
What AMD and Intel's partnership means for PC gaming

AMD and Intel just announced early today a major partnership to join forces, combining Intel's CPU technology with AMD's graphics. The move is no doubt a shock for the gaming industry and has far reaching ramifications. Here's what we think are the most important bits, and how the partnership will affect PC gaming.

ocelot072407d ago

PS5: Intel processing power and AMD's GPU power - yes please

2406d ago Replies(2)
Tsar4ever012406d ago (Edited 2406d ago )

"PS5: Intel processing power and AMD's GPU power".

INTEL CPU cores? HAH!! While your going that far off the deep end, why don't you just request for Nvidia's GPU power for PS5 too? Guess you haven't read that old Forbes article about why Sony & Microsoft choose AMD & X86-64 for PS4 & XB1. https://www.forbes.com/site...

bluefox7552406d ago

Agreed. People might say that Nvidia is better, but AMD does great and is very comparable in the low-mid range GPU market. Intel CPUs would be a godsend though, hopefully addressing some of the CPU limitations this gen.

Tsar4ever012406d ago

Yeah, Intel cpus would've made a big difference in frame-rates performance on current-gen consoles, Can you even imagine how well even the BASE consoles would've done running Ryzen apu's? Richard at Digital Foundry gave us sort off a Hypothesis video on this, you might of already looked at it, https://www.youtube.com/wat... and the result showed gives me hope for next-gen consoles.

2407d ago
Bigpappy2407d ago

No more CPU competition? Not sure this is all that great. But life is about changes.

ocelot072407d ago

Both are still going to be competing in the CPU I imagine. This only help's both parties. Intel's graphics where ok but does not have a patch on AMD's so this will help them. This will help AMD also and will make netbook's a decent buy for portable gaming.

darthv722407d ago

It's not about the cpu side at all. Intel is wanting to use AMD gpu technology combined with their cpu to create an APU that takes on nvidia.

Bigpappy2407d ago

okay. thanks for the clarification guys.

zivtheawesome2406d ago

well it is not really no cpu competition this is only one build they are doing together, they still have seperate builds using only AMD/ intel + nvidia.

UltraNova2406d ago

Its only for small factor applications not desktop, laptop and enterprise CPUs.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2406d ago
Rimeskeem2407d ago

As long as the prices don’t sky rocket I’m ok with it.

MegamanXXX2406d ago

Can you imagine the prices it would be if it was Nvidia and intel

xX-oldboy-Xx2406d ago

My hope is the prices come down. One can hope.

FyBy2405d ago

That would be great "APU" for consoles! Cant wait! But in the end AMD-only solution can deliver similar for better price, so I dont think we will see these CPUs in consoles in the future.

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PS5 Fans Beg Sony for a More Fulfilling Livestream in the Aftermath of Xbox Show

Perhaps unsurprisingly, PlayStation’s social media is already being peppered by disgruntled fans, desperate for the format holder to step up its livestream game.

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8h agoReplies(5)
-Foxtrot8h ago

They need to buck their ideas up completely and rethink their State of Play shows in my opinion. If it's because they have nothing to show as any announcement will be years off then fair enough but then the question is why are they in that position.

Sony knew when Microsoft bought all these studios that eventually Microsoft would harvest all these games that were in development at the time of their purchase. They have had plenty time to prepare yet it just feels nothing has really come out of it so far. In the years since Microsoft bought Obsidian Entertainment, Ninja Theory and Double Fine around 2018/2019 it was clear they were ramping things up which they were as they went onto buy Zenimax in 2020 and then a couple years after Activision, two publishers with so many studios and IPs under their belt.

In that time Sony has decided to buy studios like Bungie, Haven and Firewalk Studios which are all GaaS related and haven't really put anything together to counter the new IPs Microsoft had acquired.

Everything from Sony at the minute is either third party games or this heavy PC focused most PS5 fans don't really care about.

However. If I was to be fair though and look at the other side of the coin at least they haven't announced games recently that could still be years away which is something that people seem to be giving Microsoft a pass with.

