
‘Destiny 2’: Bungie Can’t Stop Breaking The First Rule Of Getting Out Of Holes, Stop Digging

INQ: Destiny 2 is in a hole right now and Bungie can't seem to get it out because the studio keeps digging. The dust-up this week over Faction Rallies is just the latest example in a long string unforced errors that have disappointed PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC gamers.

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corroios2334d ago

I just wish that another studio, except any from EA, would create the game that Destiny should be. I think is not that hard.

Kosic2334d ago

Would love for destiny to turn into a new borderlands style looter hunter. But with the shared world experience. And maybe the random rifts from Diablo 3.

It's a solid shooter, but just ruined by the greed of the developer.

Araragifeels 2334d ago

Santa Monica once were working on Destiny like game but PlayStation scrap it because it was in development hell and waisted around 100 million. Many of it concept look amazing but the director couldn't make up his mind.

fenome2334d ago

I really would've liked to see what that game could've been. It sucks they canned that whole team when the game got cancelled.

Arctura2334d ago

At this point, it's almost comical how many mistakes they've made. Quite honestly, I think people may be more forgiving if they weren't so arrogant about; continually give hollow apologies isn't a way to build trust with your community.

Parasyte2334d ago

It was how they were back in the Halo days too. They are just now realizing that people found it really old and annoying back then too.

Sirk7x2334d ago

Kinda, with map packs and whatnot, but you can't really compare a game like Halo 3 with Destiny 2. That game was iconic.

Parasyte2334d ago

Doesn't matter whether Halo was iconic or not. Bungie still adopted this air of secrecy and mystery when it came to communicating with their community. They are starting to realize that that will not work anymore.

Araragifeels 2334d ago

The Bungie that we used to love is dead. Activision turn them to greedy Dev and Bungie broke their words. Bungie forced out the person who contribute make Halo the best.

Altovoltage2334d ago

I can’t believe I wasted a $100 on this game. Never again Bungie.

Krysis2334d ago

I paid $140 I think for D1 and all its content, money well spent. I spent $60 on destiny 2, regretted it ever since.

Mr-Dude2333d ago (Edited 2333d ago )

The problem is, that a lot people will fall for it again if there is a Destiny 3. I learned my lesson with Destiny 1... maybe I will pick Destiny 2 up, but unless it is the legendary edition with all DLC for a very cheap price I ain't gonna bother. And the Legendary edition is gonna take a while to, if it's ever going too release at all.

People never learn, and when they announce Destiny 3 everybody is hyped again. It get's very high reviews which I don't get, and after weeks/months people are back here again.

jackdaddy2334d ago

Destiny 2, an epic tale of how Bungie totally lost everything.

Jakens2334d ago

Agree with you, but I was all for Destiny 2 on release day. Now I agree.

Araragifeels 2334d ago

Bungie died once the sold their soul to the devil for a trilogy. Current Bungie is non longer passionate of making game for the fans but rather focus in making as many as possible by backstabbing the players.

Krysis2334d ago

The decisions coming out of destiny are made by Bungie not by activision and there is plenty of proof out there backing that up.

TheCommentator2334d ago

Maybe they're digging an escape route to avoid any further shame...

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