
PS5 Price, Specs and PSVR2 Leaked, Anthem Delayed - The Primal Podcast #15

Leonid Melikhov: Join us on The Primal Podcast Episode #15 - PS5 CPU Specs and PSVR 2 details are starting to get leaked, along with launch games. Anthem may be delayed on current gen systems and more.

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mikeslemonade2028d ago

PS5 price should be $600-$800 to ensure stronger hardware. The PS poor was too weak this generation.

anonymousfan2028d ago

That sounds like a recipe for a difficult launch like PS3

Palitera2028d ago (Edited 2028d ago )

I pity you. To me, it is being a terrific generation and a blast to play dozens of top notch games, together with some true masterpieces.

mikeslemonade2028d ago

Oh yea I played all I could on my PC. The low res and low frame rate exclusives I had to play on consoles.

2028d ago
mikeslemonade2028d ago

Yes PS Poor and the Xbox 720p were too weak in this generation.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2028d ago
Gaming1012028d ago

Did you actually catch with the price was supposed to be, the release date and the CPU? I don't want to listen to their boring drivel.

chris2352029d ago

psvr2 is a very big deal but judging the nature of these zero-info-videos i refrained from clicking.

gamer78042029d ago

for those who like vr, but vr has still yet to break a niche market. A nice option if you are into it for sure, but I wouldn't say its a big deal for gamers.

sampsonon2028d ago

over 3 million psvr's sold is not niche. that is a lot for a peripheral item.

gamer78042028d ago

@sampsonon sales numbers of the hardware doesn't matter as much as the engagement it has with his customers long term as well as the companies making the games for it, which are few in comparison.

ILostMyMind2028d ago (Edited 2028d ago )

It's for me. I have a lot of interest in PSVR 2, more than on PS5. PS4 is enough for me now, but I know I'm going to need PS5 for PSVR 2.

PS.: "Comparison" to what? XBVR?

2028d ago
doggo842028d ago

I'm a Huge Playstation fan, but if Sony puts a major emphasis on PSVR for Ps5 as opposed to building their first party even further and making a few more important acquisitions (or building new AAA studios with proper talent for Ps5) in response to Microsoft's Studio Purchasing spree, i'm moving over to xbox as my primary choice of console.

Imortus_san2028d ago

over 3 million psvr's is a nich considering that PS4 is over 85 million units and PSVR is two years old, even kinect on the X360 sold over 20 million and the X360 is 84 million.

Wallstreet372028d ago (Edited 2028d ago )

First of all tht 3 million number was months and months ago lol. Secondly psvr is the most selling vr unit out of all the vr units including computer counterparts. Thirdly come back and talk to me about how its niche when Sony finishes massacaring with that 199 moss/astrobot bundle thts killing it right now.

Some of you need to stop listening to your favorite console manafacturers because your sounding just like their mouth piece with the mau talk. It is a fact Sony is killing it on all cylinders from software, to hardware to peripherals and no one is close. The sales and engagement are there.

I am so happy they innovated and pushed vr on console and it will be a big part of ps5. Some ppl.are so dense they dont understand that even if the console is centered around vr those that dont care about vr benefit bcus the hardware needs to be beefy with high fps. We all win!!!!

sampsonon2028d ago (Edited 2028d ago )

@gamer7804: so you have proof the over 3 million people that bought it aren't engaged? no?
devs aren't supporting it? https://www.youtube.com/wat...

i own a psvr and play daily, especially FireWall Zero Hour which is the best fps I've played this gen.

itsmebryan2028d ago

If we go with 86 million ps4 sold 3 million PSVR only comes out to 3.5% . That is niche to most people.

DogJosha2028d ago

This argument about whether it is niche or not seems a bit silly. A niche market is a small subsection of a bigger market. It has nothing to do with quality or perception. VR isn't competing with TVs and monitors. It isn't competing with regular games. It is a small subsection of much bigger markets. It is a niche market plain and simple.

BenRC012028d ago

It's great but it's just not good enough yet. I have high hopes for psvr 2.

crazyCoconuts2028d ago

Companies are investing in it now for the potential it has to become mainstream later. From an enthusiast's perspective, VR represents the biggest innovation we've seen in gaming for a LONG time, so we tend to call it a big deal...

rainslacker2028d ago

There are a lot of companies making games for it, and psvr has higher average software engagement numbers than the consoles themselves. Seriously, go look it up.

