
Why This PlayStation Fan Is More Excited For The Xbox E3 Than PS4

Coin Drop:

This is something I have been thinking a lot about lately. I don't hate Xbox, nor do I want it to fail, I just think the PS4 is an overall better machine. However, given Microsoft's recent silence, and the lack of new games being announced by them, I have a sneaking suspicion this years E3 could actually pan out.

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DarkVoyager2264d ago

I’m excited for E3 period. I can’t wait to see both their showings.

thekhurg2264d ago

Hey looks it's yet ANOTHER "I'm so pumped for Microsoft at E3 this year" article.

These come up each and every year. It's paid advertisement from MS. We'll get several of these, then several more right after E3 about how amazing the MS show was. Followed by 11 months and near silence because nothing will release, then more hype articles this time next year.

PUBG2264d ago


Yeah, because Sony and every other company in the gaming industry never has paid advertisements....

UCForce2264d ago

@PUGB But who paid advertisement the most ? Is Sony, MS or Nintendo ? MS paid the most advertisement than others.

DaDrunkenJester2264d ago


Do you have any sort of evidence to back that up? Like any at all?

Is it so impossible that game fans are interested to see what MS brings that it HAS to be a paid article? Come on.

Just think about it. They literally have nothing planned for 2019 after Crackdown 3 and Ori and a couple AA games coming there is literally nothing else announced. You're telling me that nobody, besides paid advertiser, are wondering wtf MS is going to announce?

mcstorm2264d ago

DaDrunkenJester spot on. Microsoft have come out and said that they are now only going to announce games that are coming out closer to the time and even though its been quiet over the last few months over game releases this is the time to show what they have over the next 12 months. People see to forget the PS4 and 3 did not have to much in its 1st 12 to 18 teen months on the market but were showing games that were 2 to 3 years away but they have now seemed to of stopped this to.

Think it will be an interesting e3 but for Microsoft more than Sony and Nintendo they now need to focus on there own ips and hit the ground running with pushing the Xbox on. Sony for me need to be pushing the vr space and Nintendo just need to give us some bit 3rd party suppries.

UCForce2264d ago (Edited 2264d ago )

@DaDrunkenJester This generation, MS will anything to get what they want. Few years ago, MS pushed their advertisement on TV and Xbox One. Even the news confirmed MS advertisement have more than Sony and Nintendo. MS want to dominate the console gaming but not playing fair with others. I’m not talking about crossplay. I’m talking about the competition. MS ignoring the competition and they want to proud themselves without knowing their competitors are way ahead. Like I said, MS have more paid advertisement than other companies.

mikeslemonade2264d ago

No exclusives vs exclusives simple as that. And most of you Xbox fans don’t have a Xbox X. Also the Xbox x still only does 4k at under 60 frames. So you still lose.

Retroman2264d ago

@thekhurg below or above well said. each year N4G promote advertisement) for MS . all SONY need to say PS5 at E3 crowd will go nuts. whatever ms had planned died INSTANTLY!!

DarXyde2264d ago


I think what sets apart Microsoft from other companies in the industry are results. Sony and Nintendo pretty consistently deliver quality titles. For Microsoft, none of their trifecta titles are "bad" and often receive a good amount of praise...but everything beyond that warrants skepticism, it seems.


It doesn't really matter who paid the most if you ask me. The way I see it, it's just an industry practice with different results. No need to point fingers.

DaDrunkenJester2264d ago


Are you suggesting Sony doesn't pay for TV ad space? Or any other paid advertising?

I honestly don't understand your game here. Why are you acting like MS is the only one that does paid advertising?

Theknightofnights2263d ago (Edited 2263d ago )


Actually, I'm pretty sure Sony spends the most on advertisements now. Here is some information regarding ad spending for the holidays last year: http://n4g.com/news/2127717...