Yes the Microsoft show was great and hopefully it's given Sony a kick up the backside but most of the games shown like Fable, State of Decay 3, Avowed, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Perfect Dark and South of Midnight were games that were announced last year and before. The only brand new thing that really surprised me that's an exclusive was Gears of War.

Sony need to start going back to what made many people buy their consoles from the beginning, their first party games you couldn't get anywhere else with great single player experiences. Not every games needs to be AAA, they need to find a good balance.

Flakegriffin7h ago

This is the most accurate statement ever.

fr0sty15m ago

I do feel Sony is holding off a lot of their big announcements for the Pro reveal. The last one was just to hold us over, the next one, especially now that MS has shown their hand, would be the strategic time to drop the big bombs once MS' showcase drops out of the headlines.

derek5h ago

This nonsense again. No matter how successful playstation is year in and year, no matter how many good games they release year in and year out, you'll have someone somewhere whining that it's not good enough and that they need to return to some past era.

-Foxtrot4h ago

Oh for Christ sake man, this shitty attitude of yours is why companies can get arrogant because no one says anything…no one’s allowed because fanboys like yourself throw a fit with their pretentious “you’re not allowed to say this” bull crap

The same happened to Microsoft for years with their die hard fans.

Microsoft have had a good show this year and has shown we their studios are stacked, what’s wrong with speaking out and wanting Sony to get their shit together with how quiet they’ve been?

It’s people like you licking the boot of these companies why nothing changes.

So yeah I guess I am whining about this because as a fan I’d like to see change and don’t want Sony to go back to their arrogant 2006 self.


Chevalier3h ago

Weird that people list games like Perfect Dark which probably isn't close to releasing and all these games ending of this year or in 2025 as if Playstation didn't already have a ton more exclusives this year, but, conveniently forget this years releases like Gran Blue Relink, FF VII Rebirth, Stellar Blade, Helldivers 2, Rise of the Ronin, Star Ocean 2nd R

Plus games like Zenless Zero, new Y''S, new Legend of Heroes, Silent Hill 2, Concord Death Stranding 2, Astrobot, Lego Horizon, Phantom Blade 0, Monster Hunter Stories 1 & 2, Tsukihime, Earth Defense Force 6 and many more not coming to Xbox as well.

victorMaje3h ago

The way I see it, the focus only GaaS has already cost us a ND game.
Foxtrot is not wrong. A good balance is the way.

Hofstaderman2h ago

So out of the 21games 13 are releasing on the PS5. Banger if a showcase though, their best in years.

itsmebryan1h ago

What are all the 1st party games that Sony's releasing this year ?

Ironmike1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Sony have released few bangers this yr rebirth helldivers rise of the ronin and stellablade ,which tbh I don't think was that good .but they have releases some good games this yr

Chevalier1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

"What are all the 1st party games that Sony's releasing this year ?"

They released MLB, will release Astrobot, remastered Until Dawn, Concord, Helldivers 2, published Rise of the Ronin and will do the same for Death Stranding 2. That's SEVEN games by Playstation this year. So you were saying? For Xbox we got what? Hellblade 2, Indiana Jones, Flight Simulator, Avowed, Age of Mythology?

Add in FAR more 3rd party exclusives and it's a wash.

Again there's not a single month where Xbox has more games or exclusives releasing really at any point this year.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
jwillj2k44h ago

The problem is there is no competition. We can be mad at the showcase but they are still making tons of money and outselling the competition hand over fist so from their perspective why take the risks. We need someone to bring real competition otherwise they can sit on their laurels reading all the complaints while sipping on their chai tea.

outsider16243h ago

This was actually a great showcase from Microsoft. Incredible games after another got to be honest.
With the exeption of fortnight looking Dragon Age. My pain was immeasurable.
How did it come from this..

S2Killinit2h ago

Well I mean, xbox showcase was mostly multiplats. So if by a better show they mean Sony should spend some money to have multiplats revealed in a Somy conference to create a better show, Im not sure I agree with that. But I do think that Sony should reveal what they are working on.

