
Dragon Age 4 Lead Producer Leaves BioWare

Today, lead producer on Dragon Age 4, Fernando Melo, left BioWare, a company he has been at for the past 12 years.

VenomUK1748d ago

Just two days ago Anthem's lead producer, Ben Irving, revealed he had left BioWare. Two high profile producers leaving in two days is significant. It may mean the company has a new focus and is restructuring with a renewed purpose. However, more often than not, it suggests that there may be tension between staff and management. I hope they work it all out because they have a legacy of great single player RPGs.


UltraNova1747d ago


Or it means that as higher ups they found out that the ship is going down and simply chose to get out before their name is forever tied to Bioware's demise.

bluefox7551747d ago

Same. After Inquisition, I was out.

Sirk7x1748d ago

They're already dead man, just let them go.

Tross1748d ago (Edited 1748d ago )

The time to worry was when EA acquired them. Now they’ve done what they do with every studio they buy and sucked the life out of them. Bioware exists in name but they’re really just a part of EA at this point.

People leaving that dumpster fire of a company is good news for the industry as a whole anyways. It’s not studios that make good games, but the people who work for them. Now some of these individuals are free to work for someone else or form their own studio, and make games without EA executives breathing down their neck.

Fist4achin1748d ago

Agreed. Too much EA involvement and execs thinking they know game development better than the developers themselves. It's hard to see what it has become and EA has so many great franchises that have gone downhill.

Duoma1748d ago

So basically EA is galactus and he eats studios(planets) to sustain his hunger

Notellin1748d ago (Edited 1748d ago )

This was one of the last developers from my era. Sad to see it but it was dead when the doctors sold it to EA.

neutralgamer19921748d ago

hopefully this one won't be filled with fetch quests

DA:I was nothing but fetch quests that you had to do to unlock main story missions

Fluttershy771748d ago

Don't worry so much. I mean, What's the difference between this dude leaving, and that Longo fella from Halo leaving?

SyntheticForm1748d ago

I really think you just like saying the name "Longo" at this point.

zodiac9091747d ago

This is not the Bioware that made KOTOR or Mass Effect 1-3, EA has COMPLETELY changed their approach to games over this past generation, and the latter half of the last generation. As long as EA holds the rights to ANY company, under their wing, don't expect a "fair" development of a game from any of the companies that represent them.

Segata1747d ago

ME3 and DA2 is about when Bioware started going downhill.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1747d ago
Relientk771749d ago

I don't think Bioware is in a good place at all.

Double_O_Revan1748d ago

We knew this was coming the moment EA bought them.

WraithSpire1748d ago

Agreed. Bioware is not in a good place since they have lost all creativity.

EA's impact was more of endless sequels. Bioware was once a company that continuously created new intellectual properties (Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic, Jade Empire, Mass Effect, Dragon Age: Origins). I would like to note that's six new games all considered classics within 9 years.

Since EA has bought them what has come out other than Mass Effect and Dragon Age? Creativity has been starved...

IamTylerDurden11747d ago (Edited 1747d ago )

Umm...ANTHEM. A new IP.

The irony is that had Bioware Edmonton stuck to Mass Effect rather than tossing it to a group of Jr Developers while they languish for 6+ years on a terrible new IP (Anthem) Bioware wouldn't be in such a precarious position. I appreciate your message, but your comment is deeply flawed considering it was a new IP that sunk them.

Also, before the Anthem/Andromeda fiasco Bioware was enormously successful perpetuating the ME and DA series and literally every single ME/DA game prior to Anthem/Andromeda was good other than DA2. Even ME3 and DAI for all the hate were extremely high rated and successful games. Even DA2, which admittedly was a low point in the series has an 82 Meta and was built in a mere year and a half. Point being Bioware was producing excellent games and the new IP gamble was a massive failure in this scenario. I love new IP as much as anyone, but i also was incredibly hyped for a new gen Mass Effect and it's disheartening to see the Bioware's flagship franchise treated with such disrespect. New IP are great, but Bioware had a responsibility to Mass Effect and their fans and they blew it.

WraithSpire1747d ago

@ IamTylerDurden1
You're correct, I did forget about Anthem that came out six months ago... Seems more like a Destiny copycat than a RPG. My main point was that Bioware became monotonous and lost their edge.

In an unrelated note:
- Nothing wrong with an action-rpg (I loved Jade Empire!). I just don't like how we are moving farther and farther away from RPG and more towards FPS. Online games bring in far more money from micro-transactions which likely explains Anthem.
- If making a new IP is such a gamble I don't know why more RPG developers don't have 2nd and 3rd teams making games with graphics on par with FFX HD or Tales of Beseria. It would help offset the cost of creating new IP's in the age of where one wrong move can literally be a game-ender for a company. RPG's tend to be unique in that we will play them even if they are as old as the Super Nintendo (Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, etc). Story, gameplay, soundtrack trump graphics when dealing with this genre.

1748d ago Replies(1)
Blu3_Berry1748d ago

I'm surprised Bioware even still exists right now. Things have been on a downward spiral for them for years now.

robtion1748d ago

Agree. Inquisition was still really good but they need to remove all sjw garbage and microtransaction etc from future games and just focus on making a great single player rpg. Don't know if they can do it though.

IamTylerDurden11747d ago

Bioware was doing great until they decided to make Anthem. We know ppl have been leaving the studio for years, but until the Anthem decision, which unfortunately doomed Andromeda as well, Bioware was still producing excellent games. It was one ill-fated choice that caused this. ME 1-3 were fantastic regardless of the "ending" controversy. Every Dragon Age was good other than the historically rushed DA2. Even Inquisition was an 89 meta with numerous GotY awards, despite some ppl criticising it for sjw or whatever the fuck.

Anthem ruined Bioware and ME Andromeda. Prior to that Bioware was still quality.

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