
Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4) Trailer - Just the Facts: Combat

A new look at Spider-Man's wide-range of combat abilities, from obnoxious sonic attacks to holographic decoys to old-fashioned web-shooting.

Eonjay2111d ago

Is worth skipping if you don't want to be spoiled.

TheKingKratos2111d ago

Didn't see any spoilers tbh
Nothing feels important

sammarshall1022111d ago

This game looks amazing. My GOTY most likely

XxSPIDEYxX2111d ago

Insomniac have outdone themselves. And with their impressive track record, that's mindblowing.

quiddd2111d ago

Gonna be a great game but trailer made it sound like certain abilities, weapons can only be done when using a certain suit. I really hope that's not the case. Can someone confirm?

AtlusPT2111d ago

Yes, each suit will have an "ultimate" attack. Dont know if they´ll have aditional unique skills. Everything else is the same regardless of the suit you´re wearing.

IRetrouk2111d ago

You can swap the suits abilitys too!! Devs have said this in a few interviews now.

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Knightofelemia2046d ago (Edited 2046d ago )

Carnage, Kraven the Hunter, Sandman, Jack o Lantern, Hobgoblin, Chameleon, Morbius , Shriek, Silvermane, Doppleganger and Jackal all should have been on the list and my favorite Kaine.

AK912046d ago

We allowed to spoil? N4G is very strict about that sort of stuff.


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