
Forza Street - Announce Trailer

From the top-rated Xbox racing franchise, comes an all-new way to race for PC and mobile devices.

AngainorG7X1881d ago (Edited 1881d ago )

I just saw gameplay from this thing, i hope this is a hoax.

1880d ago Replies(1)
RangerWalk2671880d ago

What it it was a mobile version of Gran Turismo?

343_Guilty_Spark1880d ago

He'd be busting nuts left and right.

IamTylerDurden11880d ago (Edited 1880d ago )

I guess it depends on the quality, but ultimately i'd be disappointed to see such a classy brand exploited like that. Forza is a yearly release so it isn't as shocking, they've managed to maintain a high level of quality according to critics, but obviously the IP is milked. Still, it's a bit disturbing to see these cash-in mobile/pc racers from Microsoft when they are so highly respected for their racers. Miami Street and Forza Street are trashy money chases. They just are.

IamTylerDurden11880d ago

Actually, i just read that Forza Street IS Miami Street. That piss gimmick racer that hit pc a year ago. They just changed the name. Ok then.

tontontam01880d ago (Edited 1880d ago )

Yeah that's just a generic mobile racing game with the forza name slapped on it.

1881d ago Replies(2)
TekoIie1881d ago

Cool your shit people it's mobile.

Razzer1881d ago

No....it is on the Windows 10 store. The video says "coming to mobile".

TekoIie1880d ago (Edited 1880d ago )

"No....it is on the Windows 10 store. The video says "coming to mobile"

Exactly. Also it's not like some of the surface tablets can have Windows 10 on them so I'm not sure how that changes what I said.

Im going to assume you think I wasn't aware it was coming to PC? I'm merely stating that it being simultaneously announced for Android and IOS sets the tone for the quality of the title as being something that will not be on par with previous instalments in the franchise that were announced for console and Windows 10 PC. This is not something to get excited about compared to a Motorsport or Horizon announcement.

Razzer1880d ago (Edited 1880d ago )


Actually I was excited about it. Until I downloaded and played it. Yeah....this is shit. Microsoft shouldn't tarnish the name "Forza" with crap like this.

TekoIie1880d ago


It is what it is :/

To be honest I'd have rather they been given the ability to work on a new IP (even if it was releasing on the same platforms) and create something interesting. It would've likely had a better outcome financially too.

timotim1880d ago

You do understand that the Microsoft Store on PC is home to a lot of mobile games right? I can also play Candy Crush and Asphalt 9 through the "Windows 10 Store" too...doesn't mean they aren't mobile games though haha.

You defend GTS as a game worth defending because you claim it was everything it was advertised to be...well this particular game was always advertised as a mobile game and released only for mobile devices, yet you still criticize it...how strange...

Razzer1880d ago (Edited 1880d ago )

"You do understand that the Microsoft Store on PC is home to a lot of mobile games right? I can also play Candy Crush and Asphalt 9 through the "Windows 10 Store" too...doesn't mean they aren't mobile games though haha."

Uh....if I can play it on my PC then it is also a PC game. Why is that hard for you?

"You defend GTS as a game worth defending because you claim it was everything it was advertised to be..."

lol.....you are just making shit up and you know it. I've never defended or praised GTS at all. I've never even played the game.

"well this particular game was always advertised as a mobile game and released only for mobile devices, yet you still criticize it...how strange...""

Released only for mobile devices? lol......stop lying, dude. It is right there on the game page. And yes, this game is absolute shit. At least with Asphalt you actually steer the damn car. This is just a QTE for when to push the gas pedal. Absolute garbage game. But you still defend it because.....Microsoft. How strange......errr...no....actu ally, completely normal for you.

"Forza Street
Available now on Windows 10
Coming to iOS and Android"

timotim1880d ago

Yes...its also on PC...thus it is a PC game. That's no different than saying "if I can play it on my iPhone, than its an iPhone game. The difference is iPhones only play casual mobile games, while PC plays everything from high end AAA all the way to mobiles games and everything in between. That's what makes it a PC...its diversity. However, Tekolie was still right...its for mobile and the Windows 10 store houses 1000s of mobile games...just because you play it on PC doesn't mean its any less of a mobile experience. Its a mobile game by DESIGN, not platform. Understand that.

And yes...while anyone with a mouse could technically play this game on any PC...again, it was DESIGNED for touch screens and MOBILE DEVICES...this includes mobile PCs. Laptops, 2n1s, tablets...this is why the game was released for that Windows OS and that store...

In terms of its quality...it is what it is. I certainly don't claim the game to be some ambassador for the racing genre...I got the game because its an Xbox title for free and has achievements and gives me another game to play while away from home on my Surface Go...THATS IT!!! Its nothing more or less than that. I understand exactly what it is...a time waster...just like the vast majority of other mobile games. Its people like you who are funny here...the game is FREE...it cost me nothing to download and play and get my achievements...why you feel you need to attack that is beyond me...but you know...Microsoft hate and all.

And as far as mixing you up with some of your other friends...my apologies...its getting hard to keep up with those that come into Microsoft related topics just to be negative.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1880d ago
Show all comments (92)

Say goodbye to Forza Street in April

Mobile racing game Forza Street will close on 11th April 2022 on both iOS and Android and will never be playable again.

ApocalypseShadow816d ago (Edited 816d ago )

"But but but Phil, what happened to game preservation?" I thought Azure servers were large enough to hold content?

Here's another game and another reason why digital might be the future, but the end of preserving games.

Classic games changed from their original content when made digital losing items, levels or music. Games becoming unplayable because the game is connected to online servers that are closing. Or, games just removed all together because of licensing or for any reason. Even if you bought the game. Proof? I bought Gemini Rue. Check the Play Store to see if it's there. No licensing issues. It's just gone.