Ironmike1h ago

Stop spinning to suit ur narrative it was good showing simple as

Profchaos2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

This 100 percent execs need to stop thinking about the potential of a gaas game and instead work on what the fans who made them the market leader want

This Fanboy culture that's gripped NRG is turning me away from the community it's always been around but it's never been more toxic we can't criticise we most always love Sony it's garbage

Moegooner42m ago

Playstation owners get to play the majority of games shown during the showcase, which invalidates whatever point the tool, who wrote the article was trying to make.

dveio10m ago

I don't know, buddy.

I don't disagree with you on principle. But from my perception.

Sony's been putting up a very decent software line-up for PS5 so far, even for the 'lackluster' 2024 period.

But why can't we just appreciate what we collectively already know?

Sony's major first party titles over the last 15 years were always perfectly polished and very, VERY well received.

Whatever the 'Big Four/Five' are working on:

Give them time!

PS5 is a new hardware. And you can bet that the major first party studios want nothing less but to put out the same results they've done with the likes such as God of War, Spiderman, Astro's, Returnal, Horizon, etc.

This doesn't come within 3¾ years after PS5's launch. It just doesn't.

I would really appreciate it if we'd only accept this. Sony hasn't changed their commitment on story driven single player games. Hulst confirmed this on two separate occassions now.

The next Playstation Showcase will happen.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 10m ago
Christopher8h ago

Xbox definitely had better third-party showings, but I really just want Sony to start showing us first-party titles. There's got to be something new they can show us, right? And it can't just be one or two games, it has to be at least half a dozen.

I mean, at least we know Bungie isn't sitting idly by and Insomniac is doing Wolverine. But ND just cancelled their MP TLoU plans, what are they working on now let alone the second studio they have that's been quiet for 4 years now? Sucker Punch? Bend?

Did all the big studios have ideas that were canned and start working on new things? Was Jim Ryan that bad of a CEO that they veered that far off the path and are working their way back to it?

-Foxtrot8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

"I mean, at least we know Bungie isn't sitting idly by and Insomniac is doing Wolverine. But ND just cancelled their MP TLoU plans, what are they working on now let alone the second studio they have that's been quiet for 4 years now? Sucker Punch? Bend? "

If they hypothetically announce something like Ghost of Tsushima 2 and give us a release date within 6-8 months of it's announcement, something like what Bethesda did with Fallout 4s reveal at E3 then I would TOTALLY get their plans and why they've been so quiet. However if they end up announcing their titles and the release dates are still so far off despite being so quiet for years then I'm at a complete loss with it.

Having a change in strategy and only wanting to announce games when they know they are 100% going to release the same year is the only thing that will make sense and something I can totally get behind.

"Was Jim Ryan that bad of a CEO that they veered that far off the path and are working their way back to it?"

I'm still convinced his GaaS plans are why he took early retirement, after seeing issues with NaughtyDog being put on something they weren't comfortable with I think higher ups knew putting all their existing studios on these games was a bad move. Obviously they've had to see some of them out until the end but I think he's why some of these studios are so quiet because they've wasted time on live service stuff that just wasn't working.

8h agoReplies(1)
7h agoReplies(2)
P_Bomb7h ago

The time for silence is over. At least, I’m over it. Open the first party floodgates, while I’m still alive lol!

ocelot077h ago

Apparently they have one in September.

Lightning776h ago(Edited 6h ago)

I've never heard of this rumor at all after Sony's SOP. In fact last year it wasn't even a real rumor. Colin Moriarty tried spreading his speculation off as a rumor. When Colin knew nothing at all.

The only thing they're gonna have is a pro SOP. Unless that's what you meant.

I'll keep an ear out for SOP rumor but so far I haven't heard nothing.

Extermin8or3_1h ago

Sony's state of play's are NOT showcases. That state of play was primarily to show first party titles due this year and some indie titles due this year and early next year. They will clearly have a showcase to push the ps5 pro later this year likely in September.

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MOZA Racing revolutionise racing with the MOZA R3 Wheel and Pedals, Designed for Xbox

Looking for a new racing wheel or sim set-up? MOZA Racing have got your back as they look to revolutionise the racing scene with their MOZA R3 Wheel and Pedals. And the best bit? It's Designed for Xbox!

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Meta Is Doing With VR What Apple And Sony Have Struggled To Do

Shaz from GL: "Where Sony is ramping down support for PSVR2, and Apple are reconsidering their future with the Vision Pro, Meta and the Quest 3 continue to shine."

