
Housemarque Reveals First Gameplay for New Shooter Stormdivers

Housemarque has made itself a household name with fantastic shooters like Super Stardust, Resogun, Alienation, Materfall and many more over their multi-decade history and their latest game may be their most ambitious yet.

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NecrumOddBoy2121d ago

Housemarque, why are you doing this?

fr0sty2120d ago

Looks fun, maybe they're bored of the arcade formula and wanted to try something different. Give them the chance to prove themselves.

arkard2120d ago

Housemarq started they were done with arcade shooters because they just don't sell

nucky642120d ago

right, frosty - because we need another MP/battle royale game

kparks2120d ago

Huge fan of them! all their games have been absolutely fantastic nex machina didn't get the praise it deserves. I was extremely disappointed when I heard they would move to make different games. I'm not liking the look of this but I might pick it up just to support them as I believe they are great Developers and have made alot of games I enjoy playing.

Army_of_Darkness2120d ago

Well... That was disappointing.. Another BR game.... I would like a dead nation 2 dammit!

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GottaBjimmyb2120d ago

Hmm, I was hoping it was an RTS or top down like hell divers, but then it basically shoves in your face it is just another battle royale. (Which is a genre I actually like, but is way overpopulated already)

xX-oldboy-Xx2120d ago

How many RPG's are there? MP shooters? FTP? Every genre except RTS is overpopulated then.

BR is the new kid on the block, that's all. The good ones will stay, bad ones will die.

Palitera2120d ago ShowReplies(2)
KickSpinFilter2120d ago (Edited 2120d ago )

Can someone help me out? Is this the same developer of Resogun, Dead Nation, Super Stardust, games that I have adored? Or just a developer with the same name?

I knew they wanted (and needed) to try something different, but to chase the Battle Royal craze? JFC
I won't rule it out yet, but I am a little disappointed.

Palitera2120d ago

It’s just the same name. Their soul is mostly gone.

People here are acting like their only choices were “to rot in arcade oblivion” and “The 500th Battle Royale of the Day!”

What about some minimally inspired and creative game?

They’re acting like completely uninspired mobile devs.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2120d ago
lelo2play2120d ago

Oh boy, another battle royal game.

One more developer to the slaughter...

VerminSC2120d ago

There are seriously only 2 major battle Royale games right now.

plmkoh2120d ago

That's because they're standing on the corpse of several BR games that have tried to cash in. I'm not even counting the Chinese clones popping up on iOS/Android

nowitzki20042120d ago

BR just getting started. Get used to it.

Blastoise2120d ago (Edited 2120d ago )

This is a sad day. Getting radical heights levels of desperation from this

Palitera2120d ago

Last breath before they vanish.

sypher2120d ago (Edited 2120d ago )

Battle Royal game with classes... ouch.. think it might be a bit too late for anyone else other than massive AAA marketing to be successful in this space anymore to be honest.

When they said they were working on a non arcade game, I didn't expect this for sure.

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Housemarque’s Harry Krueger: AAA Game Cuts All “Unnecessary Fat,” Remasters a Possibility

Housemarque director Harry Krueger talks Nex Machina, what we can expect from the studio's AAA title, whether Arcade truly is dead, and more.

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Chris_Wray1663d ago

If I were a betting man, and I am, I would say that Stormdivers won't be successful. There's too much competition, from the mammoths like Fortnite, Apex and PUBG, to further competition from AAA games with a battle royale mode like CoD.

There's too much competition and unless Stormdivers brings something unique to the mode, it just isn't going to work. "Simple yet deep" already exists.

Jackhass1663d ago

Yeah, they came to the battle royale genre too late to make an impact. I'm not sure what they can do with the game -- you don't want to release the game if you're just going to have to shut it down immediately.

Alexious1663d ago

Stormdivers has pretty much already failed, yeah.

Palitera1662d ago (Edited 1662d ago )

They have even admitted it already. No turning back from the stupid move of turning into a generic studio.

himdeel1663d ago

Yep I am afraid for them with Stormdivers.

