
A look at the current state of the Epic Games Store launcher

The Epic Games Store launcher in December 2018, and since then it's been updated little by little. Time to try to analyze it impartially.

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Father__Merrin1788d ago

for downloading and playing games it does it very well. just needs to be fleshed out a little more

PapaBop1787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

Being able to download and play games in 2019? We sure are spoiled! Apologies for coming across as a sarcastic asshole but that's like buying a car and saying it drives.

Tech51788d ago

"The Epic Games Store launcher in December 2018, and since then it's been updated little by little."

UI and features always change. I'm expecting it's criticisms to lead to further updates and newer UI functions.

xVOLTx1788d ago

Pfft. Free games to lure people in. Screw EGS.

Harkins17211787d ago

just download the free games and buy off steam when theres deals. Use your brain

Orionsangel1787d ago

Every service is spying on us.

xVOLTx1788d ago

A store creating exclusives that have no place in the PC market.

Magic_Spatula1788d ago

Exactly. That's my biggest gripe with Epic Games and their store right now.

1788d ago Replies(3)
1787d ago
Magic_Spatula1787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

@Genkins & @FishTank

The thing is though, those games are exclusive to those launchers because they are first party games. Activision and Blizzard aren't going to allow their own internally funded IPs show up on other store fronts. That's the difference with their exclusives and Epic's exclusive situation. Instead of Epic funding and developing their own internal exlcusives, they spend their money buying up exclusives. That's ONE of the major gripes a ton of people have with Epic since the launch of the Epic Store. Now the fault doesn't completely lie on Epic. It's down to the publishers to take that exclusivity deal (which most of them do cuz of money) But again Epic isn't completely innocent in these situations. This was a similar issue when EA introduced Origins. They took several of their games off of Steam and made them Origin exclusive. They only thing they didn't do was buy exclusivity to third party games like Epic is currently doing. Pretty sure this whole situation wouldn't be as big as it is IF Epic funded development of their own games and made those games exclusive to their store.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1787d ago
DaDrunkenJester1787d ago

Its shit haha the store has been around for 8 months now and has barely had any updates or features added.


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