
Top 5 Xbox Exclusives of the 2010s - Xbox Enthusiast

With the end of decade quickly approaching, it is time to look back at the 2010s and examine the very best Xbox exclusive games.

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The Wood1623d ago (Edited 1623d ago )

I'm sure xbox fans can pick a better list. Where's forza horizon

Rude-ro1623d ago

Forza horizon 3 is on the list...🤔
Or are you wanting all of them listed?
Not much difference other than 3 having the most to offer per content.

The Wood1623d ago (Edited 1623d ago )

Sorry I thought was forza 3. . .

Xbox need to fix up fast. This is 10 years. . . . The new acquisitions will need to hit the ground running. Again, ms are moving in the right direction but they've got a lot of catching up to do to even compete let alone come out on top

Unspoken1623d ago (Edited 1623d ago )

I would add Ori to that list, as well as Killer Instinct, Quantum Break, Forza Motorsport 7, Ryse, Titanfall, State of Decay, Halo Spartan Assault, with honorable mention to Project Spark and Screamride.

Funny, this list looks like it was made by a Sony fanboy who can't count past 5. Not surprising.

Rude-ro1623d ago

You pretty much just listed the rest of the games available to choose from and since said article is “top 5 exclusives”. they are not just naming all games available.
Titanfall, forza 7, ryse, state of decay, quantum break, etc are not exclusive.

Unspoken1622d ago

Couple points here. You still need a copy of Windows, which the Xbox runs off of, to run these unless they can run under Linux. Forza is only available from the Windows Store. Killer instinct was made available to Steam with cross play on Windows and Xbox console players. No Nintendo or Sony. Quantum Break was published by MS. They made the decision to release on Windows PCs. Titanfall also released on Microsoft Windows through the Origin store. Sounds pretty exclusive to me. You need Windows to run any of these games.

Rude-ro1622d ago


That is a goal post argument to be had..
Either way, they are still mediocre offerings for an entire gen from a company that is trying to be a gaming division.

Who publishes a game does not make it exclusive.
Sony has a plethora of games on pc and console as well.
That is not the topic..
What can you get exclusively on an Xbox console.. key word exclusive.

Just because it appears to be an embarrassing offering compared to the competition does not mean you can change the argument to make it minimally look better.

Everyone under the sun knows Microsoft was a huge let down since 2009 with pr and marketing fluff keeping them relevant outside of third party support.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1622d ago
1623d ago Replies(2)
XabiDaChosenOne1623d ago

When a collection of past games is your top game of the decade that really says something.

1623d ago
chiefJohn1171623d ago

Right! Shows how great those games were. Still hold up well even by today's standards

cyber_daemonx1622d ago

@chief, nah it actually shows how bad xbone games are lol.

1623d ago
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