
Epic Games Store is what PC Gamers Need

Epic Games Store is what PC Gamers Need - For years, the PC gaming market has been dominated by Valve's Steam. All games, from indie to AAA, have been

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1881d ago Replies(2)
Axonometri1881d ago

What I need is more damned money!

iDadio1881d ago

What I need is to not have to install 5 to 6 different store apps it’s ludicrous and bloats my PC, not to mention the fact they have different friends lists etc

Axonometri1881d ago

Choices are good. Imagine what you might be saying if you could ONLY buy from that ONE place because there was no OTHER store. Imagine Steam, with no one to compete with. Yeah... unless you can't render what I am implying, trust me, competition is good.

1880d ago
JackBNimble1880d ago

Ya "imagine what you might say if you could only buy from that ONE place "

Well Epic and their dirty exclusive bullshit says hi.

CP_Company1881d ago

delusional. go on forums, ask gamers, no one will say that they need or want epic game store.

1881d ago Replies(1)
tontontam01881d ago (Edited 1881d ago )

delusional. ask the millions of millions of gamers who would rather play than waste their time like me posting on the internet like this.

In my opinion the number of steamfanboys doesn't even reach 100k, you steamfanboys are delusional.

The truth is majority of pc gamers don't care where they buy their games, If it's out on epic first they buy the game on epic if they don't want to wait.

CP_Company1880d ago

tonton, "you steamfanboys are delusional" , did you just made the same assumption, as the delusional article author, like you pretend to know another man? because in my book, just idiots makes assumptions about another man without knowing him or his opinion.

1880d ago
KaaF1881d ago (Edited 1881d ago )

Store fanboys cried their ass off when Uplay and Origin were announced, and people who actually buy games ignored them like they should, and these stores are sucessful now. Same is happening for Epic, fanboys crying change nothing.

Blu3_Berry1881d ago

Hmmm I dunno, maybe it's because they are first-party titles so it somewhat makes sense? Completely different when you are buying third-party games for exclusivity.

1881d ago
Vegamyster1881d ago

Uplay is integrated with other stores like Steam or Origin, Origin developed into a solid store that most people have no problem supporting now, Epic's store has none of that right now and will only be supported largely by the community when it's on par with others.

tontontam01881d ago

These steamfanboy warriors seems to think that they are the majority of PC gaming community.

When in reality they are not as many as they think they are.

1880d ago
tontontam01880d ago (Edited 1880d ago )

Most pc gamers are steam users, and most pc gamers will just buy the game on epic if it is not on steam.

Most pc gamers are steam users does not mean most are steamfanboys like you.

Epic ftw so it is ok to be a steamfanboy but not an epicfanboy?

Hungryalpaca1880d ago (Edited 1880d ago )

Nearly 100 million active users? That seems small to you? Steam is the majority.

Epic has no reason to have anyone cheering for it. You’re obviously just a troll or retarded.

But if you’re cool having 80 million accounts information leaked then go ahead and use epic.

tontontam01880d ago (Edited 1880d ago )

Nearly 100 million active users? That seems small to you? Steam is the majority

Steam fanboys really are idiots

Out of 100 million users there are only 100 thousand steamfanboys like you idiots the rest does not care about installing other launchers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1880d ago
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YouTube Will Probe Employees Following The PlayStation State of Play Leak

YouTube is probing its employees following the PlayStation State of Play leak that revealed all announcements ahead of the presentation.

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gold_drake19h ago

i didnt even know there was a leak ha.

Relientk7714h ago

This is news to me. I had no idea the games from the State of Play got leaked.

Jin_Sakai6h ago

I seen the list posted and instantly got excited for Astro Bot. Everything else was meh.

CrimsonWing696h ago

I’m pretty sure leaks or not, by the end of the show people will still be disappointed. The only highlight for me was MH: Wilds… everything else was mid to forgettable. Hope them HaaS games you got lined up really work out for you, Sony. Everyone asking for Bloodborne Remake, Wolverine, and, uh, well other games like that could’ve made this epic. Instead we get Concord, some derivative Souls-like games, that were fine looking, and a Silent Hill 2 Remake with horrible character designs and janky combat animations… great.

rayford156h ago

I wasn’t disappointed it was a solid B


For a State of play it was actually alright. People are overshadowing it because they want to cancel Sony to high hell for Gaas which is not fair for the other devs who revealed great looking games that were just shown. I get it you don’t like gaas don’t buy it. If it sells well good for the people who had interest no big deal? If you are a PlayStation fan what’s wrong with PlayStation trying to cater every gamer? I don’t understand that smh

ravens525h ago

Where Winds Meet and Ballad of Antara both looked good. Not to mention Astro Bot. It was a decent show. For me personally it was a 7. I'm sure to some people it was actually really good cause they'd play all those games. 🤷🏽 Personal taste

MrNinosan3h ago

I wasn't dissapointed.
And no, everyone doesn't want a Bloodborne Remake. There is probably very few who's actually asking for it, but the ones who do are loud on internet.

CrimsonWing693h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Oh, my mistake. It’s definitely not one of the most requested games when it comes to remakes with news stories talking about it 🙄





Silly me. It’s just a very few that are actually wanting it…

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Get Ready to Armor Up in The Epic Games Store's Weekly Freebie

The Epic Games Store has yet another free game, and it's a pretty damn good one.

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PlayStation Store "Days of Play" Sale Kicks Off, Here Are the Discounted Items

Sony has kicked off the PlayStation Store "Days of Play" sale today, and this includes quite a number of AAA titles. Here's the full list.