
First look at Windows 7's User Interface

Microsoft has given Ars Technica a first glimpse as Windows 7. The taskbar has changed significantly, and there are a number of other changes they have screenshots of.

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likeaboss3025705d ago

I'm looking forward to Windows 7. I think this will be the OS that puts MS back on track. Vista is actually pretty good now with driver support and stability however the early blunders pretty much made it impossible to shake the negative rep in the general publics mind.

I do like the modified Vista look going on as well.

reaferfore205705d ago

I think I'm going to downgrade to Windows 98 when 7 comes out just for sh1ts and giggles.

MaximusPrime5705d ago

hmmm... even though it looks good, im not sure this will convince me to stay with Windows.

I had enough of Windows and plans to move on to iMac.

DJ5705d ago

About a month or two more, and I'll have enough for the Mac Pro. Nice GUI enhancements, but it's really the System Requirements that are important. Mac OS interface is just so much cleaner.

Raptura5705d ago

I moved to Mac in September this year and a couple days ago I installed Windows XP on my Mac and I hate it! After using Mac OS X for so a while, I totally prefer it.

uie4rhig5705d ago

i have already moved to linux as my main OS.. i only do the games on XP and some on Vista (those that support Dx10) i have got them on tripleboot so no complaints from me :).. i have actually noticed that Vista is much MUCH better if you turn off UAC.. still eats resources but pretty good..

about WIndows 7.. i think it'll copy more linux and mac os features.. so don't hold your breath for it..

comm135705d ago

Once you move to mac You will hate windows with a passion, I don't touch it for anything.

badz1495705d ago

are u saying that Mac has the ability to brainwash their users? wow...that's scary!

Millah5705d ago (Edited 5705d ago )

I've been using Macs for ten years now long before they became hip and popular, this was back when Apple was literally bankrupt and Steve Jobs just came back to Apple. I still have my 1st gen iMac, this was before even OSX came out and they were running OS9. I've been running both systems though only because I play PC games so I'm pretty much forced to...

I remember when OSX first came out and I used it for the first time, I was absolutely blown away. Remember this was back in 2001, so you can't really understand how much of a breakthrough it was back then. I mean this was during the Windows 98/ME era before XP, so OSX was a real milestone. Its funny because even today people are still amazed when they see OSX for the first time...imagine seeing that back in 2001 when you're coming from Windows 98 and OS9, it was a complete revolution, and from that point on I knew Apple really had something big and they got their mojo back with Steve Jobs back at the company....I just knew they would become really big and successful once again, so I bought a lot of stock back then for 10/share, and turns out I was right :)

Premonition5705d ago

I'll be getting an iMac sometime early next year im gonna try and hold out till they have pre-installed snow leopard on it :)

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5705d ago Replies(1)
Cra1g5705d ago (Edited 5705d ago )


GUI pretty much looks like Vista with a just a few major changes. Taskbar looks horrid in my opinion. Hopefully they'll fix the resource hog problem.

uie4rhig5705d ago

actually i thought that looked pretty good.. tho they should make the icons smaller and the taskbar smaller as well.. while keeping the Windows Orb the same size.. so that it will come out of the taskbar like vista's does..

Tony P5705d ago

Well, I have no idea if this was submitted to N4G or know how to check that. But this PC World Article covers quite a bit more ground. Including how MS will address memory woes.


TheIneffableBob5705d ago

I thought the same about Vista as first, but now I really like it. I can't go back to XP because of how dated the UI is.

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