
Diablo IV Won't Have an Offline Mode; Will Support Local Co-op on Consoles

Following the announcement of Diablo IV at BlizzCon, Blizzard Entertainment provided more information during a panel focusing on the features of the game.

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ShockUltraslash1681d ago

Absolutely disgusting.
This means ALL assets you acquire can be taken away by Blizzard. Imagine supporting Hong Kong and losing your account.
Also this means that one day the servers will shut down an nobody will be able to play the game.
Dont believe me?
Try playing Lawbreakers.

2pacalypsenow1681d ago

Unfortunately we’re already slaves to a connected world.

1681d ago
2pacalypsenow1681d ago

If your internet goes down, can you still play it?

TK-661681d ago


Yes. I just tether my phone to my computer and use that instead...

2pacalypsenow1680d ago


Hence my comment about a connected world. Without some sort of internet connection these games are useless.

Old McGroin1680d ago


Always see comments like this for always online games, can you still play if your internet goes down? Like how often does your internet go down? I live pretty rural and don't get super fast speeds but my connection never goes down. If you can't play a game because your internet is down regularly then you should probably look into switching broadband provider instead of bitching about always online.

Muzikguy1680d ago (Edited 1680d ago )

I'm not a slave as I don't play those games

@Old McGroin

That's only part of the equation, internet going down. It can get bogged down too, and become very slow. It's also another bill that has to be paid just to play a game you already paid for (and even more if it were a sub based game), AND Plus or Xbox Live. I'm not putting my faith in companies to be able to enjoy games. Internet, servers, networks.... Some games sure but not all. Definitely not for games that could easily have an offline mode and couch co-op

Psychotica1680d ago

You can't watch tv if the cable goes out either..

bluefox7551680d ago

I see lots of comments saying why it "isn't that big of a deal", but not seeing many telling why it's a good idea? Why not just have an offline option for those who want it? Can't be that difficult for a company the size of blizzard.

Brave_Losers_Unite1680d ago (Edited 1680d ago )

Imagine a world where you can't play Diablo by yourself... That is ridiculous. Blizzard shot themselves in the foot

SuicidalTendencies1680d ago

So many gamers have Stockholm syndrome now a days. It amazes me that people would defend this always online bullshit.

TK-661680d ago (Edited 1680d ago )


An area of the world that can't connect to the internet 99% of the time every year is not the sort of place a software company should want to base their financial results on.


No ones saying it's a good idea. Just saying that if average quality internet connectivity is an issue for you, you've likely got better things to be doing compared to spending it winging on an comment section.

The argument of "wut if yur internet dun wurk?" Is weak. It shouldn't be used to combat online only games.

Muzikguy1680d ago


There are many more arguments against online only gaming than "wut if yur internet dun wurk" people just refuse to listen. Still that alone is not a weak argument. You just don't like it sounds like

TK-661680d ago


Then make them and don't make the worst possible argument. And yes its a bad argument. If your internet is so shit that you can't play vidya gaems then you have no business telling others what is right and wrong in a comment section. Make a better argument like about how many major releases with a focus on online services often have instability issues at launch. Make a better argument than "yeh but wut if wun day yur internet not wurk?"

What your basically telling me is that I MIGHT not be able to play for 1 or 2 days a year, and even then your being really fucking desperate and hoping the stars align on those days for my internet to not work. That's how bad your argument is. It relies on a statistically unlikely event to happen at the same time I want to play the game in question. The position is weak; accept it.

2pacalypsenow1680d ago


Another great example.

Yesterday the COD servers were down for a bit after the 1.06 update, I couldn't play the single player campaign, multiplayer or co op.

I just spent $50 on a game that I cant play because their network was down.

Do you see the problem here?

TK-661680d ago (Edited 1680d ago )


Yes, so make that argument instead of the dumb one.

"Do you see the problem here?"

Evidently I saw it before you if I had to be the one to make the argument for you...