BadElf2263d ago

No love for Nintendo? Cant wait for everyone!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2263d ago
2264d ago Replies(1)
AspiringProGenji2264d ago (Edited 2264d ago )

MS is being silent because they got no choice. Their last game has failed to meet critical reception, Crackdown 3 is taking forever to release, and Halo 5, Forza, gears are obviously being made (wow didn’t see that coming). Their previous E3s have been overhyped too

Sony is also being silent with new projects, while releasing new games and letting them do the talking. We have to see TloU2 gameplay and Ghost of Tsushima gameplay. TLoU2 gameplay alone will overshadown MS E3, Quote me on that. See you in June!

But to each their own I guess. MS isn’t having their best time in a while to be excited about their silence imo

Minute Man 7212264d ago

Day one for LoU2 Collector's Edition for me but please the gameplay isn't why people love the game. It's the superb story telling

AspiringProGenji2264d ago (Edited 2264d ago )

That’s BS. The gameplay in TLoU was solid as reviewers pointed out and the fans liked it as well. Not sure about you but I did! The MP also proved it had good gameplay.

Just because people talk more about the story doesn’t mean the gameplay was non existent.

Minute Man 7212264d ago

So you only played LoU for the gameplay?

Godmars2902264d ago

its not so much about what's announced, rather its what gets over-hyped, over-promised, walked back and/or canceled.

AspiringProGenji2264d ago (Edited 2264d ago )

I play games to play them, not for a particular reason or department. What a game does best or doesn’t is another thing. I believe TLoU did both really good despite some issues with the gameplay like not-so great platforming and some resource imbalances. Having to save shivs for the fear or not being able to open locked was poor balance in harder difficulties.

rainslacker2264d ago

I predict MS is going to break with their new ethos of not announcing games too early. If they really do have new games in the works, like Spencer claims, then they'd be better off showing them, than worrying about the people who complain that they're showing them off too early. Just looking at Sony, or heck, most other publishers, they're announcing 2-3 years from release with absolutely no repercussions except some fan boy taunting. In the meantime, MS....assuming they really are not announcing too early because they feel it's right and it's not because they don't have anything to announce, are taking a beating in the market because the image that they have no new games is being beaten to death, and that is having a lasting impression.

Godmars2902264d ago

Want to ask when did they announce that, but I'm guessing that it was recent. Cause all they've ever done is announce games and concepts way too early.

Pretty sure they've done the tactic of naming a popular at the time studio doing an "untitled" game that never comes out every E3.

Scissorman822264d ago

dont forget death stranding!

UnHoly_One2264d ago

Well I'm only one guy but TLOU's gameplay was not cup of tea.

I thought the story was superbly presented but I would not have finished the game otherwise. I only suffered through playing that game to see how it ended. So yeah, TLOU2 can suck it, unless they drastically change it, which I wouldn't expect them to.

MarineLineman2264d ago

The reaction that TLoU2 got during its PSX reveal says it all: millions upon millions of people are excited for that game. The gameplay reveal is likely going to break the internet lol

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2264d ago
SuperSaiyanGod412264d ago

I hope he's right. I'd love to see Microsoft come back swinging just so they can push Sony to keep delivering great triple a games like they always have. Nintendo is a different crowd base, because they are hybrid but competition is great for a healthy industry.

Christopher2264d ago

Essentially boils down to "hope."

rainslacker2264d ago

MS is about as silent as they always have been. Last year, they weren't talking about all their games apparently, and we still got a lackluster show. The year before that, I think they only announced one new game. I'm not sure why people think this year will be any different, especially if MS holds true to their word that they don't want to announce games too early because apparently no one likes that....although that's a pretty new advent which seem to come from the fact they didn't have much to show for a few years down the road, and two of the three games we know about this year were announced about 3 years ago too.

E3 is an exciting time regardless, and I understand wanting to be excited. But getting too hyped up means more of a chance of being disappointed later.

trooper_2264d ago

That's exactly what I thought.

Ceaser98573612264d ago

I am always excited about E3 specially SONY but i watch MS too and see what they bring to the table apart from Services... Sony has shown whats coming on PS4 .. So i am excited to watch LOU 2 first gameplay reveal, Spiderman Release date reveal, Ghost of tsushima first gameplay reveal.. Days gone new gameplay and DS 1st gameplay reveal.. Sony has everything setup.... Got to see how MS does with Xbox at E3...

