out of the water with Rebirth, Ronin, Steller Blade and the super popular Helldivers 2. PS5 will continue to sell strongly, not sure about Series especially after the ridiculous price point of the new SKU.

Stanlittle1h ago

Woah $60 billion if they tossed in another $40 Billion they could have just bought SONY

4Sh0w1h ago(Edited 58m ago)

lol, this was an interesting exchange

Aren't all these games going multiplatform?

David Jaffe:
Not all but many and even if they all are, the point is actually stronger: IMO, you put out great games and charge people 70 bucks/SINGLE game or 15 bucks for HUNDREDS of games (including the ones they showed) then GAMEPASS is going to soar.

-It was M$ best show in a long time, seemed like more games I want to play, instead of all the "we love everyone" talk, Indies, filler etc, while lacking actual AAA gameplay= No, Just show us great games, not concepts, and they did just that. B+ imo, would've been an A if they had more hard release dates, add another Gears level reveal and it would've been an A+.

Crows902h ago

I guess you could say he is spot on if you cant critically think for yourself.

First of all there is an audience for live service and multiplayer...everyone kept saying how Sony doesnt cater to that audience unlike MS with games like Halo and now they release multiplayer titles and everyone is bitching.

Secondly Concord looks like a typical hero shooter fps title and in that regard it doesnt look like crap and Fairgame has not been shown but if it is anything like payday I would say there is an audience for that as well. If Sony can launch another 2 succesful live service games like helldivers 2 then I can understand that push. It would also compete in a very competitive landscape but Helldivers2 managed it. We shall see with the other two.

And lastly ...yeah thats it...those are their only live service games and multiplayer focused titles they got in the works...everything else is single player oriented so nothing has changed...not to mention none of their major 1st party are really focusing on live service...once again NOTHING has changed.

As a bonus...pretty much everything people are really excited about from the showcase is releasing on playstation as well. And the games that may not release at launch will likely release later on. Perfect Dark, Fable and Avowed are the only really interesting titles they have and 2 of them have unknown release dates and have not been shown in a way where we can confidently say how they will play.

Until Sony has an actual showcase Id say it is best to mind yourself with loose speech.

SoapSuds1h ago

“ Until Sony has an actual showcase Id say it is best to mind yourself with loose speech.”

See you back here in 2030 lol

shinoff21831h ago


Sony went over board with the sht though. Also bot everyone was saying it. I was thinking good. We don't need that sht.

SoapSuds1h ago

I’m miserable too after watching that Sony showcase.

shinoff21831h ago

That new sony(Jim ryan) was likely fired cause they weren't feeling it either.

Jaffe has had a hard on for Sony for quite some time let's be honest.

Also far as Sony remastering, remaking, pretty sure Xbox did and would be doing the same thing if they actually had something from the Xbox one Era worth it.

Tacoboto1h ago

Sony's certainly beating them to the punch on selling upgrades to and remaking games from a generation still getting new games.

Gosh I hope the Zero Dawn Remake is a fake rumor.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
Friendlygamer2h ago

This guy is irrelevant and has been for years

S2Killinit2h ago

Yep, he has been mad that he is no longer a major player in gaming industry.

Elda2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Every generation PS always has the best AAA 1st,2nd & 3rd party exclusive games, in that regard I know PS has something great cooking in the kitchen for the near future but after the 2024 XB great E3 style showcase it's really time for PS to stop being so secretive & show PS owners what they are looking forward to when it comes to first-party exclusives. I've seen many disappointing XB showcases but this year for the first time in a long time XB brought it to the table. After 2018 E3 Sony just doesn't reveal their first party offerings like they used to & hopefully Sony/PS starts to listen to the feedback & bring PS owners a great showcase.

Goodguy011h ago

It's been an odd couple of years. I do hope we see it pick up next year, sooner or later. 4 years and there simply just haven't really been much games that make most want to upgrade their ps4 to the 5.

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GaboonViper1d 4h ago

Yep Xbox absolutely knocked it out of the park with that stunning show, it was everything a gaming showcase should be, games games and games, well done team Xbox.

CrimsonWing6913h ago

It really did. Like I came out of that with the hype for new games I haven’t felt since… well the better years of E3.

monkey60213h ago

It was without a doubt one of the better showcases in years. There was plenty there that excited me. Something has been lacking in years on all platforms

EasilyTheBest11h ago

It was an amazing showcase I loved everything about it. Can't wait to play some of those games.
What's going on. 4 comments & no negatives yet. Wow, what's going on with N4G.

ThinkThink10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Show was so good, it made me forget about that blue dragon rumor until the next day. Too many games to process.

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