Muzikguy1680d ago (Edited 1680d ago )


It sounds like you know plenty but you're focusing on one. There are plenty. And no, the original is not weak. Not everyone will have the same options available. It seems you fail to understand this. Mine goes down more than twice a year (quite a bit actually all over the area) and some areas of the country have it considerably worse. You are not everyone. Your circumstances don't represent everyone. Accept that. You have to put yourself in someone else's position sometimes to gain a better understanding. You don't seem to know how to do that.

2pacalypsenow1680d ago


That was my argument?

I just said we’re slaves to a connected world.

We’re all gamers here, and if in the future every game needs internet then we’re forced to have some sort of online connectivity.

This doesn’t just apply to gaming, but everything around us needs internet.

Imagine all internet connections end right now, what would people do?

TK-661680d ago (Edited 1680d ago )


"Not everyone will have the same options available. It seems you fail to understand this. Mine goes down more than twice a year (quite a bit actually all over the area) and some areas of the country have it considerably worse."

Falls within my estimation in my original criticism of the argument. Twice a year is less than one percent. So it seems I do understand when you describe a situation that lines up exactly within what I said.

Already addressed people who dont have a strong enough connection to meet a measly check-in ping. If the internet in your country is that bad then you're not playing video games. You're right that I'm not the world, but the people you're demanding be catered to with this argument dont have any value to the market so they will be looked over. Dont like it? Do what I said and make a better argument.

JackBNimble1680d ago

We are all slaves to the internet.
Social media anyone?
I grew up in a time where your phone was hardwired to the wall , and only the rich had the first cellphone aka the brick.

If you wanted to get ahold of someone and you were away from home you had to find a payphone.

Can imagine not being able to message people when ever you wanted or just Google something?

Back on topic...
Games like this being always online are garbage and I really don't see a valid reason the dev's would do this.

UltraNova1679d ago

Why Blizzard...why? What's so hard about giving us an SP mode (with local co-op) and a separate online mode for the meta?

I mean they've got the Holly Trinity of game development - money, man power and time...

Blizzard is fast approaching my permanent no buy list.

TK-661679d ago (Edited 1679d ago )


You made the argument "If your internet goes down, can you still play it?". If you believe this is a valid argument against online only games, then you have to admit that power outages are a valid argument against home consoles and desktop PC's.

"Imagine all internet connections end right now, what would people do?"

Imagine all power sources end right now, what would people do? Diablo 4's target audience has internet access 99% of the time in the year. If your line of argumentation is to ask me about people in the 3rd world or people who can't afford an average internet package, then you're arguing that the game needs to cater to people who have no business purchasing video games.

This argument everyone is making is dumb. If you want to rightfully argue against mandatory online connections make the best possible argument, and not the one that can be refuted by a simple analogy to electricity.

2pacalypsenow1679d ago


Diablo is not an online only game. It's a single player game with online features I never said anything about "Online only" games. Obviously an online only game needs internet, I don't expect to play Call of Duty online without internet, but I do expect to play the single player campaign without internet.

I'm talking about every game needing online, only to authenticate and not because of online feature.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 1679d ago
Jrios3551680d ago

You're saying that as if online-only games haven't been around for years.

1680d ago
vTuro241679d ago

You're saying that as if that's a good thing that we should all accept and bow down to like a bunch of sheep.

Jrios3551679d ago


No one seemed to have a problem with online-only games like Quake 3 Arena and Team Fortress 2. Why is Overwatch a problem?

Muzikguy1680d ago

Well would you look at that. I knew Blizzard couldn't be trusted (or Activision for that matter). They've successfully killed any hype I had for this game in less than 24 hours. Now I won't even bother looking at anything else for it as I know with 100% certainty that I won't be getting the game. I can not stand always online games and refuse to support them.


Feel the same. Was gonna purchase but now, I'm not even gonna bother reading up on anything else to do with the game. Did the same for Breakpoint.