Now that you've looked it up, you'll see that your concerns are unfounded and in the future you don't have to repeat this same argument again....like you did this time, since I pointed this out to you before. Eventually, you just make yourself look foolish.

2028d ago

Anyone can write the specs? They are SPECS, you can't just imagine them by hearing. They have to be written. It is just silly to announce specs and not write them and just talk about them.

2028d ago
agnosticgamer2028d ago

@Sampsonon 3 Million... when compared to the 70ish million give or take PS4 sold... that isn't an overly great attach rate especially considering the deep cuts and deals they had last black Friday to push sales... Still nice to give the PS fans the option of VR though... But, I would agree as of now VR market is still niche... Maybe PSVR2 can change that.

Dom_Estos2028d ago

"but I wouldn't say its a big deal for gamers."


Long time gamer here. Probably well before you were in nappies. As a gamer, it's a big deal.

Have a nice day.

DogJosha2028d ago


As a 31 year old gamer I was alive for the release of the Nintendo Virtual Boy. So yes, as of right now VR isn't a big deal and isn't showing us any reason to believe otherwise. I want it to become important but I need more than just teasers and promises before I jump onboard. Especially when I can buy a console cheaper than the VR unit itself.

BrettAwesome2028d ago

You all suck! You are a bunch of circle jerking assholes... "my plastic box is better than yours. I support a better greedy, money hoarding company than you do" boo fucking hoo...

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 2028d ago
Redemption-642028d ago

Don’t really think you will be missed. Sony doesn’t need to go buying studios like MS to make you happy, they have been focused on expanding the once they have to work on multiple projects at a time. Sony literally said this year they are doubling down on first party games, even before MS went out shopping for studios. They can put an emphasis on VR and still double down on AAA games. They can work on more than one thing at a time

2028d ago
Redemption-642028d ago

Personally I have not heard any rumors about the PS VR being mandatory with each PS5, second if Sony was to make it so and keep the price around the next Xbox, it will be a huge win for gamers. There are many gamers that want to try VR, but don’t want to spend the amount of money needed to try it. I do not believe Sony is going to mandate every PS5 comes with a VR, but I can see there being a separate bundle for those interested

2028d ago
Redemption-642028d ago

Seriously is making up lies to fit your narrow minded narrative the only way you can deal with reality? Look if what I said is too much for you to understand, please ask, I can dumb it down for you. When did I say; There is no large population that wants to play VR that would trade away power on the PS5 itself to get there? I dare you to quote me. All I said was, there are many gamers that want to try VR, but don’t want to spend the amount of money needed to try it. You literally have to lie and claim I said something people can see I didn’t make in order to make a point, how sad is your life, plus honestly I expected nothing less from you

ChristopherJack2028d ago (Edited 2028d ago )

Duh, you didn't say that, that was his issue with your statement, a PSVR included with PS5 competing at a similar cost to the neXbox would have to cut down in other areas to do so - & there's only a few bucks to be saved before having to start cutting specs back.

"if Sony was to make it so and keep the price around the next Xbox, it will be a huge win for gamers"

ImGumbyDammit clearly glossed over tackling his concern with your statement and just focused on the reason that it would not be practical- even if you never outright stated it, that was the only logical conclusion, if you disagree, then kindly explain how Sony could keep the price around the neXbox without cutting back on hardware?.

Redemption-642027d ago

@ Christopher

If you think that is the only logical conclusion, then you clearly have not given this much thought have you? You don’t always have to cut back on hardware in order to give a good price. For one Sony has stated that they are selling the PS VR at a profit, two as time goes on the prices of hardware used to make these systems go down and become smaller, allowing for slim models and cheaper systems. If Sony is coming out with a revised version for VR, they have obviously found a way to make it much cheaper than the original price. Just like some console manufacturers, Sony can be aiming to sell this at a lost, in hopes of making back income in software and subscriptions. Now as to how much of a loss Sony wants to take is up to them, but to suggest the ONLY logical way for them to keep the price around the price of the next Xbox is to cut back on hardware is very shortsighted, mind you around the price of the next Xbox doesn’t equate to the same price, it can be more. Sony just has to find the sweet spot, where by gamers can say, the next Xbox is cheaper, but with a little more money I can get a PS5 and a VR, how much is that sweet spot? I don’t know, it differs from person to person. The PS VR is going for $199, and as I stated before, Sony is making a profit off that price and a revised version can lead to a price cut

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2027d ago
KukwesGaming2028d ago

Things are only niche if they will not widely adopted. This will be almost as common as a cellphone in the future.

andibandit2028d ago

yes, but is it a future in our lifetime?. I heard that sentence spoken before in regards to VR, but the year was 1995.