Convenient. But Digital is not all it's cracked up to be. I had to obtain Gemini Rue by other means... just to get it back. Games should not be vanishing.

neutralgamer1992816d ago

i am with you. that's why if given the option buy physical and not all physicals are the same either. a game could be on disk on one platform while come with a voucher code on another. Mortal Kombat and metro complete edition come complete on xbox while playsyation even with its 100GB disk requires voucher codes

best thing to do is wait and do research than buy. physical game prices are going up and up and i am not even talking about retro games. ps3 games are crazy high

DivoJones816d ago

This is the mobile game, where you don't steer and only tap the screen to brake at the proper time. I don't think this will be missed. You DO have a point on digital games and preservation, but not all games need to be kept around, and this is especially true for mobile games and shovelware. This game was Forza in name only.

ApocalypseShadow816d ago (Edited 816d ago )

Good or bad, no game should disappear no matter the platform. We have the technology for content to live on for as long as servers and the Internet exists. As long as memory devices hold without failure.

We shouldn't pick and choose what's allowed to stay because there could be other parties that think certain good games should be removed. Forever. That goes for movies, music, art, etc.

You could place your family photos online in the cloud to preserve them and a company can say your family photos aren't worth saving. Only celebrities, scientists, politicians, etc. You probably wouldn't like that when you want future generations to know who you were.

You'd think differently if it affects you. I might not like the game. Someone else did. There are mobile games that deserve preservation. I couldn't buy X-Men Days of Future Past on Android. Know what I had to do? Something that I shouldn't have to do.

Legacy games should have their license fees reduced over time until they become pennies to keep. Only newer games should have negotiated license fees that are reasonable until years later when they too, drop in licensing price. Those Marvel games were delisted. When it should have just reduced in licensing fees over time where Capcom wouldn't be paying much at all. Making newer licensed games doesn't mean erasing the old ones from existence.

DOMination-816d ago

All very interesting points but none of that is particularly relevant here as Forza Street is a free mobile game.

ApocalypseShadow816d ago

Doesn't matter. Free or not. See my second post above.

DOMination-815d ago

Mobile games aren't ever physical though (unless you count a 15 year old NGage) plus on android at least you'll be able to download it from somewhere if you really want to.

I get the point being made and don't necessarily disagree but it's not overly relevant here imo

darthv72816d ago (Edited 816d ago )

I get what you are saying, but you are saying it to the WRONG game. This is not new news... it was known about for at least two months. https://n4g.com/news/246091... Maybe you missed it?

And what an odd choice to use as some sort of example. A free to play mobile game initially known as Miami Street. Most have a disdain for mobile games, so this one is no different and likely wont be missed. So you can stop the virtue signaling, it makes you look bad.

ApocalypseShadow816d ago

Every game deserves to stay. You might move on. Doesn't mean there aren't others who play the older games for fun and nostalgia just to compare like an old Mario game. Erasing any games as if they didn't exist is wrong. Free or not.

Eventually, downloading games you purchased with MONEY will disappear. When that happens, would you say that that is okay? Digital ownership shouldn't be any different than physical. There's nothing in a TOS that says my ownership and money will be erased. They get to keep my money. But I don't get to keep the product I bought? What's up with that?

Teflon02816d ago

This is why I buy any game I truly care about physical. Can't deal with that bs

Andrew336816d ago

Very passionate about losing a shitty free mobile game that's not even really a forza game.

CobraKai816d ago

Missing the point there. Lol

Godmars290816d ago

Part of the problem is that you took Phil at his word...

King_Noctis816d ago

Because a free to play game got taken off the server?


King_Noctis816d ago (Edited 816d ago )

Who will miss this game or want this game in the first place? Not every game deserves to stay like you said. First of all, if no one is playing it then why should it stay? Why would MS pay out of their pocket to keep the server up? And secondly, this is a trash free to play mobile game. Like I said, who want this to exist in the first place?

Atom666816d ago

So do you propose that mobile games get physical releases?

I'm so confused. Lol.

Go buy Gemini Rue on Steam or Gog. Looks like it's $5-10. Support the devs!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 815d ago
TheColbertinator816d ago

Good riddance. Turn 10 and Playground have worked hard to uphold the Forza name. This title was just shovel ware.

darthv72816d ago

It isnt even a Forza game. The original name is Miami Street. Im betting the dev approached MS for the chance to boost their numbers by changing it to be more Forza related. Good riddance indeed.

TheColbertinator816d ago

Yeah I know it was renamed and not made by Turn 10 or Playground

annoyedgamer816d ago

If only we could get a Forza Underground, but its the diversity department wont allow it.


Forza Street Is Closing Up Shop In Spring 2022, Final Update Out Now

Xbox and Turn 10 Studios have announced that Forza Street--the mobile Forza experience that first debuted in May 2018--will be closing for good later this year.

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MasterChief3624879d ago

Kind of a fun game, it's too bad they're shutting it down.


The Finger Guns Podcast Ep.59 - Sperasoft's Steve Thornton is here

Ross @ FG: This week on The Finger Guns Podcast the entire team is here as Rossko, Greg, Sean, Paul and Toby get our heads down with the weeks biggest gaming/nerd culture news and not only that, we have a guest!

Joining us is Sperasoft’s Steve Thornton who jumps on to talk his previous live at TT Games, his thoughts on Unreal Engine 5 along with his love for the design aesthetics in Doom Eternal and Sekiro, as well as lockdown living in St. Petersburg. We have an extended, fascinating chat with Steve which is well worth diving into.

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