Xb1ps41680d ago

Same here.. very disappointed

rainslacker1680d ago

EA did the same thing with SimCity, and it was disappointing, because I really like SimCity. Their reasoning was that it was so I could connect to all these other people's cities from my own.

My only thought was, "why would I want to do that?". Not that I would mind if it was an option, but I don't like the idea of making a game online only, when the SP component doesn't really require it for any reason at all.

Thunder_G0d_Bane1680d ago

Why would anyone expect offline play? Can you offline play on destiny? Or even Diablo 3?

And I dont give a shit about China.

Nu1680d ago

No online require d for D3

CorndogBurglar1680d ago (Edited 1680d ago )

Bringing up other games (like Destiny) that have online only play does not justify other games doing it. Especially when people complain about Destiny being online only as well.

TRYNDAREUS1680d ago (Edited 1680d ago )

That's why breakpoint was a disaster. Go to the forum and you will see a thread nearly 60 pages long of people asking for it to be offline. This is one of the main reasons games are flopping.

Single player games are being made online only, and when no one buys them they give the excuse its because gamers dont like single player games anymore. Destiny 2 is not a single player game and Diablo 3 can be played offline.

2pacalypsenow1680d ago

Their servers were down for a few hours yesterday which locked me out of the Single player, wich made the entire game unplayable.

"Why would anyone want to play a single player campaign without internet."

Does that sound logical?

rainslacker1680d ago

If there is a SP portion of the game, why would anyone expect to have to connect to the internet to play it?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1680d ago
CobraKai1680d ago

I can play all my games from NES to PS 2 without internet. I’m just saying

starrman19851679d ago

It will be like playing Diablo 3 on PC.... which really isn't that bad.

Zenbaby3691679d ago

Omg they could stop letting me play! The evidence shows that I'll only be able to play the game online for...24 years and counting? Pretty sure you can still play Warcraft 2 online, and Starcraft etc. etc. So..evidence suggests you have anything to worry about. I would recommend comparing Diablo 4, to Diablo 2. Because they are much more similar than Diablo 4 and Lawbreakers.

I mean I get it, it might be somewhat annoying to some people that they might not be able to play it someday. Assuming they don't just patch an offline mode when/if they stop support in your lifetime. But the evidence all suggests that it seems unlikely support will stop in that time frame.

I wanted to say that the only thing disgusting here is how sensitive you must be to be disgusted by something so trivial. However, I understand that people develop opinions, and/or can be come jaded to certain things. I do strongly believe people who are so upset by this aren't really thinking it through all the way. I can somewhat sympathize, but in the end. There are reasons why online only can be better. There could be coding issues, things that get run server side, the world areas not being easily translated for offline. Having save files on the user side could potentially make hacking easier "even if only offline were on the user side" etc. etc. I don't know.

What I do know, is that in my opinion, the world we live in where basically everyone always has a connection. The incredibly small quantity of people that aren't and still have a computer/console plus the time internet can be down for anyone that is connected, is so infinitely small..that it quite literally isn't a big deal.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1679d ago
Ristul1680d ago

Guess there will be no single player this time around. Well, I had no intention to support this company anyway, this just makes it even more clear.

CorndogBurglar1680d ago

Online only and no single player are two different things entirely. Just because you need to be online doesn't mean you can't play solo.

Ristul1680d ago

CorndogBurglar: true, but the fact that the content is not available offline makes it a hard pass for me.

Tross1680d ago

Agreed. I would have been far more conflicted as I love this series, but thanks to it being online-only it's now an easy pass.

@CorndogBurglar But there's zero reason why singleplayer content should require an online connection to work. Clearly the game isn't meant to be played solo.

BLizardXD1680d ago

"F**k you Blizzard."

..... :O

masterfox1681d ago

wow an RPG that you need internet all the time ?, that's actually pretty horrible.

Thunder_G0d_Bane1680d ago

Diablo is a multiplayer focused game. Diablo 3 needs constant connection too.