N3mzor2029d ago

Anthem delay was already debunked by Ben Irving.

Shikoku2029d ago

No it was refuted debunked means something else besides devs cant always be trusted. Case in point third party dev working on ME:A content outed the fact it wouldnt be recieving any DLC as their projects were cancelled. Bioware comes out and says dont what they are talking about and never heard of them DLC is in full swing and then a month later news drops DLC all future plans for ME A DLC has been cancelled.

Christopher2028d ago

It was a rumor that it was delayed.

The developer comes out and says the specific release date.

It was debunked. Until it changes, that is the truth of the matter. It's possible it could be delayed, but that's not what is known, and news is based on what is known. Conspiracy is based on what might be.

2029d ago Replies(3)
Drithe2029d ago

The price of the ps3 killed it for 2 an a half years. It better be way lower than 500 bucks or I will wait for 4 years until it comes down to 299

IRetrouk2029d ago (Edited 2028d ago )

it really didnt, it sold faster than the 360 for the whole gen apart from one year in 09 or 10, the wii took off and never looked back, the ps3 was behind the 360 because it was on market a year later in the us and a year and a half in europe, i hope if they release another console around the same price as the ps3 if its going to be like the ps3 in that it done everything and then some. Lets not forget that the one released at a higher price than the ps3 did, the ps4 wasnt that far off the ps3s price either tbh

Imortus_san2028d ago

How did it sold faster then the Xbox360 when it took the PS3 7 years to reach X360 numbers.

IRetrouk2028d ago

The 360 only had a lead in as far as it was released a year earlier in the us and a year and a half in europe, i already explained this, as soon as the ps3 released it outsold the 360 every single year apart from one, thats why it caught up, the 360 lead nothing and neither did the ps3, the wii won the gen by outselling both.

Drithe2028d ago

YOu must be from Sony. You know good and well the first few years of the PS3 life cycle that the 360 was ahead of it. The ps3 sales were absolutely terrible compared to the ps2 for the first 3 years. IT wasnt until Sony dropped the price down to 299 did the PS3 take off. I think I am gonna start a "Fuck Sony 500" internet meme and keep up the fire for a year to put pressure on Sony. 500.Will those greedy idiots ever learn?

IRetrouk2028d ago

Mate the official numbers are all published, all you have to do is do a google search to see how wrong you are, the only lead the 360 had was from the time it was on the market ALONE, again from day 1 the ps3 outsold the 360 worldwide every year apart from one, go look up the numbers

schommerc2028d ago (Edited 2028d ago )

Y'all are bananas if you don't think the price of the PS3 was an obstacle for a large swath of people. Sure, it might have outpaced the Xbox 360 but remember that it was the successor to the most successful console to date and lost a lot of ground that the previous two consoles built.

155 million for the Playstation 2
24 million for the Xbox

Compared to very roughly ~80 million each in the Playstation 3, 360 era. Sure, the price might not have been the only factor in play, but you are nuts if you don't think it was a major barrier to a lot of people.

Also, why choose this hill to die on? It's generally a good thing for everyone when a product is priced competitively, so why defend this? Do you want them to release overpriced hardware again? I'll never understand why people are so loyal to bad marketing decisions. I love Playstation as much as the next guy but I have no problem being critical when they make bad decisions.

kayoss2028d ago

Did you read his comment? The xbox 360 was released 1 year earlier than the Ps3. However, once the PS3 was released, it outsold the Xbox 360 every year (except for 1 year). He wasnt comparing the PS3 to the PS2 sales number. No console in history have the same sale numbers as the PS2 (maybe the PS4). So i dont understand what you point is by bringing this up.

IRetrouk2028d ago

Because the idea that the price held it back when it still outsold the xbox is mad, if the price held it back it wouldnt have sold more than the cheaper 360 right out the gate, the ps3 was worth every penny at the time, i dont need to defend anything the specs and features alone did that for me, how was it overpriced exactly?? No console even today offered what the original 60 gb model did out the box, is 75 pounds really that much more to pay for a console anyway??
Ps3 was 425
Ps4 was 350
Xbox one was 430

I dont see the issue to be honest.

