
The Best Uncharted Game Turns 10 Today

Comicbook.com writes: "That's right, 10 years ago today, Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment released Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, which took Uncharted and solidified it as a flagship PlayStation series. And in a lot of ways I think it kicked off the modern era of Naughty Dog more so than Uncharted 1, which felt more transitional for the studio, who was trying to shake the Jak and Daxter legacy off it. Uncharted 2 established Naughty Dog as one of the best studios in the business, and it hasn't looked back since."

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Jimboms1692d ago

2 Really was the best in the series.

Nitrowolf21692d ago

Absolutely loved Uncharted 2. Not that there was anything wrong with 3 and 4, but 2 set the golden standard for me on what a sequel should strive for. It was such a huge leap over 1

Xaywhat1692d ago

That moving train and helicopter battle was one of the most epic battles I’ve ever experienced for that time. I will never forget that!

Juusterey1691d ago

even going back for the first time on the remaster i was surprised with how well it held up

generic-user-name1692d ago

Yup, it was shockingly great and blew my mind back on 2009, fighting goons in a building while it's collapsing? Amazing.

U1 was a solid foundation, it introduced a great cast of characters that gelled really well together.

U3 was rushed, still a fun game, has some of the best set pieces in the series, but the story is all over the place with characters dropping in and out at random and a completely under utilised villain.

U4 is great bar a couple issues, the first 9 chapters or so are a bit of a drag, the orphanage, Italy and Scotland all back to back, there was way too much climbing, the pacing felt off. But the ship corrected course from Madagascar onwards and finished strong.

The other issue with 4 is Sam, the long lost brother that was never once referenced before was pretty lame and we had to spend so much time with him instead of sully or elena. Sam never really became likeable either.

The Lost Legacy was 4 again but without the poor pacing of the first half so it's pretty great too.

2 though is the best, it was such a huge jump after 1, all the supporting cast were great, the set pieces were spectacular, the globe trotting added lots of variety to the game, the villain was menacing and of course it had the best mp mode of any Uncharted too.

INMATEofARKHAM1691d ago (Edited 1691d ago )

@Generic Sam could have been worse... The orginal Amy Hennig's version he's orginally one of the villains, still Nate's brother, but in the end they make amends and go after Rafe. (Just cliche after cliche...)

Other parts are just as questionable.

Amy Hennig's Uncharted 4 https://imgur.com/gallery/x...

excaliburps1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

Uncharted 2 for me, hands down. The lore then was still intact, combat felt fresh. Train part was awesome too.

Xaywhat1692d ago

Yea, that moving train/helicopter battle was so damn awesome. My girlfriend at the time was like what show is this? I was like bitch I’m battling for my life here!

LOGICWINS1692d ago

I actually thought Lost Legacy was the best Uncharted game due to the tightness of the plot/pacing while establishing great character development between Chloe and Nadine.

The final battle on the moving train tops all the boss battles in the series IMO.
AND it launched at $40 despite feeling like full-fledged Uncharted experience...at least to me.

UC4 had some surprisingly emotional moments, but that ending was sappy as hell.

PhantomTommy1692d ago

I liked Lost Legacy more than 4, and yeah, that train sequence was outstanding, probably the best set piece in the entire series. But 2 is still the best Uncharted, was a really special game at the time and it still holds up brilliantly today.

Juusterey1691d ago

I think i would have enjoyed lost legacy more without the open world part
after that I loved it

william_cade1692d ago

I haven't played it yet. I'll probably get the Drake collection soon.

umair_s511691d ago

It's on sale right now on psn

Platformgamer1692d ago

uncharted 4 released just 3 years ago, what are you talking about?

cloganart1692d ago

My thoughts, thank you.

The most emotional entry in the series for me.

ShinjukuSon1692d ago

Completely agree! It had the best story, setting, music and gameplay!

goldwyncq1691d ago

2 is still the best. 4 suffered from poor pacing and questionable story decisions, like introducing a long lost brother out of nowhere.

Juusterey1691d ago

Uncharted 4 is probably the worst for replay value
have to go through 7 chapters of mostly talking and scripted platforming

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719d ago Replies(1)
phoenixwing718d ago (Edited 718d ago )

If we are doing all time we have to give a tip of the hat to Mario Zelda Sonic Shinobi forget which number for genesis. Spyro spiderman final fantasy. But yeah there's tons and also Mario basically trump's them all. Either that or pac man. Mario is a cheat since Nintendo can't go a gen without him

Rebel_Scum718d ago

Nothing from the 8 bit and 16 bit era’s…. pretty lame man

lellkay718d ago (Edited 718d ago )



This is a weird list man.


Naughty Dog: A Thank You Letter To An Unlikely Mentor

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medman945d ago

I believe the name of the game is smash brandi's cooch.