Who cares?

Can’t wait for Diablo 4.

Muzikguy1680d ago

Who cares? Lol..... I can see where that's going. It's hard for many to think about why others feel the way they do about something...

Ristul1680d ago (Edited 1680d ago )

Diablo 3 on consoles could be played offline, so that is not accurate.

Mr_Luke1680d ago

On my PS4 i played offline with couch co-op. So it's fake you must be always online. And since when it's a multiplayer focused game? Always played the first one alone, the second one too. And the third one as well, besides the times i was with my girlfriend and she wanted to play too.
This said, no Diablo 4 for me, there are so many games to play anyway around.

BlaqMagiq11680d ago

Wrong. Diablo 3 can be played offline on consoles. AND can be played alone.

Do your research next time.

MWH1680d ago

Do you realize that there are other people on this planet? Who cares, right?

Thunder_G0d_Bane1680d ago

I primarily play on PC so don’t care about consoles versions of PC games. Diablo started on PC.

Don’t buy it if constant online is a problem for you.

Destiny, WoW, Division all online only games. You just gonna have to deal with it.

Don’t care if you the small minority of antisocial A holes don’t buy a multiplayer first game.

william_cade1680d ago (Edited 1680d ago )

Diablo 3 was an anomaly like Immortal.

rainslacker1680d ago

SimCity was a SP focused game. In fact, there was no real MP where you play with another person. yet, the last release required online so you could connect to other people's cities...regardless of if you wanted to use that feature or not.

The last Sims game...same deal. It had MP portions where you could connect to other players, but it also had a strong SP component, but it required a connection at all times.

Diablo is indeed a MP focused game, but it also has a strong solo component, so why should it require an online connection to play that part of the game?

Nothing wrong with having to connect for MP features, but the issue comes in when that's required for SP play.

Hungryalpaca1680d ago

Who cares? Lots of people. I couldn’t play Diablo 3 on my laptop while taking train rides cross country. Couldn’t play it went my internet went out. Why you people are defending this shit is beyond me.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1680d ago
PhoenixUp1681d ago

Seems like they haven’t learned their lesson the first time

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anast8d ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics8d ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX8d ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon8d ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie8d ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.

just_looken7d ago

The only thing i enjoyed in D4 was the mp side but after they gutted my hunter build then again wanted me to grind for over hundred hours each season i too quit like you.

Its insane though a year has already passed.

Daeloki6d ago

Hard pass, gave it a chance on launch with a friend, but we made it a bit past act 1 only to realise how tedious it was.


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Tapani19d ago

Is Diablo IV worth it for the Single-Player experience today? I understand it has got many patches and improvements.

Daeloki19d ago

I honestly don't know what they could have changed/patched to make the game enjoyable since last summer. I played the campaign a bit past act 1 with a friend and it just becomes incredibly boring and repetitive. I uninstalled shortly after and haven't looked back. However, with me it may just be a case of that it's not my kind of game. I just didn't enjoy the endless cycle of going into a dungeon, collect loot, teleport to town, sell/dismantle, teleport back to dungeon, collect loot, teleport to town, sell/dismantle... rinse and repeat. That cycle was about 80% of the game back then, completely drowning out the story for me. If there is a demo, or you have a chance to test a friends copy then I'd recommend that before spending any money on it.

Kosic19d ago

I loved D3 and would play a season for weeks.
D4 came out I reached level 60 ish and grew bored, I tried again in S1 and got to the same level and quit. I heard about the loot revamp, and briefly tried season 3 before jumping into the new season.
The game is better because it's easier to feel this progression smoothly increase, without hitting such a large road block, but I am level 61 and in Torment 4, and again I just don't feel the urge to continue.

I found a lack of direction of what to do, the thing that puts me off is the bland world, hell-tides are rather boring. Kill a non stop spawn of demons and summon a boss...

If you can get it for cheap, give it a try, or do a Gamepass trial and play it there.