
PlayStation Classic Review - IGN

This adorable miniature PlayStation looks the part, but lacks too many big names to be considered an essential greatest hits compilation of the era.

Neonridr2023d ago

with all the negative news coming out of this lately I am questioning whether I should keep my preorder or not..

Nyxus2023d ago

I guess it depends on wether you're interested in the games that come with it.

Neonridr2023d ago

I am interested in a few for sure, which is why I still have the preorder up for the moment.

Sadly I am a sucker for these retro consoles, have an NES Classic an SNES Classic also got the Analogue Super NT to play my physical SNES games on and ordered the Genesis one that comes out next year. I am just really not liking the PAL idea here. Sometimes the music gets really messed up running in a slower Hz.

darthv722023d ago

I'll still get one because i think it's cute. Like the NES and SNES before it. Plus there is the possibility that it can be hacked to add other games. I am especially bummed that the NA version has no SHMUPS what so ever. Not even staples like Raystorm, G-Darius or R-Type Delta. Not even Einhander or one of the first ones on the PS1... Philosoma all things.

I have those games already but to have them in this cute little package would be ideal for me. I do believe there will be some DS controllers released at some point. Or perhaps you can use one of those PS to USB converters.

lxeasy2023d ago

Not surprised by all the negative press the classic is getting. The controller doesn't even vibrate and most games on this console weren't even ps heavy hitters.

SegaSaturn6692023d ago

Buy a ps3 or vita. Why would u ever buy this....?

Neonridr2023d ago (Edited 2023d ago )

lol, as I said above, I am a sucker for these retro consoles :P

I do have a Vita though, but that doesn't help me playing on the TV.

lptmg2023d ago

A Vita would be better suited than this... it's a PS Classic that you can play while you take a dump

Neonridr2023d ago

yeah, but I don't want to be restricted to playing on the handheld only. I guess I could look into a PSTV, but then I am just buying more accessories to accomplish the same thing.

InTheZoneAC2023d ago

it's a ps1 with gen 1 ps1 games, not sure what's to be confused about.

Neonridr2023d ago

It's a PS1 with a questionable list of titles filling up half of the list. It also runs at the PAL speed of 50Hz which will make playing on a 60Hz TV all that much more enjoyable.

The SNES Classic received no complaints.. probably because Nintendo put a little more care into their product.

I am confused why Sony decided to go the route they did and made the choices they did. That's all. You don't have to agree with me here.

deafdani2023d ago

It doesn't even have Gran Turismo. That alone shows a big problem with this piece of hardware. It's like making a NES Classic without Super Mario Bros, or a SNES Classic without Super Mario World. It's insanity.

InTheZoneAC2023d ago

I didn't disagree with anything...just said what's there to be confused about...

Neonridr2023d ago

well that makes more sense then. Although I don't seem to remember saying I was confused, just that I was questioning my purchase after the latest reviews.

Thatguy-3102023d ago

Cancelled it after they announce the games smh

AnubisG2023d ago

I'm waiting to see if we will be able to add more games to this. The main issue with this system is the game selection. Not a single Crash Bandicoot or Tomb Raider?🤨

Neonridr2023d ago

yeah, I mean that's always a possibility. But the lack of analog sticks means what we can add to it will be somewhat limited no?

AnubisG2023d ago

Well, we can play most PS1 games without analogs. So it is limited somewhat but I would say you can play over 99% of PS1 games without sticks. However, it would have been a good idea to use analog controler. My main issue is the list of games. I keep asking Sony if we can add games later, they just ignore my question completely.

InKnight7s2023d ago

You can find a Fat Ps3 with BC with is less than $80-100 and its far better deal, because of wireless dualshock + PS1 library + PS2 library + PS3 library.

Weeblordbad2023d ago

Except for the part where you might be limited on space, don't want a device that's draining 200watts to play PS1 games and don't want to spend $200+ on the hardware? As I'm not finding any PS3's with FULL BC for anything even approaching $80-100.


Sirk7x2023d ago (Edited 2023d ago )

Don't do it. Half the games are PAL versions of the game, running at 50Hz, meaning they are slower than the games you remember playing. The presentation on it, menu screens, etc, is absolute crap. Sony outsourced this, used an open source emulator (PCSX) anyone can download, didn't give a shit, and whoever made it didn't care either. Cancel your preorder unless you think you can scalp it, or want to hack it. I loved the PS1, but this is just about the worst way you could remember it. Also, saw your PSTV comment about not wanting more accessories. Getting one for your Vita would probably be cheaper than this retro console, and would still give you the option of playing on a TV anyways. Options are good.

blackblades2023d ago

You should get a emulator and roms, this shit is just trying to get the money from nintendo classic success. Which fails big time without the top games.

rainslacker2023d ago

If you're buying it for the games, then there are other ways to do it for the same price or cheaper.