TGG_overlord1662d ago

It's a very high gamble imo...

sprinterboy1662d ago

Great devs, one of favs, but I have to say they've been alittle off point with there last 2 entry's.
Think they need to go bk to basics imo.

IamTylerDurden11662d ago

Nex Machina was the best game they have ever made and Matterfall was excellent, but lacked content.

DigitalRaptor1662d ago (Edited 1662d ago )

I think Stormdivers has been put on hold or canceled at this stage.

They have 70 people in their studio currently working on a AAA new IP.

Sony is working with them on their next project, so that's probably it. Sony also knows it can't compete with third-party multiplayer / battle royale games which are on its consoles anyway so it doesn't bother. I reckon Housemarque's new game is going to be something different.

Sevir1662d ago

Storm Divers isn't their AAA game tho. They've got two projects going, StormDivers and the unannounced assumed to be PS5 Exclusive AAA title

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1662d ago
Blank1663d ago

Finally a beautiful article/interview. This was a really great read since I miss the Housemarque arcade games but this interview made me respect their decision a little more. Either way I will continue to support this dev team through thick and thin.

Jackhass1662d ago

Yeah, it's unfortunate they're leaving the arcade stuff behind, but you can't blame them.

darthv721662d ago

Resogun and Super Stardust were awesome. I'd love more of those games.

rainslacker1662d ago

A battle royale side scroller like Resogun would be pretty cool. Don't think we need more shooter .

Love Housemarque, but I don't like they're chasing the current fad. It's going to be a hard market to break into without serious marketing backing.

ApocalypseShadow1662d ago

I still want a 3D version of Dead Nation. Love the game and the overhead gameplay but wish there was a camera option to make it more straight ahead or closer. The initial videos made the game look closer than it actually was.

We need more Dead Nation.

darthv721662d ago

I concur... dead nation is hella fun to play.

Fluke_Skywalker1662d ago

Yeah I absolutely loved Dead Nation, and to be fair I didn't mind the camera angles at all. Just Dead Nation 2 is all I need.

Knushwood Butt1662d ago (Edited 1662d ago )

Hope it works out for them.

Great studio.

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Interview with Ilari Kuittinen and Mikael Haveri from Housemarque on Epic Games Store, Stadia & more

During Reboot Develop 2019, Wccftech spoke with both Ilari and Mikael about the future of Housemarque and the state of the games industry at large.

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With Housemarque Admitting its Battle Royale Game Probably Won't Succeed, We've Reached Peak BR

Ed writes: Housemarque, the developers of a number of critically beloved arcade shooters including Nex Machina and Resogun, recently admitted their upcoming Battle Royale game Stormdivers is unlikely to succeed. The reason? We're at peak BR.

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Shikoku1880d ago (Edited 1880d ago )

Looking forward to the braindead BR to take a back seat to whatever is next.

generic-user-name1880d ago

Looking forward to the brain dead team deathmatch to take a back seat to whatever is next.

I'll never understand the hate for a new game type that got popular.

senorfartcushion1879d ago

Because it's a mode that became a genre.

Hydrazinezz1879d ago

Senor what makes you play them? Lmfao. You literally do NOT have to play them. Their are plenty of other games being made. Quit bitching because you’re trash at it and your friends like it.

ILostMyMind1880d ago (Edited 1880d ago )

And some companies shout that the future relies on online multiplayer games. The market in each genre is taken by one or two companies at most. The rest fail miserably.

AK911879d ago (Edited 1879d ago )

I'm a person who has very loudely shouted out against online MP GaaS games ruining the industry but in this case that's not the issue. Most if not all of Housemarque's game are SP old school arcade games unfortunately it doesn't seem like there's a market for them anymore.

ILostMyMind1879d ago

I hope you are wrong. I bought all their games in this generation.

Mr Marvel1879d ago

Good, does this mean everyone will shut up about BR then? (rhetorical)
Please just let BR die.

AK911879d ago

Damn it this will probably mean the studio will have to shut down which sucks, I've bought all their games in PS4 and they are ALL great, shame they never got the attention and sales they deserved.

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