
Dreams Review | Gamer.no

Gamer.no: "Dreams is wholly unique in that it gives the common player the tools to create virtually whatever they want. The unfortunate part is that the creations - at least so far and including the levels made by Media Molecule itself - are just not that fun to play. It will, however, be very exciting to see where this game will be in the upcoming months and years."

solideagle1563d ago

I think it's an very unfair score, what do you think?

b163o11563d ago

Completely unfair, idk if they can't wrap there heads around what Dreams actually is, but anything below a 8 IMO is a slap in the face, but that's my opinion...

1562d ago
No Way1562d ago

Exactly, that's YOUR opinion.

This is their opinion..

*mind blown*

frostypants1562d ago

@No Way, they were just answering the question that was asked. *Mind blown*. SMH...

Godmars2901563d ago

Going by the first paragraph this comes off as something done for clicks.

wwinterj1562d ago

Yeah. This always happens. Nothing to see here.

lifeisgamesok1563d ago (Edited 1563d ago )

Dreams has some of the most beautiful stuff I've ever seen

1562d ago
Teflon021562d ago

Cigi, you do realize you can actually PLAY the game. The game even tells you what kinda player you are. If you only play stages and games, They'll call you a player, if you create, you're a creator. The game is for all. it's no different than LittleBIGPlanet but on a whole different scale. YOu can build with basic logic if you want. It's not that hard. They give you tutorials to learn all the basics of making stages, games etc. It's your decision what you want. i plan on starting with music as I use to produce and did try and successfully did some in LBP3 and Vita

1562d ago
DaDrunkenJester1562d ago


What he is saying is that the games TO PLAY are really not all that fun. Or they are short 10 minute showcases and that's it. There really isn't a "must play" game in Dreams YET. So just like any other game where you need to wait for fun content... you need to wait for the audience to actually create something fun to play.

Now, if you're a creator, there is much more here for you to do.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1562d ago
Lionsguard1563d ago

Honestly, who cares. I'll never understand why people care about a some guy's score. And yes, it is just some guy. Like IGN for example, people always talk about the "IGN score" like its something magical but I mean it's just some score ONE guy in IGN throws out. Same thing here, it's just one person's opinion. Let it be.

S2Killinit1563d ago

Especially IGN is a joke.

Chevalier1563d ago

You can't spell ignorant without IGN.

1562d ago
drunkenspy0071562d ago

It's from a site no one has heard of. Most likely putting out a contrary score for no other reason than being clickbait.

Kiwi661562d ago

Yet had they given it an 8+ score people would be praising the site

bluefox7551562d ago

It is a good way to stand out and draw traffic though, not sure why anyone takes game review sites seriously anymore.

KillBill1562d ago

I think Stone deserves everything he gets. :P

DaDrunkenJester1562d ago (Edited 1562d ago )

Depends on what you're looking for in Dreams. If you're buying it just to play games, there really isn't much there that will entertain you for more than a few hours. Most of them are short experiences or just showcases of them recreating other games that are already made better. And then you're waiting around for people to finish their creations. So if you're buying it just for that, right now, a 6/10 is very accurate as there isn't really a "must play" game on it yet. Some cool ideas, but nothing fully done.

But if you go in as a player AND creator it's easily a 9+

1562d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1562d ago
roadkillers1563d ago

Yeah. I am excited to see what Dreams can do. My friends on the other hand think it was a waste of money. There are few games on here that will grab general attention at the moment

kneon1562d ago

And this is the only one I've seen, I can't recall seeing another review below a 9, though I'm sure they exist somewhere. And some may even have valid reasons for their score beyond just generating clicks

ajax171562d ago

Always some obscure website nobody knows about that just wants attention.

TGGJustin1563d ago

Lol. Always got to be that outlier.

N1GHT_W0LF_X1562d ago

They have a very fitting website name though. Do they consider themselves gamers?


SolidGamerX1563d ago

Just a desperate attempt to lower the meta and get clicks.

YodaCracker1563d ago

I understand the clicks, but I never understood the meta thing people talk about. How would lowering a game’s Metacritic score benefit a website?

Stopac1563d ago

Because if it's dipping people want to see the reviews that are causing it. This would be one of those reviews I guess... then they click and read it. That's my best guess.

No Way1562d ago

Or they just don't like it..

yomfweeee1562d ago

All 41 other reviews had it at 80 or above. This is the only outlier. You have to question it.

AnotherGamer1563d ago

Oh lol, there's always that one guy lol.

1562d ago
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Dreams Creator Regrets Lack Of PC Versions, Next Project Is "More Of A Game Than A Creation Tool"

Media Molecule director said the studio's next title is more a game & less a creation tool. He also regrets not having a PC version of Dreams.

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-Foxtrot25d ago

If there was one PC version that should have existed it’s Dreams

I’m super glad they will be going back to something more traditional gaming wise.

Cacabunga25d ago

I’m sure they’ll find something creative to implement like Tearaway on vita. What a gem 💎 that thing was!!!

Abear2125d ago

My dream was DreamsVR and creating landscapes, characters, and sculptures using that amazing toolbox in vr, that would have been something imo.

ocelot0725d ago

I thought It has vr support?

Amplitude25d ago

It did but it came out as an update LONG after the game was essentially dead

P_Bomb25d ago

Dreams PC was the dream. Woulda given the game a much needed boost. Here’s hoping they follow it up well.

phoenixwing25d ago

If sony had any sense they'd be making a pc version pronto

mkis00725d ago

They probably ran into the same problem they did with the potential of last of us factions....the support needed was just too much to consider expanding to more platforms for a smallish studio.

Abnor_Mal25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

I use to say this when the game was first releasing, many kept saying it would not be possible, something about the toolsets.

I said this was one game that needed to be on as many platforms as possible, including PC and Xbox just like how Minecraft is everywhere.

Goodguy0125d ago

Creation tools just don't work on console very well. It's definitely more suited for PC, and it's very odd Sony decided not to port it over. Good MM is working on an actual game instead.

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Dreams Dev Media Molecule Says Layoffs Impact Planned Community and Curation Support

IGN writes: "Media Molecule has said the layoffs at the Sony-owned studio have affected plans for ongoing community and curation support in Dreams."

Inverno69d ago

How self sustained can DREAM be when it's basically stuck on PS4? I don't think it's even gotten a PS5 upgrade. Ending support for what is essentially a game making engine is basically death. SONY did DREAMS dirty.


How Dreams Tren update was inspired by a childhood spent playing with trains

Media Molecule Creative Director John Beech talks about making a very personal project in Dreams, available with PlayStation Plus.

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