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ApocalypseShadow5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

I'll admit that Facebook is doing more for VR than others. But they also have blown over 50 billion dollars so far and growing in R&D, building the meta verse, buying up exclusives and underpricing their products below build price, to kill competition in the stand alone space. Sony and Valve aren't willing to go into the red at an unheard level to capture the market. We know Sony could build a stand alone device that beats Quest just by the features in PS VR 2 and the new stand alone headset they built. But the new Sony would rather build a device they can profit from day one.

But, Sony so far has profited on hardware and on software. They just don't seem willing to spend the money on marketing, selling under build price or spending millions on making in-house VR exclusives for PS VR 2. Which sucks big time. They're just letting 3rd parties and indies run the show.

Article also doesn't mention that Apple's headset is more a developers product than a mass market item. To say they are looking into making a cheaper one for the next iteration is speaking the obvious. Duh. That was always the case. Build something the public sees as quality not can't afford, then make another that the masses can afford. TVs, cars, cellphones etc all were once expensive. Now, they're cheap to buy with many options to choose from. And Apple isn't even selling VP as a VR headset. I'm well aware that Apple's true intentions is to build a device that pushes AR with VR as an option. Not build a VR device. Because they know eventually that they want to replace the cellphone with AR glasses or an AR headset. If they cared about games, they would have launched as a gaming device.

Lastly, Facebook launched Quest 3 last year. But has not mentioned how many they sold up to this point. Why is that? Besides Quest 2 selling more by being cheap, the market can't move forward until they start selling more Quest 3 headsets than 2. Maybe the new exclusive Batman and Hitman games will help. But we'll see.

Abnor_Mal4d ago

Not dead, but definitely on life support from the third party devs and PC crowd who may just purchase the headset.

Although I saw someone say that the module adapter will no allow haptics and adaptive triggers to work, but I don’t know if any of that is true.

Babadook74d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Nope. Not yet.

It’s tough to say what its future will bring. There is still decent support. It seems to have sold decently too. Sony seems absent in a direct way though.

Jingsing3d ago

The issues Meta have is they are Meta. I'll never buy a Meta product, Every Quest headset they release is always a case of it's not quite there from a hardware perspective and the game content is mostly from indie devs. Selling what should be a AAA experience with C tier games is a non starter.

helicoptergirl4d ago

Meta is also Billions and billions in the hole in regards to VR. If Sony were to do what Meta has done, they'd be bankrupt

ChasterMies4d ago

Meta is losing billions on a business that theh will probably walk away from like they did the Facebook phone. Temper your expectations of your investments in Meta’s hardware.

franwex4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

I do wish Sony would release more for PSVR. It’s a neat product, but they don’t support it much. It may have the same fate as the Vita.

I know it’s two completely separate products as Vita was stand alone, and PSVR is a companion to PS consoles. More 1st party support would really boost it though.

InUrFoxHole4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

They are done supporting it. They're relying on pc to do it for them. Sony even paused production because it's not selling

Abnor_Mal4d ago

They paused production to get rid of inventory, doesn’t mean the headset isn’t selling, it’s just not selling as fast as Sony thought it would. But with their half assed approach to the headset and lack of first party games, it’s not surprising, saddening, but not surprising.

Meta out here buying up all the exclusives, this is the only part of the gaming market where I feel exclusives should not be a thing since the market is “still in its infancy”.

InUrFoxHole4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

That's exactly what it means... you think people are buying a headset with min support for the price of the console? It's done man. Sadly because like the vita the tech is good and deserved better

Chocoburger4d ago

I own PS VR 1, and it is packed with tons of games to pick from in nearly every genre you could think of. While the technology may be rudimentary compared to newer headsets, it still works, and is fun to play, which is what matters most.

Its a shame that PS VR 2 is having such a slow start, because the tech behind it is brilliant. Its currently on sale for $100 USD off, that needs to be a permanent price drop.

We need more first party games on PS VR 2, the fact that Jim Ryan shut down Sony London Studios right before he left was moronic, they should have been upgrading their hit game Blood & Truth for PS VR 2! What a stupid decision.