Drithe2028d ago

The bottom line is that only early adaptors and people who buy up all the new stuff and sell it on ebay can afford to buy it. You will not get mass sales until the price comes down. Period. I remember when that one Sony rep said about the PS3, "Well if you want a Ferrari you will have to pay for it" or something like that. I knew right then that the ps3 was gonna hurt until the price come down, and it did. I am for the common man who needs every dime to pay the rent, food for the kids, and what not. If Sony throws up a 500 dollar system then I know they are gunning for what they can get at first, then will come down as the industry dictates, But remember some companies lost a lot of money on the ps3 for lack of sales because there were not enough systems out in players hands in the beginning. But then again, maybe they are going for the free game/mmo bit. Either way we will see. I am saving this page so I can come back and say, "I told you so." or , "Sorry, you were right."

IRetrouk2028d ago

I do understand what you are saying, a cheaper console will obviously suit more peoples budget, i get that, but a cheaper price also means a less powerfull and feature packed console, thing is i really do have to work hard for these toys, any console i plan on buying i have to do so with planning and saving, overtime etc, but if it means i get a better console by having to pay 50-100 pounds more than the 350 standard everyone seems to hope for then im happy to do that.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2028d ago
bluefox7552028d ago

Normally I'd take the same position, but Sony has been killing it, I'd rather pay $400, but I'd trust them with an extra $100 of my money next time.

elazz2028d ago

I think they will keep it in the 400 range. 449 seems reasonable. 499 bundle with an extra game or controller is then in the range

rainslacker2028d ago

I have a feeling they'll shoot for the 400 price again. It seems like a good price point to hit the ground running. I know 500.isn't much more, but there is a psychological thing with consumers where 399 seems much less than 499.

On the other hand, maybe they'll have more than one sku, or depending on how much the x1x is going for at the time, they may feel it's worth 500 if ms doesn't drop the price far enough. Of course, if they can announce at the same price as the x1x at the time, but be twice as powerful, which rumors suggest, then they can pretty much force ms to drop the price of the x1x, or stop the x1x sales in their already stagnant tracks as the power user is more likely to just wait it out since the x1x will come across as less relevant going forward.

While I'm not in a big hurry for the next gen, it will be interesting to see how these two companies leverage their products against one another.

wonderfulmonkeyman2028d ago (Edited 2028d ago )

I would rather go for a PS4 at that point, since they'll drop to rock-bottom prices and the back-catalogue will be discounted as well.
And if I'm gonna save up $600 for a gaming machine, I'd rather go the extra mile and nab a good gaming PC instead.

S2Killinit2028d ago (Edited 2028d ago )

PS3 was 599.99 not 499.99 (500). This is saying the PS5 will be 499.99 like the PS4. You guys have short memory.

IRetrouk2028d ago

It released with a 20gb model which was 499 and a 60gb model which was 599, so...

S2Killinit2028d ago

Actually you are right, PS4 was 400 when it launched.

Smitty20202028d ago

So u won’t better specs n still have it well under? 500 bucks come on man get real, you get what you pay for

Skankinruby2028d ago

Lol you sir are a moron, do your homework before flapping your gums. 360 was out an entire year before ps3 was released and had over a 5 million sales lead by default. Even at the 600 dollar price ps3 was still by far the cheapest blu ray player on the market as the equivalent one costed 1000 dollars at the time. But once the ps3 release it chipped away at that lead every single month and squashed that lead completely by the end of the generation. The price cut only further salted that fact as ps3 sales skyrocketed after that. But you go ahead and hang on to your empty principles and wait it out while everyone else is enjoying next gen.

nitus102028d ago (Edited 2028d ago )

You forgot to mention that the XBox360 had the "Red Ring of Death" which cause many owners to repurchase the XBox360. Granted Microsoft eventually extended the warranty on the XBox360 to three years although many people had purchased a replacement prior to Microsoft acknowledging the issue. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

Another issue that the PS3 never had since it used a Bluray disk was the fact the XBox360 only used DVD's which in the reader were more susceptible to scratching. This problem was not as serious as the RRoD but for some players, it was an annoyance.

IRetrouk2028d ago

My original 360 rrod 5 times altogether, after the extended warranty though thank god, also had the original resident evil red 360 die on me and an elite, even my gears one is dead now, brilliant online community, terrible hardware, i still loved the 360 though, made some lifelong friends on live, some even came to my wedding.

2028d ago
2028d ago
andibandit2028d ago

PS2 launch price 299 - total sales 155million
PS3 launch price 599 - total sales 84million
PS4 launch price 399 - total sales TBD, but might rival PS2

pretty much in black and white right there, I dont know how MS or x360 or leading years or BR players, have anything to do with it.

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