If your buying it for the collectible, then it'll still be sufficient for that.

SublimeStylee22023d ago

I wouldn't bother, let's move forward instead. Unless you are an avid collector I just do not see the appeal.

Amplitude2023d ago (Edited 2023d ago )

its literally just emulating the games with literally the exact same code as pcsx. I dont know why anybody wants one other than the novelty tbh.
Any recent PC can emulate these games better (in 4k, with antialiasing) than the Classic and its not like youre supporting the developers by buying their games here... also its real expensive

Id be more stoked if they released a full-sized ps1 with a hard drive in it that you could save the games too. Heck, let it real the old discs, too. That would be cool.

FlyGuyHung2023d ago

I cancelled mine 3 weeks ago. I see its available to preorder still on bestbuy.ca
So I'm confident I'll be able to get one when the inevitable boxing week sales go live if i still feel like it then.

Muzikguy2023d ago

I’m not surprised by the reviews. I wanted one at first but the more I heard the less I cared and now don’t want one. Bad game choices, higher price, no joysticks......

Sony really missed a golden opportunity here

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2023d ago
BlaqMagiq12023d ago

This score isn't shocking at all. I know Sony could've done much better with this. If they do a PS2 Classic they're gonna have to go all-out with it.

lxeasy2023d ago

they could also just add backwards compatibility and this wouldn't be an issue.

knifefight2023d ago

Yea, I love how Sony claims that no one plays older games but then releases a retro console under the guise of "giving fans what they want." XD

BlaqMagiq12023d ago

I mean I'm not against BC at all. In fact it's a feature I want in the PS5. But if they were gonna do this they coulda done a much better job with it.

Dreamcatcher452023d ago

Problem is that Sony don't own all of the ip's that made ps1 and ps2 successfull like Nintendo did.

Neonridr2023d ago

How many first party titles did Sony even put on this thing to begin with?

michellelynn09762023d ago

Nintendo didn't own SF2, Castlevania IV, Contra 3, Final Fantasy, Secret of Mana, Super Ghouls and Ghosts or Mega Man X.

Sirk7x2023d ago

Sony published Legend of Dragoon, that should have been on there too. The games they chose for the classic, the user interface and menu, the controller, and using PAL versions of the game just all scream lack of wanting to invest any money or effort into it. I really want to see a teardown of the chip they're using in the system.

Sirk7x2023d ago

I can't see a PS2 classic happening anytime soon. Considering that they used an open-source emulator for the PS Classic, the price point to include storage, hardware that can actually run the games decently, and the games itself would be very expensive. Again, better off just buying the games on PS4 if they're available. That, AND, open source PS2 emulation isn't that great in the first place. It's very high level emulation (meaning the games are basically hacked into working and have many inconsistencies and problems compared to the original), and it's not cool to sell a product that isn't perfect.

BlaqMagiq12023d ago

Well I have PCSX2 for emulation so I don't need a PS2 classic if they ever do one. But in the case they ever do one they can't repeat what they did here. The fact they had even thought of putting the PAL versions of games on the PS Classic made it an automatic pass. That literally made zero sense to me.

pcz2023d ago

cancelled my pre order. really disappointed. loved the idea of a playstation classic, love the look of it too, but I'm not paying near £100 for it.

it's simply not good enough, nor is it worth it.

ChrisW2023d ago

I'm waiting until someone finds a way to add more games to it. And of course, support for a Dualshock PC controller.

Sirk7x2023d ago (Edited 2023d ago )

Nintendo definitely had a better presentation. That, and sprite artwork has aged a hell of alot better than early 3D games have lol. I can still play Chrono Trigger, Link to the Past or games like Secret of Mana and Terranigma and find myself enchanted by the artwork and animation. FF7 is hard to play these days xD
(Should have been FF9 anyways)
I mean, the SNES classic came with Link to the Past, FF6, Super Mario RPG, Earthbound AND Secret of Mana. Those are all some of the best RPGs ever made. What the hell is Sony offering lol.

TheGamez1002023d ago (Edited 2023d ago )

Smh sony smh.... Who knows why they decided the price and amount of games were a great idea....

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