Cyborgg2264d ago (Edited 2264d ago )

Lmao 😁

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2263d ago
Eonjay2264d ago

So over the years I have expected hype from them. At this point that's it. There is nothing to look forward to. I don't even own an Xbox there is no way I'm gonna be more excited for it until they give us a reason. What would it take? An exciting new game. Many of them.

2264d ago Replies(2)
2264d ago Replies(5)
mark_parch2264d ago

it's took me 4 years but i've started to learn that if you get hyped for microsoft e3 your just going to be disappointed. last year they showed some great games like the last night, ashen, anthem, assassins creed origins and metro but they are all multiplats the only console exclusives they showed that looked good were state of decay 2 and ori the will of the wisps. i'm sick of all this world premier console launch exclusive bollocks

Chevalier2263d ago

Oh god I forgot about the 'exclusive worldwide reveal' trailers. You know its bad when all you got is exclusive reveals. Lol. That wording then the rabbid group suggesting they're all exclusives never to hit other platforms.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2263d ago
DigitalRaptor2264d ago (Edited 2264d ago )

They've been quiet so it's gonna be killer? That's an odd take away.

Here's what to expect:
- Halo 6
- a new Forza Horizon game
- some feature announcements
- release dates
- and a whole bunch of timed-exclusives.


SoulWarrior2264d ago ShowReplies(1)
2264d ago Replies(5)
cell9892264d ago

There’s also those awkward actors they hire to do their presentations. You know, the ones that don’t know much about gaming. Also their classic “in game footage” only to later reveal it was running on PC lol.

The_Jackel2264d ago

like the ones for sea of theives that they said were randoms they picked for the.demo of it

Sharky2312264d ago

I loved when they had the play by play guy come out last year! It was so bad!!

rainslacker2264d ago

Its funny, because of all the console makers, MS is the one that seems to talk the most.

2264d ago
rainslacker2264d ago

Only if you're not doing well.

badz1492264d ago

The weakest bark the loudest

Dragonscale2264d ago

Theres an old saying, the emptiest tin is the loudest.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2264d ago
UCForce2264d ago

Know MS track record, I don’t think so.

Yohshida2264d ago

We will have to wait till E3 to see who is right

Dragonscale2264d ago

Judging by the last few e3's we already know.

DigitalRaptor2264d ago (Edited 2264d ago )

Well that was more or less the extent of their E3 presentation last year, aside from demonstrations of third-party multiplatform games and details of new hardware (which they won't have this year). I don't think a new Halo game being announced is a small affair. My list adds up.

It's funny, there's always at least one Xbox fan on N4G that pretends to be in the know about Microsoft's E3.

You seem to be this year's candidate.

Yohshida2264d ago

in the know < basic working brain

DigitalRaptor2263d ago

"in the know < basic working brain"

Care to elaborate?

Yohshida2263d ago

They showed crackdown, sot, state of decay etc off for like 2000 E3 shows. Now they cant, so they have to show new stuff.

Sony will show Spiderman, Last of us, Days gone, Death Stranding, Dreams and many more... again.

Lime1232262d ago (Edited 2262d ago )

I hope that Microsoft has something to compete with:

1. Yakuza 6 - 17.4.2018.
2. God of War - 20.4.2018.
3. Detroit: Become Human - 25.5.2018.
4. Yakuza Kiwami 2 - 28.8.2018.
5. Dragon Quest XI - 4.9.2018.
6. Spider-Man - 2018.
7. Dreams -- 2018.
8. MediEvil - 2018.
9. Concrete Genie - 2018.
10. Days Gone - 2019.
11. Shenmue III - 2019.
12. Final Fantasy VII Remake - 2019.
13. Death Stranding - 2019.
14. The Last of Us Part II - 2019.
15. Ghost of Tsushima - 2019.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2262d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2262d ago
2264d ago Replies(1)
corroios2264d ago

because this E3 they gonna show trailer of halo, Forza and Gears....

DreadGara2264d ago

Lol perhaps.....

Nah, it's all about click's.

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